Thoughts on Donkey Kong 64?

thoughts on Donkey Kong 64?

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Ooooo banana

I liked the final boss fight even if I had a hard time with it.


It really is not a fun game. The levels are boring with little "life" or uniqueness and the amount of backtracking is absolutely DISGUSTING

chore after chore

Very tedious. Cannot understand people who say its good. Cannot stand people who say its a meme that its bad. Just fucking play it.

Although it has phenomenal presentation and an awesome overworld.


In addition to that, though, it was a product of its time when we didn't know the concept of "too much of a good thing". It's a serviceable game and reasonably playable but the amount of shit you have to collect is just obscene, and then multiply that obscene amount by five because you have five Kongs.

Give it a play for an hour or so and put it down when it starts getting boring, unless you stroke your dick to collectathons on a nightly basis.

Accurate. I remember having a lot of fun watching and playing this game when I was 8 and I recently replayed it for the first time in 15 years and I couldn't even get through to unlock any of the Kongs past Diddy. It really is just an unfun game

I liked the minigames, the bosses and playing as different kongs wasn't a bad idea, but they definitely got carried away with collecting stuff, 5 different kinds of bananas and so on

There's such little platforming in the levels it's more like an adventure/party game than a platformer. Very weird mistake for Rare who was otherwise on a roll back then.

Excellent soundtrack, so many catchy songs.

sucks. Banjo Kazooie was much better, and conkers bad fur day was as well. DK 64 is basically backtrack: the game

I was hoping for a serious final boss fight, after the creepy castle boss set a dark tone, and I get a boxing match. Minigames and level themes were fun though and music was great. Only part that I really hated were the beetle races.

it's like a parody of collectathons but actually serious

I hate boss fights in games like this. They're fine in JRPGs or if they're just beefed up versions of enemies in WRPGs, but the "Classic" type of boss where you fight it, try to figure out the pattern, then beat is, is extremely boring.

>Boss throws bomb at your current location
>Boss throws bomb at your current location
>Boss throws bomb at your current location
>Boss does a move that opens itself up to vulnerability
>Boss throws bomb at your current location a bit faster
>Rinse and repeat

It's fucking boring. I enjoyed the lack of boss fights in Banjo Kazooie (Excepting Gruntilda, which I didn't like either), and hated their existence in DK64.

were they too videogamey for you?

It's got a lot of great ideas, it just blended them incorrectly.

For example, having multiple playable characters with unique abilities is a great idea for a collectathon; when you see a MacGuffin you don't know how to get, you have to consider which Kong has the right abilities to get you there, and then go get that Kong.

The issue is when instead of designing levels around this mechanic, you just slap color-coded collectibles all over the place. It's not about "figuring out", just about repeating the same areas over and over with multiple characters.

Also the amount of minigames and such was really nice, but again, having various minigames only exist to justify Doing A Thing as Donkey Kong Instead of Diddy is fucking stupid.

Making characters relearn the same move each time by revisiting the same NPC each time is stupid.

It's hamstrung by padding, but for what it is it really isn't bad.

It's still inferior to BK.

Exploration, collecting, and puzzles are more interesting than dodging then waiting for a specific moment, and that's what boss fights usually are.


I remember renting this game from Blockbuster right before Christmas when I got my Dreamcast. That shit never got picked up again once I started playing Soul Caliber. I'd like to pick it up again and give it a chance, but I feel like I wouldn't enjoy it now at 28 plus from what I've heard about the massive collectothon this game is, I'd rather pass. Sunshine is one of my favorite games and even I cant be bothered to collect all those blue coins when I replay it.

Don't. It's not fun

You sound like a fucking fag.

crystal caves and fungi forest has really awesome music

gloomy galleon looks cool. comfy.

god im so sad and alone.

you still have vidya

One of the best collecthatons ever.

never played, is it comfy?


OKAY is my message sound.

anyone interested in the manual for dk64?
I could upload it page by page?

10/10 sound design

please do it

for a bit, then it gets infuriating

can you please post the guide book for DKC2 ? I threw up vomit all over mine when I was a kid and ruined it, I had the flu I just wanted to read aboutsecrets

I think nintendo power made it

If you don't know what to do, it can get aggravating.
But if you know, it is pretty chill to explore the worlds.

Sadly, no, i might lurk for it, because old game manuals are pretty fun to look at, specially the rare ones

You just hate fun, retard.

>No developer will ever come close to old Rare humor
perfect amount of fourth wall breaking, potty mouth, and slapstick.


Bless the soul of Leigh Loveday

I don't enjoy playing a game where you come across an obstacle that you're not sure or how to get trough it in the first level but it turns out you're supposed to return near the end of the game after gaining a certain ability. Just let each level be it's own self contained thing damn

Honestly I prefer DK64 to Banjo Tooie.

DK64 is excellent, it's just you essentially have to beat each level 5 times to get to the next one.

Banjo Tooie is also excellent overall, but it has some really boring transformation mini-games with really annoying sound effects.

Both games aren't perfect, but I would choose to replay DK64 over Tooie any day.


You need

- DK to collect the crytals
- Diddy to beat the guy with red hair
- Chunky for the triangle platform
- Tiny for the Balloon I think?

I haven't played it in ages, just purely going off of memory.

>Banjo Tooie is also excellent overall, but it has some really boring transformation mini-games with really annoying sound effects.
Did you conveniently ignore DK64's mini-game bloat? At least most of Tooie's mini-games were unique.

Did anyone ever get to the end without collecting a single blueprint?

How unforgiving is the time limit?

>were unique
Most of them were "shoot/collect red/blue/green objects for points", let's not start on Canary Mary.
Not defending DK64 awful minigames, but Tooie's weren't that good either.

Only 10 mins to beat Hideout Helm

I heard it's not possible to turn off the Blast O Matic with 0 blueprints, even in a TAS.

But they're at least very short and most of them are pretty fun. Getting to them is also more enjoyable since you keep your full moveset. Walking around as a dinosaur or delivery truck in Tooie is torture.

The bosses were one part of DK64 actually done well.

>Wrinkly Kong

>wrinkly kong fucking dies between DKC3 and 64
god damn

Maybe she should have been out there exercising like Cranky instead of sitting inside all day playing N64

>her ghost keeps coming back to help and do barrel races
>no rest

When did Tiny become a Krystal-tier furry fap fantasy?

Tooie's mini-games weren't exactly unique, yeah, but at least they actually fit in with the world around them. In DK64 you just get teleported to a different dimension to play some boring shitty mini-game that has nothing to do with the world you're in whatsoever. DK64's mini-games are just mindless padding.

When she got redesigned.

Since DKRDS.

I'm not saying that they're better than Tooie's they're clearly better, but not much better than anything, or unique.
Personally, the minigames are the worst part of Rare platformers.

all kongs can collect crystals, it's like ammo

Oh yeah but only DK can use them, right?

No they all had abilities that used crystals

Every kong uses crystals for their barrels & the shockwave attack

no, all of them use them for their special move that they do when they go inside a barrel, lanky walks very fast on his hands, tiny gets tiny, chunky gets bigger etc, and if you hold B as any kong, they unleash a shockwave at the cost of crystals

Damn I really don't know much about this game anymore. All I remembered was using crystals so that DK turned invincible or something but I guess stuff like Diddy's jetpack also used them.

>Lanky to kill banana
>Tiny to play instrument
>Diddy to kill bad guy
The only thing missing is some coloured bananas and coins.

Thanks for these user.

Yeah it was just another useless item to collect

You're welcome.
Nah, heavy glitching means you can beat it with 0 blueprints.

>Tiny to play instrument

What? Chunky uses the triangle.

you wouldnt happen to have the bomberman 64 manual do you? i just really want to pages with the masked trio

meant to quote

Sadly no, might look for it and convert it.
If I see a bomberman thread in the future, i will upload it.

gentleman and a scholar


is Donkey Kong 64 racist?

>starts with a rap song
>health is watermelons
>afro Chunky
>big lips



don't post this ever again.

I really like this song

relaxing before the boss fight

It was OKAY

>literally looks like a busty nigress

and COOL

Thank you for the nostalgia rush, based instruction booklet poster


I've only beaten it once (and I've tried 5 times). It's a fun game. It's just too long.

I like it, but honestly I can understand the criticism. Even when I was a kid I realized that the game felt sort of off and definetely not as good as banjo, jetforce, or perfect dark.

Still fun though.


hmmmm can't do the hands

>STILL no romhack to make it so any kong can collect any banana

>Scroll of Gameplay

Cranky was right all along.

Now she's gross

DK64 is basically held together with the coding equivalent of duct tape and chicken wire, it emulates terribly. Even the Wii U VC release has issues.

>(or as a first resort if you are a really poor player)
rare with the banter

>looks more attractive as an ape than a nigger
not sure whether to laugh or cry.

>Troff & Scoff have prominent pierced nipples
What the fuck Rare

Damn, Cranky is relentless. I genuinely can't tell if the deprecation of the game is part of his character or how someone at Rare really feels.

Sounds like an easy thing to make a Gameshark code of.

It's alright but Banjo's the better collect-a-thon. Switching the characters a lot kills the momentum when going for 100%.

>The best switch is the one on top of your N64

The booklet is the best part of the game