Explain in a few words why you love cyberpunk

Explain in a few words why you love cyberpunk

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It's comfy

>I love noire aesthetics
>I love synthwave and jazz
>I like robot and mutant/ monster waifus

cool architecture and atmosphere

It's satanic

rule of cool

it's totally far out tubular and kickass to the max

wait what?
cyberpunk is my favorite setting but i'm muslim

not sure what to feel now...

It's a grim realization of the future complete with the problems that exist in today's times.


sorry you were born into brainwashing friend

Ghost in the shell and the commitment to some sort of realism

I like the aesthetics of if and generally like the themes of the stories

nope it's my own choice and i'm proud of it because it makes whitey mad

I like the tech, aesthetic and themes.

>no oxford comma


im gay

I like rainy urban city nights lit up with neon signs.


I'm a console jockey

Neon lights and the pretty pretty girls!


Don't be a fag, not even grammar Nazis get upset about oxford commas.

Kill yourself, actually don't do that since you'd probably bomb a mall.

you have to go back

whitey mad af xD

I really liked Neuromancer, I guess.

Plus, we're already living it, so it's pretty much a romanticized version of a real world.

Anything with the -punk suffix is usually shit.

Here's mine:
>rainy atmosphere
>Chinese/Japanese characters on everything
>crowded streets with noodle stalls

I've always wondered what they sell on those stalls, noodles? Some cocktail with a floating eye? Weird soup?
I wish I could just play a game as a vendor in one of these cyberpunk worlds and sell weird, icky stuff to stereotypical cyberpunk characters, like the grumbling detective, robots, escaped convicts, etc. Vall-halla scratched that itch, but not that much, because the waifus just kind of ruin the atmosphere.

I prefer Desertpunk

Shitskins pls go, isn't Sup Forums like, against allah or something equally retarded?

I'm not a native English speaker, please explain what I did wrong.


: D

I can be anyone, anything, anyone, anything, anyone, anything



You did nothing wrong, nobody agrees on the usage of Oxford commas.

>I like the tech, aesthetic and themes.

You put a comma after tech, but there isn't one after aesthetic.
This seems to 'join' "aesthetic" and "themes" but I assume you didn't mean to 'join' those two words, I assume you meant to have each word separated as the separate things you like.

>I like the tech, aesthetic, and themes.

The added comma is an 'oxford comma'

Thanks good user

>You'll never ride through the wasteland with a QT in leather

Well explained. Thanks. Here is a cute timberwolf to lighten the mood.

No problem!

Those are not Satanic, they're Pagan. If Christians are so upset about Paganism then they should celebrate Christmas on a different day.

Are there any games that do this right ?

Remember me has 1 or 2 moments like it. Deus Ex tries, but the graphics are so plastic and the environments quite bland that I just can't see it



I'll be sure not to have any babies or turn into a werewolf anytime soon.

Fornication is if you aren't married to them.

because the aesthetic

because mostly of the "punk" in the name when my friends ask me what games I like I want to sound unique so I say cyberpunk