Lucina Emblem Heroes

Lucina teams thread.

You're ONLY allowed to post in this thread if you've got Lucina in your squad.

NO bullies allowed!

Lucina is best red sword as well as best mother for Morgan. I can't wait for the poll characters to come so I can have 2 Lucina's!

Although, given how many reds are in the game, it'll be impossible to get her.

Lucinafags deserve a dead thread

I have two (2) Lucinas

Say hi to them

A +Atk one and a +Spd one right? Those are some cute Lucina's!

Are you gonna merge them?

>For i have 3 PS3s

I'm not sure if I'll merge them. Might keep them both.

>Lucina shitters

>Best Red Sword in the game
>GOAT cutie, voted Sup Forums's official Waifu

No shitters here, just men of impeccable taste.

Lucina is seriously the FE newfag shitfu

>voted Sup Forums's official Waifu
[Citation needed]

Notice how anyone not shitposting readily accepts that Lucina is the best waifu? And how everyone wants her in their Heroes team?

That's your proof

What missions have the most 35+ armored foes?

9-2 on Lunatic has 3 Knights but costs like 21 stamina to run. Good luck with that if you don't want to risk running lunatic Training Tower levels and hoping for Knights.

>>And how everyone wants her in their Heroes team?

I have the same thoughts, user. I still want to get Lucina in my Team.

That one is fun. I legitimately have more trouble with that one than 9-5. That level is just relentless.

Lucina is fine, but she's not even the best child unit.

There's 4 on 9-2 but honestly, just run training tower, you can do 2-3 missions for the same stamina cost

>Not blue hair

Just makes me sad to see

Linde + Olivia makes it a lot better.

It's not quite as bullshit as some of the stuff you get on the 10th stratum either.

I wanna cut lucinas hair and call him marth

Rate my Lucina Mk.II

She's Lucina Mk II in the same way New Coke was Coke Mk II.


Damn now if only she had a cute little cock


But, isn't she the original? I'm sure Lucina has a lot of respect for the legends of Eirika. Although she may be a little unsure about how she married her brother.

Fuck off.

>tfw only one death from a perfect run
>Tfw 244 defense score

That was me last week, then this week it's all well above the defense target. Feels good.

>5 star Azura
I am jealous.

Is there a better Green to accompany Takumi than Fae?
Fae is pretty much the Robin slayer and is pretty great overall.

>Gimping Lucina.
>Muh pie supports

My Lucina loves eating Fae.

Green mages are better because falcions are weak to magic

>Lucinafag spouting memes
This is why people hate you.

Lucina's itty bitty mosquito bite tittieso

Yeah. Fae absolutely dies to Lucina and the other anti-dragon units. So if you want Arena defence points Fae might not be the best, but I have scored the top rank of defence every season so far anyway.

And when you're playing and it's the AI it really is pretty easy to keep Fae away from Lucina. And Lucina herself is pretty damn weak to Takumi.
Even in instances where the opponent have both Robin and Lucina, it's really easy to just pick one off first and then take the other since you have answers to both.

Lobster is better.

This is Lucina-chan!
here are 5 facts about her!

She wield the Falchion!
She tries her best!
She's the best!
She's cute! CUTE!!!


At least i managed to get a sub 30k rank again

>S+ tier is now a joke.
>We swear Lucina is just as good as Tacotaco!

Wait about two hours and she'll be back down to S or A+ again. After all even Camilla and Roy were considered S class for a while.

>Strongest Lucina

Sumia is the best mother for Lucina and Chrom is the best father for Cynthia (aside from Robin who's default best regardless).

And the supports are fine, they're even pretty sweet, easily Chrom's best ones. Especially if you leave the S rank and go from A rank to ch11 proposal. Pies are only mentioned twice.

The whole thing is she's meant to be taking care of him. She makes sure he rests, looks after his laundry and prepares bentos for him, it's Japanese romance tropes.

How is that a meme?

She's been ranked like that for more than a week now

Lucina and Linde don't deserve S+, neither centralize the meta around them. S for sure though, but not S+.

She definitely does in regards to Dragons and Hector. There's many dragons that aren't played or are played less than would be simply because of Falchion.

She's the reason Hector isn't used on defense and the reason F-Corrin doesn't rise higher, despite a favorable matchup.

There's other red swords that do some of this, but none do all of it as well as her.

>tfw my Lucina only has 47 atk

Rate my team Sup Forums. Also bonus points to those that can figure out Kagero's IVs since I never kept track of what they were.

The thing with Linde is she is a better mage than Robin hands down, but she doesn't counter Takumi as well.

For Lucina its just waifufags pushing their narrative like those that said "Camilla was totally S rank, stop laughing"


Lucina is for benchwarming! BENCHWARMING!

But even with the advantage she breaks even with Nowi more often than not due to her weaker defense. If Nowi has ANY support (Dancer or Healer) Lucina is fucked.

It's because of faggots like all of you that I've purged my friend list of all Lucinas.

wtf I hate Lucina now

Luciniggers have entered maximum overdenial ever since the poll ended up not even being close.

>She definitely does in regards to Dragons and Hector.
As does any of the other Falchion wielders, and any Red Sword worth a damn.
>There's many dragons that aren't played or are played less than would be simply because of Falchion.
The only one that really suffers is Fae thanks to double weakness basically obliterating her, otherwise they're still played pretty often. Fuck, FCorrin is even rising in use from what I've been seeing.
>She's the reason Hector isn't used on defense
Wrong. Hector isn't used on Defense because he makes basically every game a 3v4 instead of a 4v4 due to his pathetic movement speed.
>reason F-Corrin doesn't rise higher, despite a favorable matchup
Debatable. I don't deny that Falchion users are a definite dent in the complete dominance of Dragon units, but I'd say for FCorrin it's more that she's not a natural 5* unit, so less people care to rank her up and use her, that and her specific niche in a team is generally much weaker, when you could be running Nowi instead and be getting better results.
>There's other red swords that do some of this, but none do all of it as well as her.
I'd say Lucina is one of the best Red Sword units, I don't think there's anyone who would argue otherwise. I don't think that's enough to shoot her up to top tier though, not on it's own. She's the best of the Falchion users without a doubt, but she's not a completely dominating unit like, say, Takumi is, and she's not a unit that the meta is specifically building around and with.

I always hated Lucina I was just never actively annoyed by the waifufaggots until now. Nice attempt at a meme, though. Keep trying, phoneposter-kun, you'll fit in someday.

I have lucina on a team with sheena, linde, and julia

I recognize that a better team would include hector and takumi, but I am using them on a team with my wife tiamo in order to make her team as good as possible and I don't want to share members between teams

How's my team Sup Forums?

>Dorcas in 12

>Sup Forums still doesn't understand how a tier list works

What makes you think that guy's a phone poster?

Most redditers are.

>Two entire tier levels between Narcien and Camilla

I don't understand, they are practically the same character.

Bonus points for using Raymond the Raven. How's he working out for you?

>tfw no orbs left

I didnt even get my 10 free orbs from my nintendo, redeemed them online but they never showed up

Fae is arguably a better choice than Raven for the Green position, but he's 5* and she's 4*, so whatever. Catria should be 5* if you're going to use her though, Seal Attack 3 is very useful.


I prefer Hinoka

Please explain to us then, user.

She's better than both Lyn and Roy, no reason not to put her on that team.

I have 5* Lyn and Jakob in my squad. No Lucina. Fuck you.

>As does any of the other Falchion wielders, and any Red Sword worth a damn.
It's true that Marth and Chrom are alternatives, but the former doesn't have high enough attack for a ORKO at times and the latter can't double at all. Marth's own niche is providing greater utility to your team whereas Lucina is pure offense with an Attack support. Lucina just sees more use because her offense is more valuable than Marth's utility at the moment.
>Wrong. Hector isn't used on Defense because he makes basically every game a 3v4 instead of a 4v4 due to his pathetic movement speed.
Half-right. Hector just melts to Lucina no matter what you do though, and she's abundant in the meta right now.
>I'd say Lucina is one of the best Red Sword units, I don't think there's anyone who would argue otherwise. I don't think that's enough to shoot her up to top tier though, not on it's own. She's the best of the Falchion users without a doubt, but she's not a completely dominating unit like, say, Takumi is, and she's not a unit that the meta is specifically building around and with.
She's not as centralizing or dominating, but she's an extremely dangerous unit that's difficult to cleanly kill without putting one of your units in danger. Spur Attack is also very dangerous to come across. Given that she almost singlehandedly checks any green/dragon unit, I think her current placing is alright.

>Combine both Lucina's together and she lost by ~1000 despite huge numbers of people voting for Lyn only to spite her.

Feels pretty good senpai

I hope there are two banners next time. That leaked one seems like such shit.

Replace Raven with Olivia imo. Lucina and Linde both hyper scale with dancers

Confirms Male Robin and Female Corrin are the superior choices.

You're NOT ALLOWED to post in this thread!!!!

Go make your own thread!

FRobin placed alright. Nobody likes MCorrin.

>She's not as centralizing or dominating
Which is exactly why she deserves S tier. Our entire current meta more or less revolves around Takumi and ways to deal with him and his protectors. Lucina simply doesn't have that same effect, and neither does Linde. They are not completely dominating and centralizing units, merely very useful ones.

Lucina is a dumb whore


I'm willing to listen if you explain. I never into fighter games so I don't understand tier lists and to my knowledge they haven't really existed outside of that genre (at least not to the extent they do in fighters).

How does Robin fare against Lucina?

I usually need two attacks with backup from Olivia to take her down.

Robin has lowish attack, so even though he has type advantage he won't be doing OHKO's on her or anything. You'll need support if you're trying to nail her with just Robin.

Narcian's speed sucks, and while you could say "Yeah but so does Camilla's", Camilla auto-doubles and has Darting Blow to more than make up the Brave Axe speed penalty itself. Vengeance is also shittier than Dragon Gaze because it doesn't do any extra damage if you're at full health. The Emerald Axe might have a higher Might than the Brave Axe, but being able to hit twice is just better, especially considering Narcian ALREADY blows lances to hell with the Lancebreaker skill. He's too specialized compared to Camilla.

>t. Narcian user

Neither can one round the other (unless she's got Luna up) so either can win. It's pointless to run one into the other though if you can avoid it.


I just want to roll for him and don't play this game anymore

>Still pulling for Elise
>Get Sakura from grey orb instead

Lucina is stripped! Stripped! Exposed! Humiliated! Seething with red hot embarrassment over each and every inch of exposed skin!

Are Marias welcome to visit Lucina-chan's thread?

Going Chrom/Sumia prevents Lucina from going Assassin, which is by far her best option of class.

And all food based supports in Awakening are garbage, especially Sumia and Chrom's. It's such a boring pairing, only someone with a brain of mush would find any sort of interest in their bland as fuck interactions.

Just because she's not as polarizing as Takumi doesn't mean she doesn't warrant S+. She has very little drawback (if any) compared to the other S tiers, and the only one I would say that comes close to her is Ryouma -- and he only comes up short because he can't kill dragons effectively like she can.

Keep in mind when someone is building a team, both Takumi and a falchion user are kept in mind when determining weaknesses. That falchion user is most likely going to be Lucina, meaning any dragon or green user is likely to be ORKO'd if you misposition. Even if her threat level is as high as Takumi's, it's still high enough that I think S+ is appropriate, if only barely.

>Tier lists are static
>They don't change as people find new and better strats

Still picking Iceman and Cable in MvC2?

Best support for Chrom is Sully or FemRobin.

Best supports for MRobin are Emmeryn, Lissa, and your waifu

>The Black Knight becomes available
>it's only for a week
>he's easily one of the most powerful units in the game
Would you buy some orbs Sup Forums?

Be honest: how much did you spend so far?

So far 28$ for me. Both didnt provide shit. My pulls from free orbs were far better. Especially this banner.

Many Dragons aren't playedi often because there are like 4 accessible, 4 star units that counter dragons, and even then you still see young Tikis and Nowis here and there.
Hector isn't common because he has never had a summon focus, so he's rare. Same goes for F-Corrin. Lucina gets walled by most physical blue units, she's weak if she can't double, and she dies quickly when attacked. She's good, but she's too easy to kill to be S+ tier.

S+ is EXACTLY for characters that become the cornerstone of the meta like Takumi. You don't make Anti-Tharja teams, Anti-Robin teams, or Anti-Lucina teams they are neither prevalent nor game changing enough to warrant that.

>4 star
I mean 5 star, of course.