Ah, hello friend

Ah, hello friend.
You wouldn't be spreading disgusting rumors about my sister, would you?
I am of course talking about the heinous rumors involving me roughly taking my sister in a passionate embrace and sensously stripping down her delicate clothing before slamming my Reginleif into her waiting sheath, pounding against her cervix before unleashing my fertile Minor Noba seed into her womb.

These disgusting rumors have no basis in fact. Let it be known that I do not repeatedly sneak away to kiss my sister, nor do I spend hours admiring her perfect body, from her toned tummy to her lissome legs and her dainty feet. And we would never become so overcome with lust that we lose ourselves, being thrown into a passionate embrace that leads to copious lovemaking and a few days of terror as we wait to see if the session bore fruit.

So I would very much appreciate it if you told me if any of the rabble are spreading such rumors. You wouldn't let me down, would you?

Other urls found in this thread:


You don't sheathe a spear

>op actually spent time to write all of this out

Does he actually get intimate with his sister or is this just a running gag and meme?

both potentially

Of course, just a gag. Not like strong hints in a series with a history of incest matters or anything.

I didn't say anything why would you even mention that.


It's an actual part of the plot in Sacred Stones that Ephraim and Eirika outbreed the undead population and save the entire world.

Eph has a paired ending with his sister where he takes her as his queen.

>mfw these answers

T-thanks guys

It's a gag cranked up to 11 in Heroes that it's now a popular meme.

Before he was just close with his sister and the whole Sieglinde/Siegmund thing poking fun at it.

Now he has to actively insist he isn't fucking his sister whilst wanting to visit the real world to try out using a gun.

>Tharja in the thumbnail
>Milking the FE:A babbies
fucking hell, i'm happy that the series got popular, but if it's going to become just waifubait like persona it's dead to me

Can someone post Fir's "badly injured" image? Seeing her crying face awakens feelings in me.

I would like a source please user.

Ah so in the new game its genuine. Nice!

Just marry L'Arachel and everything will be alright.

i bet ephraim has a micropenis

Of course not, that would be disgusting.

Ephraim married Tana though.


of course not Ephraim
that would go too far

This. It keeps him pure. The two siblings stopped bathing together, spooning with each other and naked play fighting after L'Arachel turns up.


>Eirika and Ephraim
>Busy days awaited Eirika and Ephraim as they struggled to rebuild Renais. Their work gave new hope to those ravaged by the war, and with Eirika’s constant help, Ephraim grew to be a trusted and honorable king.
Doesn't outright say she was queen, but terms like 'their work' imply it.


That says nothing
>Eirika, Restoration Queen
OK never mind

Yeah, if you don't pair them up with anyone, their single endings describe each as king and queen at the same time.

>New Fire Emblem Gatcha game
>Valentines day
>Release not one but two brother/sister pairs as new units. One who can marry in game and one who is very heavily rumored to be involved together
>With the history FE has with Incest

There's a million couples they could have used instead. They knew exactly what they were doing.

and here i thought japan spread more rumors about him and Myrrh

Fates has literally the best mechanics in the series as well as marriage (fine) and kids (mistake imo).

It's not black and white.

Which ones can marry ingame? Newfag here.

Deidre and Alvis

These two. Though to be fair, getting them married is rather unintuitive to the point where I question if it was even meant to be possible in the first place. But on the other other hand, the other siblings in the game have support growths disabled, so why didn't Seliph and Julia?


We need more spear lords.

Selif can put his Tyrfang inside his sister Julia's Holy Grounds. She's his best partner too.




Rate my incest sis

found the dude with the fucked up spear.

Pretty sure that's sweat, right? Fir's a strong warrior and strong warriors don't cry!

What did Nintendo mean by releasing Ephraim, Eirika, Seliph and Julia on Valentines day?

Were they trying to tell us something?

They definitely were


can i merge same hero but 4* and 5*?
what if i upgrade my +2 4* to 5*, is it still +2?

you can merge a lower star unit with a higher star unit, the only thing that the higher star unit gets is Skill Points

When you upgrade a unit to a higher rating it removes the +levels

thank you, ill save my robins for later then