You will literally never play another game this good

>you will literally never play another game this good

So do I just buy this on my store of choice and I'm good to go or do I need a fuckshit ton of mods to make it playable?


you're giving money to activision who are the sole reason the studio of this magnificent game are dead

You've lost me, Activision publishing it somehow killed it? What did they do?

they rushed the developer, Troika, into releasing the game

if you play it you will notice the last quarter of the game it drops in quality immensely and that's because activision forced them to complete it before november 16th 2004 because that's when HL2 came out which was made on the same engine

it's disgusting

So I just pirate it and I'm good to go? No mods necessary?

The only "mod" you need is the Unofficial Patch from WESP, and several pirate releases come bundled with the patch. Once you've played through a few times, there's Final Nights and Antiribu for more content, but they aren't necessary.

Got it, thanks.

get wesp's patch

don't open it

Why shouldn't I open it? Do I just extract it directly into the game files?

lel don't open it refers to the game
you'll find out when you play it

Because the sarcophagus is full of c4 planted by jack and you die if you open it.

There's something in the game, a very old box. It contains something dangerous, try not to fuck everyone with the shitty box even if you open it.

Oh that, yeah I saw something about that in the previous thread.

More than that, they rushed the shit out of Troika and when Troika had to delay the game because of their contract with Valve (Valve had to release HL2 before they could release VtMB, so it could be the first Source Engine game), Activision refused to let them continue working on the game for the several months of their mandatory delay.

I've been trying to get over this feeling for years now.

i'm literally waiting for the fifth year now in the hopes of forgetting the game and playing it so I can feel like I somewhat play it for the first time again but it's not working

Tried playing it once. Everything in it was amazing.

And then I ran into the combat system and uninstalled.

Troika was also bro as fuck.

>realized no one was returning their calls after Bloodlines positively bombed
>still had enough to keep going while praying for some project to get the attention of publishers
>said "fuck it" and gave their employees proper severances and medical insurance prior to disbanding the studio

Play Underrail.

Play with a clan who has Celerity, the combat will start looking a lot less like a chore.

Elaborate on this suggestion, is it more than the bland marketing?


It's a pretty good game. The story isn't all that engaging, but the combat certainly is and it's very replayable.

Probably the best combat system in a turn-based cRPG, full-stop. Stealth system is also great. Has a really nice sense of exploration to it, with a well-designed setting. Plot and characters are serviceable, lore is solid and well-delivered. Apples-to-oranges, but imo a better game overall than Bloodlines.