The fuck was his problem?

The fuck was his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

Caveman asked him politely to stop talking, he did NOTHING wrong.

depends on who are you talking about




he doesn't talk tho. So he would never say that in any situation

How the fuck are you people still talking about this? You are infinitely more autistic than Chibi it's not even funny.

Are you sure?

I'm p sure nothing can conquer the racecar stacking shoe on head bowl cut motherfucker.

Talking about one minor event every day for 3 years is pretty fucking autistic.


He couldn't even do jumping jacks, brother. I still goto the youtube just to hear the Tomba song. Cmon man, you know that shit will echo within this Lebanese Jewelry Exchange for years to come. I thoroughly laugh at this any time I see it.

See you at the next thread, ya hear.

>that look of disgust

You could clean up 10% of the white gene pool just by bombing one of these conventions

good joke


Why didn't he just hop off?

It's not a joke, but if you want to keep denying your supreme autism then go ahead, it won't make it less true.

His ankles would literally explode if he did that.

i would really prefer if you would be quiet


you're clearly a fucking retard who's new to video games

Nice job, guy I don't know.

Just started today.

who was in the wrong here?


Sup Forums is still fixating over the intro from The Dark Knight Rises from 2011, this is nothing compared to that.

the moustache guy because he didn't tell chibi to fuck off before the run started

t. chibi



This guy had some serious leg problems btw it wasnt because he was fat

mlp con, some guy asks about the "darker side" of the femdom. Talking about lewd shit I think

I'm sure his "serious leg problems" were due to his weight. I had a family friend that was so fucking fat, his legs were literally caving in under him because of it.

He got some weird disease in Vietnam that doctors literally couldn't even identify, and he decided to just wear pants and not say anything about it while attending EVO with thousands of other people in close proximity to him.

Here is the video

>Half of the crowd is black

Literally Sup Forums with an annoying redditor next to him.

I'm excited for SGDQ, coming to my state so I'm taking a week off work, just gonna play games in the LAN room all weekend and sneak off to watch the few runs I give a shit about.

Even better.

oh my god

oh my god

hwat the FUCK

oh my god

that's fucking disgusting what the hell


>a couple words some guy said to another guy a couple years ago is nothing compared to a popular movie's intro


I wonder how LTG felt about this.

Someone thought it was smart to put a meme lord next to a bro introvert. It never really works that way.

How do you get hpv on your legs?

Jesus Christ burn it in fire.

You need to understand that morning runs in GDQ are fucking boring. Chibi was there to lighten things up so more people would watch and more donations would come in. Caveman is on record of being a anti-social faggot who doesn't know how to properly act normal while in public. Ironic considering Chibi is the one who supposedly suffers from "autism."

Also consdier the fact that becuase of this event and Caveman bitching about how his safe space was invaded that GDQ started to implement more and more "No Fun Allowed Rulers" If you complain nowadays that GDQ is shit, thank Caveman.


chibi pls

>t. chibi

i love their disgust faces oh my god...


thanks chibi

Both were in the wrong, Chibi being an obnoxious aspie and Caveman a socially awkward passive aggressive asshole.

there's nothing passive about telling someone to pls go

Not an argument.

>shit-tier gif
>2.11 MB
Is this 2007?

Did you not see how Caveman was acting the entire run?


hola chibi.

it is implying that the original poster has legitimate autism and lacks in understanding about the world around them

Marn's such a fuck up in a way that makes him both an utter scumbag and entertaining. Reminder that he kicked his dog once and also was using his money to help a "girlfriend" through college despite never getting laid and her dumping him after she didn't need his cash anymore.

putting someone on the couch who obviously doesn't know the game and just spouts cringy memes is not """entertaining""". If Chibi had half a brain, he could have recused himself.


Holy shit user, we have skeletons made of bone, not titanium.

My little pony convention. Q&A session with some of the voice actors. The guy asks about their opinion on some of the more unsavory fanworks with ever so slightly too much detail. Has the mic taken away from him mid sentence.

Of course Marn has nothing on Noel "Bitch got me pissed so I showed her my fist" Brown.

What are you, some sort of auto-immune deficiency apologist? That shit's bordering on epidermodysplasia.

It was entertaining though. If Chibi was never there it would have just been another forgettable morning run. Whether Caveman likes it or not, Chibi helped him get his name out there.

being a treeman would be awful

Yeah, I'm sure all the cringe threads afterwards were having extended discussions about Caveman's speedruns and not Chibi's life drama

The run became iconic because of Caveman telling Chibi to fuck off, though. I would say it's half and half.

zuckerburg for counting chibi's jumping jacks offscreen

You're full of shit. No one thought it was entertaining except you. Everyone recalls how cringy Chibi was and the only reason anyone remembers the fucking run is because of Caveman telling Chibi to stfu.

so it looks like he got that shit checked out an apparently it was a pretty treatable/manageable illness and they prescribed him medicine for it.
But the fat fuck couldn't afford it because he chose to go to a tournament with that nasty af disease instead of look after his health when it started.

I'd rather be internet famous then live in this life and dying a nobody.

That's pretty sad.

>can't laugh at people's shortcomings
God you're pathetically insecure

Don't put words in is mouth, faggot.

>Chibi was there to lighten things up so more people would watch and more donations would come in.
No, he was there to make friends and get laid and he admitted to it, he also has genuine autism so fuck off m8 what he did was wrong and he learned from it.

It's not like I forget to wipe my ass and piss all over my bed.

>there's a darker side to the famdom which, we know pretty well



It wasn't even funny to begin with, just cringeworthy. Neither Caveman nor Chibi deserve to be anything more than absolute nobodies.

dear god, autism is some serious shit huh

good lord

Nah fuck you m8 that shit is extremely funny, hope karma kicks your ass for wishing misfortune on others too

How is that comment even remotely "wishing misfortune on others"? Are you fucking retarded?

I guess that would explain why you think it's funny. I bet you just sit there bursting out in autistic laughter like a third grader every time you watch it.

is this a speedrunning thread or a chibi thread or a cringe thread or all of them?

I love how the spergy fuck doesn't even know what he did wrong.

u-u too

Thanks pupper

chibis being awkward but otherwise friendly and sociable, his banter sucks but hes friendly enough.

caveman is an antisocial freak and a bit of an asshole for that, Also whats with the constant tapping.

You should watch Sharktale, and not because it's a good movie.


>wants to be famous because they are a fucking laughing stock
You really want to be remembered that way?

Your claim that it was there for entertainment purposes is there this responses logic crumbles. AGDQ made a piss poor decision. Chibi had ample amounts of subtle clues that his shit wasn't funny. Yet he persisted like an aspie dumbass.