Cheap as fuck environment kills: the game

Cheap as fuck environment kills: the game

>Utterly demonlish a guy the first two rounds
>he can't even hit you for the next two but thanks to the milisecond reaction time you get to break grabs, he gets free kills
>Just have to pray the final match isn't on a bridge

DESU senpai, your character should stagger but shouldn't be thrown off unless he's below 25% HP

Stop setting your self up faggot

Haha just dodge it right?!?!

No. It's a spam fest.

>hey look you got spawned on the bridge map for the millionth time
>whoever gets the environment kill first wins! xd

The big fat samurai is a fucking joke. One hit kills should be banned

Why are there so many bridges? There's too many.

Git gud

>Place enemy so his back is to a ledge.
>Wait for him to grab you
>He falls off ledge

This gets the spammers 90% of the time

actually its

whoever attacks first loses: the game

Someone's mad they're bad

Any merit behind the rumor that reverse guard breaks aren't working as intended? I don't mind reverse pushing by going off the sound, but it still acts finicky from time to time.

This game is fun as fuck
>Play first ever dominion game
>Join late it's 60 -400 odd points
>Cap 1 point then HOLD THE FUCKING LINE
>End up going 13-0 because the same three retards kept coming to get destroyed by me 1 on 1
>With that pressure off the rest of my team they cap other points
>We win 1000-700 odd overall with my having top points

One player can make a difference bois.

>parry near a ledge
>get the free guard break
>push towards the direction needed

>ITT: DSP plays For Honor

uh oooh, looks like some shitter can't look at his surrounding

DSP pls go.

Ringouts are bad game design

>play dominon
>Cap points

They need to remove rallying from the game and let whoever wins the point race be the winners with the hunting down of the enemy team as a reward.

for honor is literally the smash bros with all items turned on at pokefloats of esports competitive fighting games.

they work as the devs intented (small window after you being grabed).
they are being changed though to return to Beta behavior, cuz shitters can't stop crying about them being too hard.

That's why you feint to make them attack first

t. shitter

Environment kills are fine, but being able to grab and run 20 feet to throw should get nerfed

>removing come backs.

do you know how retarded you sound?

Not if you're warden
Open with a zone attack or a top swing and you usually get a hit

That's a lot of buzzwords, have a (you)

To be fair you could just stand on the non fighting point and gain points by standing around on your already capped point instead of running around playing team deathmatch. This forces the enemy team to come to you, or end up breaking at a 500+point deficit because they don't understand the objective of the game.

Played the beta and really liked it like that, once I started getting the hang of it outside of the beta I didn't mind per say, but I didn't care much for it.

>collision is a bad design in racing games
>random encounters are a bad design in RPGs
>Muh-artificial difficulty in souls games
>wahhh wahhhh
>I shouldn't have to pay attention to my surroundings, i don't want to die anymore
You are given all the tools you need to survive and defeat your opponent. Fucking learn to use them

>Collision in racing game
>You can recover
>Random encounters in RPG
>Ultimately gives you XP and you can flee if you dont want to engage
>Ring outs in fighting game

Please justify this for me. I'm interested in hearing your argument

Get a load of the retard the fights near ledges or spike walls.

In other news, Orochi a best.

>you can flee if you don't want to engage

you said it yourself

don't fight by the ledge

>tfw I'm absolutely terrible at the game and environment kills are the only sure fire way for me to get any

I wish I didn't have to.

I'm even terrible with Peacekeeper.

>play beta
>controls feel great, everything is smooth
>feels fairly balanced
>having fun and leveling decently
>buy game
>feels different
>block isn't as responsive
>seems bogged down and slower
>guard break and parry feels broken
>leveling slow and getting trash gear

What happened

>unironically ever using the word "cheap" in reference to multiplayer games

>I cant win without exploiting broken mechanics

>waa I can't stand that all she does is poke you with poison and run away. She attacks too fast and you don't even see her lock on in games with abilities.
>waaa L>L>M3 is fucking broken, all they have to do is keep spamming their bullshit unblockable shove and win. The AoE comes out too fast.
>waaaa spinning the flail for a free 60% of my hp is fucking stupid, the shield is stupid, and just chaining up rapid high damage attacks is broken.
>waaa He has so many unblockable grabs and shoves, he can combo off of parry and run at you to throw you off a cliff. I was happy in beta when he didn't exist
>waaa le edgy katana fedora tipper is stupid because he does so much damage on one swing.
>waaa he has too much range and knocking your hud out is fucking stupid. This dumb class doesn't even make sense, why should he be able to stun you when all he did was parry once.
>waaa I was kicking his ass then he oneshot me with a charge
>waaa all this stupid toothpick bitch does is poke and keep away.
>waaa if this guy goes high he gets super armor, and if he's spamming light swings it's almost impossible to parry if you aren't ready for it. He's almost as fast as the peacekeeper, but does more damage.
>waa this guy picked me up and threw me literally 400meters in the direction he was running, then hit me with a totally unavoidable unblockable 180 H axe swing.
>waa sheilds are stupid. This class gets to have so much super armor on light swing combos.
>implying anyone plays this class

So what I'm saying is stop complaining and git gud. no one cares what you think about X or Y, because all of the classes have their ups and downs.

Knight bros WW@

Kinsei and Raider are basically the only well balanced classes in the game. Everyone else is just cheap ass gimmicks

Doesn't help that the game literally punishes you for having good reactions with Guard Break.

Why do they force women characters into the game?
Like there is 0 reason to have a female character.
You can't even see their face


then why does it bothers you?

women makes up more than 50% of the gaming market

>endurance race
>in pole position the whole time
>on the last lap, someone hits you or you forget about a tight turn
>dead fucking last

WOOOOW broken design

The key here being on the last lap. Getting killed by a ring out is the equivelent of being on the first lap and just being removed from the game period.

>but it's okay when japan does it

>grabs you near the ledge
>tech it and push the enemy away

>grabs you near the ledge
>light attack to cancel his attack
done, again

Your point for the random encounters in RPGs and the recover in racing games is that you have tools to avoid the situation. In fighting games, you do too.

>Everyone else is just cheap ass gimmicks
And yet you mention Raider, who has not one, but two cheap ass gimmicks. Picking up people and carrying them to a ledge and having stun.

You fell for an obvious set up by putting yourself in a situation that is meant solely as a choke point to punish disengaging or misplacing steps in fights, and are now upset that you have been outsmarted but someone who was not dumb enough to be tricked into stepping next to a burning pit of spikes. That's about the gist of this argument.

>implying you can recover in F-Zero after a bumblebee collides with your windshield
>implying you can disengage from a surprise overleveled battle, in a game that just auto saved as soon as the door locked behind you in
You sound like a really huge baby when you make up weak comparisons.

Wouldn't call it cheap since it doesn't actually do anything, You can still see where he's attacking from if you have eyes
Verges on cheap but I don't think its broken enough to put onpar with the other bullshit machines in the game. He also has to unlock to use it so its a bit of pain


Breaking a Guard Break is some funky timing button input instead of reacting to the Guard Break.

>brainlets keep fighting even though they're outnumbered in Dominion
>shocked they get beheaded

>teammate in the same area won't help you when you're being ganged up on
>his reason is "wait till the enemy gets tired before you can send your healthy soldiers -Sun Tzu"

>>his reason is "wait till the enemy gets tired before you can send your healthy soldiers -Sun Tzu"
He was just telling you to fuck off, user.

t. the obvious Raider main

If you can't take the heat stay out the kitchen OP

Dominion is the only fun mode


Dominion and Deathmatch both suck

No u

The only reason you'd ever play those modes is if you're too shit at the game to kill people one on one.

>not maining a knight

Your entire post is invalidated by claiming random encounters are good design.

Stay salty OP.
Here's how you play this game.
Learn how to actually play.
Learn how to throw people off ledges.
That way you're prepared for both situations you may encounter.

Got someone one on one? You can actually fight them.
They position themselves to be thrown off a ledge, you throw them off the ledge.
Getting ganged up on? Throw them off the ledge.

Learn how to play legit and be cheese. Then you'll be prepared for everything

>so little JRPGs use alternatives to random encounters
Why is chrono trigger and Earthbound the minorities in this when it's objectively better?

improve block, make parry harder, make dodging not give i-frames, keep guardbreak the way it is.

PK is too fast and her special bleed shouldn't be as simple as a guard break guaranteed 40% hp loss.
Orochi is slightly op as a defensive class his best abilities are offensive, but everyone who plays him is shit. Orochi can be countered anyone with a decent light attack game, he is so weak.
I agree with you on everyone else, they aren't poorly thought out characters, everyone who complains needs to git gud. I don't think I've ever been in a situation which was unwinnable where I thought nothing I could have done would have made a difference.
Nobushi is sniper as fuck though

Exactly. Only fuckwads stay close the the ledge & get rekd

>get matched up with people with a gear score of 75+
>i got a gear score of 5
>they all have instant revives, incredible revenge building, and high attack
>1v1ing one of them
>they built revenge in a 1v1
>was perfecting them
>get hit by a strong attack
>4/5ths of my health
What the fuck?

valkyrie makes sense, and so does nobushi
and for that matter there's only male characters too like lawbringer so what's the problem

>Game has boring as fuck meta
>Tons of people in shit connections using Orochi/PK that are still manageable but will get nonsense off on occasion because they red bar like fucks
>Higher level play is just waiting for whoever goes first to basically lose or lose a fuck ton of life before they can return to neutral because parry everything.
>People get mad over environmental and silly kills

If you take this shallow shit heap seriously i feel bad for you. You can master this games mechanics in 2-3 sessions of playing it. The fucking indicator and guard break windows act exactly like fucking quick time events.

I get so much pleasure out of hitting people with fully charged R2s with the Shugoki with the lock off nonsense that makes it impossible to parry/block because i know how mad it makes you you can't just sit there and do nothing but look for a QTE forcing me to do so.

I don't see what people see in this game. Its fun its alright but its not worth your time competitively the way it is. Play a real fighter. Especially if you have a PS4 you have KOF14/GGXrdR as options and they're amazing.

This is a 7/10 side game.

Spot on post my friend

>Throw that takes ten years to come out/get armor
>Waaaa nerf it waaaa

Instant killing is a bit much but it should still do a fuck ton of damage when hes at low life. If you avoid it hes basically dead as well and if hes in the status to instant kill you with it he is dead if you just backdash. Shit ton of recovery and you get a head hit to finish him and he takes a bar and a half just to use it.

Are you bitching about falling to your fucking death or getting shoved into wall of deadly spikes. That you should recover because of muh full health.

Get the fuck out of here.

>make parry harder,
please no T. console pleb

"mobile gaming" isn't gaming m8.
It's just something to do when you're bored, gaming is something you make time for.

>One player can make a difference
against retards sure.
do you want to play with retards your entire timw with the game?

Not him but the only thing i hate is how terrible the spike death is. It almost feels like it just taps you and you die. Not real impaling no weight of getting fucked by the spokes. Nah just i pushed you into the tip of the spike and you fall over and die without so much as your armor being pierced.

Too be fair. A large portion of the community are retards and probably will remain that way. Honestly 2-3 sessions into the game and i can beat a majority of people but they continue to suck ass.

Chances are if someone is level 15 or more with a character and still can't grasp the shallow as fuck barebone core gameplay they will continue to be like that until they move on from the game.

Yeah the animation is garbage when it comes to the spike walls.

Still makes me laugh how much something so simple to avoid gets people so fucking ass blasted

When i see people especially ones with shit connections go for environmental kills i just back off. If someone is going to do that there is a almost 100% chance they're impatient and retarded. And if not they're trying to humiliate you. In both cases they will stop and come to you.

Especially if you can't deal with it why bother? There are no 1 v 1 areas where you can't run to a part that has no environmental kills. Besides maybe the Raiders obvious charge nothing will carry you out of those areas.

inb4 ubi nerfs ledges because of casuals and competitive fags

not really but his real problem is he can get double hits out of his charge

with is OP as fuck in 4v4

>I have determined the Meta within 3 days
>implying connection issues wont improve as time goes on
>I consider myself a high level player
lol, people always cite high level play, I've looked on Youtube and dueled for hours, I've never encountered someone I couldn't beat, I have lost sure, but it wasn't because I couldn't win, I just made mistakes. there is no parry meta, people who are bad use parrying as a crutch, its their only tool.
>environmental kill rage
They are just bad.
>I am a master in 2-3 session
*tips fedora
>its a quick time event
Technically all games are quick time events if you define qte as reacting to a stimulus.

So I was looking at the game's backstory and the Lawbringer is basically a medieval Judge Dredd.
That's pretty cool.