Is Geralt too strong ?

Can anyone defeat the Witcher ?


leave him to me

Probably Ciri.

Ciri could probably defeat everybody in all spheres at the same time.

I bet Nepgear could do it.

a peasant with a pitchfork


But that's Gothic 3

nope. he is too beastly









i havent played/read/seen anything from witcher universe but ive read somewhere that Geralt gets rekt most of the time in books

No, he never dies in the books. Even at the end, near death, Ciri transports him and yen to another planet so they can live happily ever after.

Extremely powerful mages like Vilgefortz can kick his ass six ways to sunday.

Geralt also can't really do shit against really old vampires or dragons.

Reading Sword of Destiny. Reading "A Little Sacrifice" story. And Geralt fights some fucked up sea warriors, nearly dies and only survives because a sea witch saves him. What a terrifying segment that was.

then your point is moot


he get almost rekt several times in the books he's kinda lucky

>Geralt also can't really do shit against really old vampires or dragons.
Have you even played the games?

A fucking nick from Stormbringer and the plagiarized pissant goes down.

You mean 's point.

I think he'd be a good match for Adam Jensen.

They have similar powers, but in a "science vs magic" way

You mean the games where Geralt gets 1 shotted by the unseen elder and NARROWLY manages to squeeze out a win against the dragon equivalent of a teenager?

But a gun would destroy him.

How does that work anyway? Why does being a mage make him strong at melee and fighting? It always seemed ridiculous to me

Not an argument

>They have similar powers
Oh there is more things they have in common like for example both of them are cucks

He's embellished up a fair bit in the games.

You kill waaaaay more monsters than the setting is supposed to have - it's done for gameplay and time constraint reasons; more fun to have monsters all over the place than a mostly empty world filled with hand-placed monsters with quests attached to them.

That's not to say hand-picked is bad, it's just time consuming to create that much content given the size of the world you play in.

Its not explained but I assume it's the same way Azar Javed fought. You can use magic to buff your speed and strength to super human levels.

the real question is would Geralt even survive the first boss of Bloodborne

Razorfist pls...

Cleric beast or father gas can?

The Unseen Elder

Well played.

Block with Quen and blow the bullets back with Aard.

Geralt dodges crossbow bolts all the time.


Are you kidding he would not even make it to the boss he dies to normal guys with pitch forks. He would not stand a chance against beast buffed ones he is too slow.


this is good, i want that painting

Also if you play with enemy upscaling, all the pack-like enemies (wolves, neekers, drowners etc) become extremly deadly.

Not to mention the rats in the sewers of Novigrad, they will literally kill you in seconds.

Cross bows are no where near as fast as an assault rifle don't even joke we both know he would be destroyed.

must be rough being bad at video games

are crossbow bolts supersonic?

>le pitchfork meme XDXD
get back to me when you actually have an argument that pertains to gameplay and not a plot death scene from the book

Regis kills Detlaff

>Geralt uses the axii sign
>Kills him while Jensen is busy being stunned

>Detlaff could have rolled Geralt like a motherfucker


His weight of bullet-ants

The Spot

>blow the bullets back with Aard

Aard doesn't have anywhere near enough force to stop a bullet

>Geralt dodges crossbow bolts all the time

Crossbows can't rapidfire and a crossbow bolt moves at less than 1/3rd the speed of a bullet (and that's just pistols).

Geralt would have no response to a burst from a combat rifle.

He literally can get fucked up by normal guards I can tell you are upset but your faggy euro boy is shit.

what if

geralt was packing a 1911 this whole time?

Book Geralt would be shrekt by half the things you fight in game.
Game Geralt can only lose to full vampires and mages.