Was it really that bad? Talking about the whole trilogy obviously

Was it really that bad? Talking about the whole trilogy obviously.

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Complete edition and Im talking every DLC and directors cut make up for it.

t.I actually played them all back to back with all the content and as the series progresses everything get simpler and more dull than the one before.
1 is still the best

i did at least 4 playthroughs and loved it.
barely managed to finish it
pirated it. got to start screen alt+f4

I found the first game very solid. good characters decent enough story and some nice rpg/tps elements. But shit hit the fan with the hamburger helper and general SJW/LGBT bullshit.

In saying that, i will most likely pick up andromeda, unless i can pirate it, in which case i'll do that instead

no, retards here just like to meme on WRPGs because they feature actual people instead of big breasted nip waifus

they fumbled at the finish line but the series is consistently good

It's fine as long as you don't expect an RPG series, the first one is the only one that even tries to be an RPG and it sucks at it.

Shit combat, decent RPGing, great story
Good combat, RPG toned way down, shit story
Pretty much the same as ME2, except expectations for story were way higher since it's the last game
|spoiler]ME1 is the best one

It had good universe building and and interesting lore. All of the hate comes from the ending which was complete bullshit.

Also all the hate for ME2 is retroactive. Everybody loved it when it came out and continued to love it until 2012-2013.

Super fucking garbage in some ways, pretty good in some others, alright overall, wouldn't hurt to try it out.
Pretty much the same case, but overall a disappointment
The worst bioware product yet second only to DA2 and DAOA (not sure if I should count the latter since it's just an expansion even though a fairly big one, but it was so insultingly fucking bad I couldn't not mention it)

DAO alone, while not being perfect and sharing the same ME1-esque awful cringy writing, shits all over the whole ME series. Such a shame it didn't receive a proper sequel

The first had trash mechanics, the other two had trash everything else. So overall yes.

Me2 > me > me3

shhh you can't say this anymore, please stop right now.

The whole trilogy is god tier. Anyone who tells you otherwise is spreading Jewish lies.

Not really. The series DID get progressively worse but the only thing that was offensively bad was the ME3 ending.

The introduction of Kai-leng and the ME3 ending caused everyone to retroactively call the whole series shit.


>the only thing that was offensively bad was the ME3 ending.
The only thing that's offensively bad in this thread is your taste

Pretty mediocre, has it's moments but has even more shit moments.

Anyone who says Mass Effect is bad is bitch boy weeb.

Mass Effect as a series is one of most refreshing and engaging to come out.


I actually cant believe there are people in this thread calling the mass effect series bad.

You have to be some next level delusional retard.

What RPGS can even compare to this game in the last decade

The Witcher series makes the writing in the mass effect games look like fucking harry potter

its not bait you JRPG dweeb

You're right. I forgot that games can only be shining golden gifts given from god himself or putrid, irredeemable pieces of shit with no inbetween.

Twitcher fanboys so salty lul

I really liked 1, most of the characters were likable, had the best antagonist of the entire series and had enough mystery to it to hook me in for the rest. Then you learn they didn't have the entire series planned out at all and 2 ends up being overall useless with a saturday morning cartoon villain and 3 solves the biggest mystery in the worst possible way imaginable. As a kicker all your choices through the series end up being numbers on a board

Oh im sure, thats why Witcher has achieved mass fame and acclaim outside of PC nerds praising muh graphics.

Mass Effect One story is one of the best in gaming history.

I dunno if you're baiting or just underage, either way you'll understand why you're wrong when you're older.

3 ruined the other 2.

2 was important because Sheppard died in that one.

The only reaper you know was defeated and the rest were coming.

ME2 was the best mix of gameplay and story

Anyone who says me3 is only bad because of the ending is retarded. It was so bad in so, so many ways.

Im 24 years old and have played my fair share of video games.

Mass Effect One was something else in terms of the story told.

ME >>> ME3 > ME2
At least the combat / level design was improved in 3 as compared to 2.

I didn't see anything great about the writing in TW2 (in fact the I found the voice acting cringey). Haven't played 3

Maybe the first one. Later ones were just TPS

ME2 had horrible companions and side missions. Come to think of it, the game was all about horrible side missions.

You've already been rebuked

I never loved it. In fact I was EXTREMELY disappointed, but it was probably my own fault because I popped the ME2 disc in right after I finished ME1

>In saying that, i will most likely pick up andromeda, unless i can pirate it, in which case i'll do that instead
ME3 had a fairly large online component, so I imagine EA/Bioware will expand upon that considering Denuvo wasn't even on their radar for most of the development time. I'm not buying it

It had some of the more interesting choices, like murdering Mordin. And of course Tali's possible death. The ending was pretty meh

ME 1 had a shit story and mediocre gameplay
ME 2 had a shit story and mediocre gameplay
ME 3 had an especially shit story and terrible gameplay.

What was good? ME1 had slow pacing if that's what you like and an autistic ex-cop, but the dialogue was garbage.
ME2 was a space pirate friend simulator if that's what you like.
ME3 had an ending you can shitpost about.

I like ME2, it's the only one that offered anything of value. Not because it's especially good, but it's the only game in crew friend exploration simulator genre. It also looks the best out of all three.

>Mass Effect One was something else in terms of the story told.
Yes, it was so fucking cringy with its cinematic shakey cam, especially at the very end. If it came out today no one would be able to take its story or ebin setpieces seriously. I cringed even back in the day while playing these "epic" moments.

>gameplay best of the series
>multiplayer loads of fun
>graphics and sound very decent

What was bad about it besides the second half of the story?

Then you're just retarded, I'm so sorry.

ME1 story was cliched from the bottom up, it was like a shit star trek episode or a JJ Abrams movie.

The conversation with the reaper in the first game was disgusting, I don't know how people can think that was good writing.

Awful combat, predictable story, Awful combination of old and modern RPG formula
Great combat, suicide mission was a great idea asides from that story was okay
Watered down combat from ME2, story is alright, didn't play ME3 when the ending bullshit was going on so don't care about it

Only just completed another playthrough not 5 mins ago. Gameplay is terrible and very stiff, your crew don't have much personality but the atmosphere, art direction, soundtrack and plot are highly enjoyable.

My favorite of the 3. Some people disagree but the combat was improved and is now a viable part of the experience. Your crew is way better developed and the plot is weaker but I like the presentation of "you're a rouge agent doing what you want and helping people" DLC is fantastic for once and the Cerberus Normandy is comfy as fuck

Weakest of the bunch but the best gameplay and customization of the series. Your crew are living beings that go about their lives and can be encountered doing numerous things. Overall plot is ass but smaller plots like Tuchunka are surprisingly well done. Some people don't like the Citadel DLC but it's pure fan service with a nonsense plot that brings it right back to it's Star Trek roots laid in the first game, a surprising highlight I feel. MP was fantastic and I say this as someone who doesn't enjoy MP in games mostly.

Overall the series is solid enough but it could have been so much more. Saying that even after everything I would still pay for a ME game that lets me be a species of my choosing going about the galaxy or a few planets being an agent or a cop with no "ancient evil" plot attached.

Did you guys know it's possible to survive the ME2 suicide mission with only two characters?

Fucking imagine trying to write around that. That's why ME3 is such a clusterfuck

ME 1
>Shit story

>ME 2
>mediocre game play

>ME 3
>terrible game play

Your actually a fucking retard lol name one series that compares. Lets see what kind of stories you like

>Not because it's especially good, but it's the only game in crew friend exploration simulator genre.
yeah you get to explore character with daddy issues #1, character with daddy issues #2, character with daddy issues #3, character with daddy issues #4, character with daddy issues #5 and even character with daddy issues #6

>most refreshing
It was certainly engaging and a good series, but it doesn't exactly rise above the sea of existing sci-fi shlock.

You knew at the end of 1 the rest of the reapers were coming, and Shepard's death didn't even play into the main plot outside of introducing Cerberus which gave us everyone's favorite ninja.

I also disagree on gameplay, the ammo counter and regenerating health really annoyed me the entire time I played, and the reduction of powers on top of a global cooldown was anything but an improvement. I will say that some of the new powers were great, like the charge for vanguard.

Seeing as 95% of your crew from ME2 is irrelevant to ME3's story I don't see why it would

Yes and if you don't like a character, you call him a fucking retard and kill him in the suicide mission. Pretty good. It's not all daddy issues, though. Only 3 are.

Well yes, ME2's gameplay was a boring cover based shooter. ME3 tried to make it movement orientated, but it didn't work and level design got so bad flaws in gameplay were magnified.

ME1's story could be passable if the dialogue wasn't shit. ME1 had terrible dialogue, which often gets overlooked. Another problem is the shakey cam "cinematic" Hollyjew approach to big moments which seems like a bad parody. It's impossible to enjoy.

Wtf do you expect from a space rpg?

As if fantasy rpgs aren't the same old cliches every time.

Mass Effect did something new in gaming and owned it.

This board has a terrible habit of retroactively shitting on things that are hugely successful.


I'm not completely poor so spending some 300 euro on the whole series wasn't that much of a big deal. Besides how much money are people dumping into their MMO/MOBA shit?

ME1 was obviously the best, it catered to halfway intelligent scifi nerds. Yes I actually enjoyed reading the codex. Bioware managed to make some fascinating lore.

It's too bad games like this are becoming increasingly rare.

>me3 stole deus exs ending and it stole it's own first games ending (TIM killing himself)

I'm fucking depressed that the reapers got treated like shit. They needed some more story and screen time than they got.

why are people saying ME2 had good combat when IIRC your guns were locked to what class you were?

Hamburger helper worked on Dragon Age 2 and Tortanic, she had nothing to do with Mass Effect 2 or 3

What about Kai Leng? Or Diana Allers? Or the nonsense on Rannoch where you have to use reaper tech in order to destroy the geth collective and make each individual geth sentient? Or the entire bullshit deus ex machina plot of the Crucible, an unexplained super weapon that can magically destroy every reaper that was miraculously found on Mars at the same time Shepard was escaping Earth? Or that Cerberus somehow recovered the collector technology even if you destroyed it and they somehow have a fleet and army to rival the Alliance in size? Or how about how even if you killed the Rachni Queen in ME1 the Reapers still somehow find a Rachni clone to use? And this isn't getting into things like the horrible character models and animations and the ugly background sprites or piles of dead bodies that were just flat textures.

There were many many more things in Mass Effect 3 that were offensively bad than just the endings, it's just the endings were the most offensive.

>name one series that compares. Lets see what kind of stories you like
If I wanted a retro 90s sci-fi story, I'd play System Shock. If I wanted a good rpg story, I'd play Gothic, Witcher, Planescape or Morrowind to name the most popular ones.

Because it was balanced around picking a class. You could pick up other weapons but couldnt specialize with them until later

The Witcher series didn't feel nearly as disgustingly derivative or hamfisted, and when it was it was at least presented well.

Mass Effect didn't have good writing, it wasn't affecting, it wasn't presented or executed well, it was obtuse and silly schlock. It at least had nice atmosphere and filled a hole for sci-fi RPGs, it was entertaining but don't go full retard and act like it was well written.

Are you me?


>I only play old games, nothing else compares nowadays

>As if fantasy rpgs aren't the same old cliches every time.

Fun fact: have people name RPGs set in space. Not a long list I tell you.

Now make a list of RPGs set in fantasy words with elves and dragons and stuff.

Yeah. See where I'm going?

Mass effect was not a "cliché" as far as videogames are concerned. Bioware took a huge risk.

ME was basically a medieval fantasy story set in space though.

Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone released only last year, user.

It affected me. The conversations between you and Saren, you actually felt for the guy.

Then the reveal with Sovereign being the actual enemy?

It was just too good. ME1 with ME3 gameplay would probably be one of the best games of alltime

Flawed but decent. Most of it's short comings are from the dev's incompetence to code a AAA release. If you were playing this during it's 2007 release even then you would feel how jarring the gameplay feels. Overall has the best sense of urgency, writing and world building out of the three games. In terms of character writing, side quest design etc it's pretty weak.

Up the ass plot. As a standalone game it's great, but when you're considering that fact that it bridges ME1 and ME3 it's honestly the worst. Gameplay is refined and heading towards the correct direction, however it's still clunky when you compare it to other 2010 TPS releases. The streamlining is non-intrusive.

The characters are also a step up above ME1's cast with better written, more interesting characters. Even Garrus and Tali get a boost up beyond their ME1 counterparts. Overall a good game but the worst in the trilogy.

Overall tone of the game is a bit messed up, plot urgency requires you to suspend your disbelief. Gameplay hasn't been any better, with more character customization depth and gameplay mechanics it's the best in the series in technical terms. The characters and hubworlds feel more alive, with crew members moving from place to place having their own life instead of standing at their post the entire duration of the game. The only character writing that gets shafted is Ashley.

As much as I hate rating the series individually, it would probably something like;

ME3 >= ME1 >= ME2

All three games are very close in their power levels, they all improve on something massively while taking a huge leap backwards on something else. I still think the Mass Effect series is great though, definitely worth a playthrough just for the experience. If you like the journey then it will be one of the best things ever, if you don't then at least it's an entertaining train-wreck to witness.

Lets talk about how fedora tipping this series is. I couldn't roleplay a religious person. Fuck you liberal fucks at Bioware. Fuck you.

Every RPG is a medieval fantasy story.

Here's you
Here's the world
Here's the bad guys
Fix it

Yeah but if you actually break down ME's story it's basically another Bioware magical fantasy game, but set in space with the magic shit being explained by "technology"

It was anime-tier.

It started off great. The reason everyone got completely pissed off at the whole thing was because they ruined something genuinely fantastic.

Rip in peace, they ain't getting me back for the next shitheap.

>The first had trash mechanics


I liked how Turians were basically a carbon copy of Romans, Assari were basically feminine jews, Salarians faggy matriarchy, Thane's species worshiped primarily female gods, humans were atheists including except for Ashley who turned into a tranny later.

This is fucking terrible world building.

There was an interesting trend over the life of the series where the gameplay got progressively better while the story and atmosphere got progressively worse. I think a big part of the problem, caused by the mass exodus of employees after the EA acquisition, was that the series didn't know what it wanted to be. The first game was clearly made by people who loved old school scifi and wanted to do justice to that genre. The later games were made by people with bigger budgets and perhaps more technical competence, but who didn't have as much appreciation for older scifi and approached the creative process from a more businesslike perspective, aiming for something that they felt would have broader appeal.

Not that user, but the inventory system is a fucking mess, for one. Navigating the Citadel can get annoying, Noveria is a buggy mess that relies on the elevators to work. Most of the planet exploration and assignments is the same: find resource on radar, explore apartment complex 500 times, tediously shoot Thresher Maw, etc..

It's sad how the bar for competent writing in vidya is so low that people think ME is some sort of masterpiece

Not to mention at higher levels (45 and higher) enemies drop like 50 credits a kill, so you're literally drowning in money and have to navigate that godawful inventory whenever you get items to either drop or turn into omni gel stuff.



Started off pretty good but I feel like it descended into casual tier trash personally.

I thought the story was pretty corny B movie but for some reason it's heralded as being super great. People also act like decisions make a huge difference and change the outcome of the game as well and that always confused me. Some characters make quips about things you did every now and then but you're railroaded and your decisions don't really do a whole lot. Enough for an action game I guess, but I don't get why people were pissed at the A/B/C ending. The whole damn series was A/B/C.

The first game had the best build variety with all of the different character types, skills, mods, and specializations, Build variety went downhill abruptly into Mass Effect 2 and this made me sad. Also the more linear structure with no free exploration like in Mass Effect 1 made me sad. Exploring a planet and finding dead researchers, rachni, Cerberus bases was a highlight of the game for me and was super comfy.

TL;DR: the sequels took away what I liked most about Mass Effect 1 but they were alright games, just nothing like the first when it came to freedom and build variety. Shit got casualized into a corridor shooter that normies really liked.

Most of that shit becomes irrelevant once you get to the higher levels, too or finish that bullshit Pinnacle Station level for the private suite. At least for the PC version, you can increase the inventory limit, among other things.

What the fuck was his problem inbetween ME2 and ME3 where he becomes an entirely different character over the course of six months

you absolutely can, just pretend that in your origin story your parents pointlessly cut all the skin off your little baby peenus weanus because a book some jews wrote two thousand years ago somehow convinced them a man in the sky told them to do it and there you go

Also why the fuck did Bioware do nothing with the Jormungand armor sets that looked and performed absolutely based, yet were cut for some asinine reason

me1 was great. obviously the combat is a complaint however i really enjoyed tactically managing my squad so i could efficiently take out everything. then you go play me2 and it's boom head shot, SLOW TIME, BOOM HEAD SHOT, BOOM HEAD SHOT. who the fuck needs a squad? there's so much more wrong with me2 that i don't feel like going into. it was so bad for me that i never even tried me3 through file sharing

>competent writing in vidya

Still better than Hollywood.

If you REALLY want good scifi start reading books I guess.


How did this even come to be? Why would they think anyone wants a coldsteel tier edgemaster (he's a genius, an expert swordsman, and a powerful biotic) that kicks shepard's ass in a cutscene?

> inbetween ME2 and ME3 where he becomes an entirely different character over the course of six months

He got indoctrinated

Because Colossus X is better.

I assumed he got indocrinated between then.

If he was indoctrinated the whole time please don't tell me I'd prefer my headcanon

He was using cybernetics taken from the reaper stuff. Indoctrination can be slow to retain mental capacity, or fast if you just want hordes of mindless zombies.

>your parents pointlessly cut all the skin off your little baby peenus
what the fuck does this have to do with religion
Am I talking to an American? Kill yourself and help make the world a nicer place.

>you absolutely can
You can't. Talking to Ashley about God, you have no options to say you believe.

I don't even like the first one.

He was implanted with reaper tech. It was implied he was being slowly indoctrinated. It was also confirmed that during the prothean era (by the VI on the asari homeworld), there was also a rogue group actively working to do the same thing TIM was.

The story was corny, but it was corny in the same way that classic Star Trek and other science fiction stories and B movies were corny. It triggered nostalgia in a lot of people. The overall atmosphere of the game has a B movie vibe too, so it felt appropriate. ME3 looked like a high budget movie but had similarly bad writing as ME1, which was pretty jarring and made me cringe more than the equally bad stuff from the earlier games.

Agree on the exploration and character build variety being the game's strongest features.

>christfag telling anyone else to kill themselves

Where did I say that?

>The story was corny, but it was corny in the same way that classic Star Trek and other science fiction stories and B movies were corny
But Star Trek has some genuinely good stories.

ME2 is a lot more fun on higher difficulties with global cooldowns disabled, biotics allowed on shielded enemies, shield regeneration on enemies, and more thermal clip drops

Although it still won't help the bad hit detection and abilities refusing to activate because an enemy is slightly-covered by a wall

It wasn't bad at all, but it suffered from EA disease.

First one, while gameplay was kind of crap and at times tediously slow, still got you with the atmosphere and just good story, lore and antagonists.

ME2, upped the crew department, with both variety and backstory. Mordin, Legion and even side carachters were pretty nice to have around.
While much more linear I suppose, with less exploring going on. Story was eh, and gameplay was mediocre, but still solid in my opinion. I don't get it why everyone dislikes it so much, but maybe it's because I'm biased and it's what introduced me to the series.

ME3 was just outright weird. I did like some parts of it but the badness of the rest ominously eclipsed the nice parts of it. First of all you get introduced to people that never appeared in the previous games, while the game pretends that you know of them because of the books or whatever, the reaper invasion is full on happening yet it seems that they're fending them off just fine as there's no rush involved. Charachters were allright and yes, felt like they had their own interests to pursue when off-duty. But combat and generally walking around areas like the citadel just felt odd. The story is a massive fuckup with so much shit thrown in without any care and EA forced the developers to rush everything, making the general feeling of the game just hollow. Citadel DLC was a fun fanservice experience however.


I'm gonna come and defend ME3 for a second.

First of all it managed to bring back a decent bit of the scrapped rpg mechanics from one. Like armor and gun customization and added skill trees.

Also the crew interactions on your ship were better than the other two games.

And they got rid of the tedious as fuck planet scanning shit from 2.

I didn't think the B movie was bad, but a lot of people on the internet are like "WOW SUPER DEEP STORY" but all that shit is probably written by 14 year olds. In particular the soundtrack as a whole completely channeled 90's space sci soundtrack.

DESU I don't remember anything from 3 except for the fucking star child and hating the star child.

Vanguard is pretty much some of the most enjoyable combat gameplay I've played in a game. You're for sure not going to be tactical group play, but there is just something satisfying zooping around the whole map without giving a fuck.

The whole series' UI is a MESS

>literally no way to buy the entire trilogy with all the DLC
>have to pay about $100 since DLCs never go on sale, and are still at launch price

ME3 did a lot of stuff right. The story being what it was just probably made people want to completely forget about that game.

I don't know why you'd want to buy the whole series. I'm only interested in ME2 complete on GOG if it ever comes.

big fat mistake