Framerate dips

>framerate dips
>feels like badass slow motion

Other urls found in this thread:

Metal slug?


>playing shmups
>get a massive screen cancel
>game slows to a half and gradually recovers over the next second or two

>Shadow of the Colossus

Not even baiting, it actually feels cinematic.

>screen cancel
6:34 if the timed link doesn't work

Ninja Gaiden 2.
Felt like shit to play but damn, it looked cool as hell.

>framerate dips
>physics were tied to framerate
>game actually slowsdown

>a ton of enemies appear
>framerate dips
>you only beat them because of the extra reaction time
worst feeling

The stairs?

Fuck yeah, my man.

>framerate dips so often the devs made your character move faster if the framerate goes too low to compensate

Who does that?


There's a term to describe the eurphoric feeling you get when you cause slowdown in game after doing something really well.

>The stairs
yeah, that part is pretty kickass though i recall it being easy compared to the rest of the game.

Fuck russia though.

Parrying/Riposting that one Hollow near the Butcher in DS1. Everytime.

>framerate dips
>dev adjust for this by speeding up character speed
>use increased speed to clip through geometry and sequence break

>chuck 4 oranges
>go through walls while they explode

Donkey Kong 64.
If you create enough lag (by throwing projectiles, for example) you can go fast enough to go through walls.

>Playing EDF 4.1 PC
>cause so much destruction that the game slows down even on a decent PC


it amazes me still to this day that someone wrote all of that unironically

>people actually play under 140 fps
>people actually play under 60 fps
>people actually play under 30 fps
explain yourselves


>opponent is lagging
>shoot them in the head and slowly walk past them
>they die 10 ft away with your back turned away from them

>lagging like fuck

>Insomnia hasn't had a game as highly rated on Metacritic since the last Ratchet and Clank that ran at 60

>people call framerate drops lag

This has to stop

he's completely right tho

This pisses me off more than anything else

How do you say stuff like this when Call of Duty became the best selling FPS in the world because people say it just "feels" better and more responsive than other console shooters at the time CoD4 came out? Those people aren't savvy enough to know what they are describing is the 60FPS framerate but that is what is giving them that smooth feeling.

>framerate drops whenever you use your power to freezes time
>Music slows down
>Sounds fucking awesome and thought it was intentional for the music to slow down until I played the game on a better computer

>see Doom on console for first time
>bringing up the weapon wheel slows time down dramatically and causes the coolest fucking blur effect I've ever seen
>replay the game on PC with a controller just because of that

You can use a weapon wheel with KBM, I think. The DoF blur is pretty good though.

No money

>charging the scythe and just bodyparting 40 fucking things at once
i left a save there just so i can replay that part over and over again

are shmups the most autistic genre?

They're definitely up there, especially scoring in Cave games. That one is actually one of Cave's least unforgiving games when it comes to scoring, stuff like Dodonpachi is an absolute shitfest where you have to perfectly chain things together and your whole run is shot if you're slightly off your exact route at any point.

I just play for survival and light scoring only comparing to my own scores


You don't need to use the controller for that, retard