First conan

>first conan
>now even cartoons do it

what do they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

is this loss

I don't remember Detective Conan commenting on JRPGs but then again I honestly haven't watched all the filler cases


Well is true, Japanese developers only want something that sounds cool, not that makes sense, same with character design.

Seeing how this shit was in popular media around the time Chinpoko Mon aired, and probably earlier, it's safe to say that poking fun at the rising Japanese culture in the west is nothing new.

>game child

Gumball is self-deprecating humor, and the creator is a pretty obvious weeb, so it's probably just making fun of themselves.

I though everyone knew that Final Fantasy title was inspired by Neverending Story.


Wasn't it inspired by the fact that if the game did bad the company was fucked so it was their final hope or something like that?

>Sup Forums wants to shitpost so much, they don't even bother knowing the context.
The twist is It's like Bravely Default, the title spoils you on what you need to do to make the big bad lose.

Also show the actual episode, it's great.

I thought this was a lol thread but you. Posted something funny

>cartoon network shit making fun of designs and world building

Didn't they just really want the title to abbreviate to "FF" and only named it "Final Fantasy" because there were legal problems with using the name "Fighting Fantasy", which they originally thought up?

>even Sup Forums makes fun of us

that's actually pretty good

"Inverted paradox the enemy within" sounds like a good title for a game that interacts with the player directly, breaking the 4th wall as part of it's gameplay.

holy fuck these cartoons are on fucking point

>that neckbeard Gumball

Holy shit


I am surprised Metal Gear Solid became a household name when at first glance it's just three random words slapped together.

>Saying that about a show with pretty good design and world building.

I think he's talking about Conan the Barbarian, when he meets the wizard

>we could of just walked away
>could of

>average buttblasted jap cartoon fan denial

My favorite JRPG title will always be Infinite Undiscovery

Gumball is my favorite anime.

Sad that this show's ending

ex dee

will it have a proper finale at least?

Is it actually?

pretty much every good show is ending on CN for the next batch, but the problem is the next batch is shit.

first regular show now this one?

there goes cartoon network again.

not going to watch Tumblr's Universe with its kike agenda that's for sure.

I don't really think this would appeal to children.

>Sup Forums hates these jokes when they're done thousands of times in video game webcomics
>loves them when they're on TV

What the fuck?

This might be true partially.

Pretty sure this is false.

I know this was the main part of it.

Sup Forums's full of losers who desperately want to be accepted by the normies. Not just Sup Forums but gamers in general.

what's the next batch?
are they ending SU too when there's still so much in the dark?

Name me a JRPG title with a random title that has no meaning behind it.


They are right, though.

It's not actually ending.
The creator merely said he'd be leaving the show after the next season is finished, but production might still continue without him.

Is this a Joey reference

fuck you

>See this show while changing channels
>This scene
I actually laughed. Shows looks like it would be fun

i haven't seen a webcomic doing it nearly as good as they did in this episode of the cartoon desu

webcomics just try too hard

>The creator merely said he'd be leaving the show after the next season is finished, but production might still continue without him.
is this ever a good sign though?

Infinite Undiscovery

SU is good fag

You have no idea

>SU is good for a fag

fixed it for ya


Maybe it's because she's a little girl and writing her own dialogue. That's a common mistake for children.
The episode is parodying a style of video games that has been outdated for over ten years. They even have a VCR reference.

>Can someone explain why this gigantic sword has a trigger?
>yeah,well you did reject the other outfit.
>Yeah i don't think that was age appropriate.


>they made an entire episode of one of the jewel chicks trying to ask some biker tumblerette on a date.

it's fucking disgusting dude, they just make it too obvious

A lot of it is pretty much much more genuinely mature minded in its cynicism and humor than "everyone can be solved with a hug and understanding, except when it doesn't" Tumblr Universe.

>Kicks the scrub and starts a battle
That got a good laugh out of me

Predictable joke user
Now give me reasons why SU is bad

This is actually what I thought of when I saw the OP image

>A lot of it is pretty much much more genuinely mature minded in its cynicism and humor than "everyone can be solved with a hug and understanding, except when it doesn't" Tumblr Universe.

that's a perfect explanation actually.

Nope and it never has been

It's good waifu material. I'd sell Steven to the bad guys for a Peridot. Although I'd ask for a Peridot and a Jasper.

>Enjoy SU regardless of how tumblrettes jerk it to it

My only complaint really is they really need to give Peridot her limb enhancers back. She being the borderline Invader Zim character's kind of boring, it was better when she was a dorky robot master

gumball is cute

gumball's great but i don't understand why anyone would give a shit about regular show past the first two seasons, especially considering how long it went on

Everything about you is alright with me.

the romance part of it was shit but even they made fun of it multiple times

regular show was pretty great if you have good memories of the 80's

>Steven Universe
>Teen Titans GO

Rather deal with the agenda shit over the cancer plaguing Cartoon Network.

>implying steven wouldn't rekt you in one single punch

>Pretty sure this is false.

it's tumblr in cartoon format.

that's all of it's flaws in one sentence.

now you tell me why it's good.

That is indeed a good waifu.

Also, Steven is an incredibly annoying/shitty main character. They should have just cut to the chase and made it a show exclusively about the gems, but I'm sure that wouldn't fly with CN.

>The game was originally going to be called Fighting Fantasy, but the name was changed to Final Fantasy when the development team discovered Fighting Fantasy was the title of a series of single-player roleplay gamebooks by Steve Jackson.
Square believed the game would be the last title they ever released. Instead, the game was a great commercial success, received generally positive reviews, and spawned many successful sequels and supplementary titles in the form of the Final Fantasy series.

why not none of them?

I'd just tell pretend to be his friend and betray him for the nookie.

Plus he'd probably escape anyways. HW is incompetent.


please go back to tumblr and don't come back

honestly im 23 and I've watched a few episodes of this show and genuinely thought it was humourous.

I also thought the original teen titans was trash

I could just go to Sup Forums

I like how it constantly gives nostalgiafags shit over the original

>That Banana Joe Cactuar

blame lauren "the dyke" zuke for that one

yeah, let them deal with you people.

Assuming you didn't see season 1, Steven was worse.

>Fucked up on everything
>Gems refused to let him do anything for that reason
>He also bitched a lot and got on the gems asses on certain things. EX: when Fusion was first introduced, he wouldnt stop riding on them to fuse
>Annoying voice
>Nearly killed himself via aging
>Also nearly fucked himself over a few times

By the time Peridot and Jasper showed up, that was when he started to actually develop more

Originally many thought that was the main reason no one liked TTG, but I think it's because it's taking up so much in the schedule that it's starting to piss people off. Unless i'm wrong i've never seen any show take up that much space back then

he's right you know. RPGs are good when story takes a backseat to fighting monsters/exploring

see Dragon Quest, and almost every Megaten game not named Persona

see: Why Final Fantasy is a garbage franchise and has no right representing JRPGs

Elaborate, I dont really follow what the staff say. Last I heard, Jasper's supposed to return at some point

He starts off annoying but he does get better as the time goes. He stays a pacifist but he eventually starts getting fed up with the gems hiding everything from him.

That's one of the bigger flaws of the show, too much filler, which isn't that bad when everything is 15 minutes long and you pretty much skip it, but it sucks to wait a whole week for a new episode and get nothing out of it.

Ok, after this thread. You other guys are free to come with.

I like SU but....
>Repetitive Character Progression that is effectively useless to the characters' dynamics
>Borderline Irresponsible levels of educating kids about sexuality, like associating fusion with RAPE being an actual plot point that's underplayed by the "you made me feel bad :(" sympathy card.
>Outright pointless arcs outside bits and pieces like The Cluster, Bismuth, and Gasper's return
>Horrendous action outside the ones inspired by anime.....and animated by an actual anime director in the first place.
>Overreliance on songs to excuse exposition dumping, half of which is already implied by the episode and just removing any actual subtlety
>People complain that anime don't have a concise end goal in their stories. Steven Universe has been flipflopping whether it wants to be a slice of life with serious arcs or a linear story for two years straight.


Le siiigh

oh, it's from the show and not...something else.

Eternal Poison
Emphereal Phantasia

>not age appropriate outfit
>tentacle joke
>all those summons
>that fucking banana cactuar
Jesus christ I need to start watching gumball again

The sword is the Gunblade, the weird Tactics Advance Pizza Cutter, and the Muh-nado combined though.

This thread will reach bump limit just by taking about cartoons.
Cap this.