Apparently fan-made Overwatch site Playwatch got taken down. I haven't heard of the site until today...

Apparently fan-made Overwatch site Playwatch got taken down. I haven't heard of the site until today, but man am I fucking triggered. How could they do this?

>I haven't heard nor cared about x until it got shut down
>Wow I'm so mad it got shut down wtf guys!

D.Va's boobs are too big. Mei isn't big enough.

>girls need to have flat chests but also need to be obese
Spotted the first girl on Sup Forums in a long time.

fuck it

good riddance!

They're all perfect as they are desu
Welcome to nu-Sup Forums. Butthurt is our collective middle name

Countdown until a Battleborn Playboy site goes up.

Blizz clearly did it so you can shitpost you fucking faggot.


Stop getting mad at random shit.
Also, Blizzard can shutthem down if they were making a profit out of their Ip.

does anyone have an archive of all the images?

Just go to fucking paheal

>Game's success is largely in due to the porn
>Take it down ones the sales have been made and it doesn't matter anymore

Absolutely ebin

I meant in that picture in particular, you Korean homosexual

they are playing you like a fiddle and you are biting their bait. i thought Sup Forums were master baiters, and it seems like they are

>ITT: I don't understand how copyright laws work

Why should I give a shit about this when there are literal millions of other Overwatch pictures?

>T-they need to take stuff down because some guy on youtube said so!

>hey lets start asking for money for this stuff
>yea that's a great idea

post lewd mercy i will give (You)s



>trying to make money off another companies
don't be a retard next time and do it gratis

You faggots better give me lot's of yous for this because I might get banned

Copyright laws are bullshit

why is her butthole the same colour has her skin?

Because the "fan" was a jew who was trying to get paid on patreon for it. Once you start monetizing other people's IP fair use goes out the window.

Never heard about the site but nothing strange coming from fucking Blizzard
was there porn?

Take my (You) and enjoy your vacation, user.

because realism is icky and porn taught me the body must be cleanly shaven and monotone

>he doesn't bleach his asshole

The magic of airbrushing my man

Have you even bleached your asshole? mine is a pretty pink due to it.

>coming from blizzard
Blizzard had no issues with the website, it was up for months.

However a few days after they put up a patron and started asking for fucking money they got shut down by Blizzard.

Obviously taken down becuase mei isn't fat enough. Can't have that, gotta keep the fan art canon to please the thicc crowd.

>haha our fan works are so fun and hot
>... hey... what if we fleshed it out beyond the covers?
>yeah these fact articles are great... but what if we actually started reporting real stuff
>.... omg... what if we started using patreon for monthly "donations" too

I mean how fuckin dumb can you be? Anyone with half a brain coulda seen that they overstepped and were beginning to look like a start up.

hehe, I recognize that

post the mom


>only an idiot would think you wouldn't get shut down for a patreon when all you do is make art of other peoples' characters

>look at me I dont know how fair use works weeee

>fair use
Fair use works until you start to make a profit, having a patron page is no longer fair use.

Go on.