So this is coming out soon, for the west atleast, yet nobody is talking about it?

So this is coming out soon, for the west atleast, yet nobody is talking about it?
>No type of multiplayer what so ever.

It'll be fine right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>yet nobody is talking about it?

It's a musou. You either like it or you don't, it has the same gameplay and same structure as every other musou.

Aside from character wishlists there really isn't much to discuss.

Apparently it was shitty when released in Japan.

Literally the only reason to get it is to support anime/weeb games and Berserk products in the west. Many have saiud this is one of the worst musuo titles to date so far.

No splitscreen on a musou? Fuck that

Even a lot of musou fans are hating it.

Yu Yu Hakusho musou when?

>One Piece is the same as Attack on Titan which is the same as Arslan

Literally fucking what?

blah blah blak fromsoft berserk blah blah

this is a bad musou from what i've seen. Even the fastest character's aren't really fast and they lazed around by including golden age movie footage instead of ingame cutscenes. the amount of effort that went into this game is palpable at best, and

>only 8 characters

not even worth a pirate

It's musou shit.

It's terrible musou shit.

It's a fuckawful Berserk game that's in the vein of the shitshow that is the 2016 CLANG anime and the atrocious movies.

Anyone who likes musou's has shit taste though.

So if they hate it, it might actually be good.

It's in the works actually, it's coming out right after the escaflowne musou

Griffith did nothing wrong

No multiplayer features in a single player focused game is a good sign. No point using resources on shit that dies in a week.

Fist Of The North Star: Ken's Rage was better

if it doesn't have an english dub then it goes directly into the fucking trash

It's actually connected to the movies that came out a few years ago. There are even scenes from the movie in the game.

>being a dub shitter
You have my condolences.

>shitting on the yuyu dub
kill yourself my man

Why the fuck did the anime have to be so horrible? Fuck fuck

Nigga I doubt they could get the original VA's after so long.

Implying the YYH english dub isn't superior to the chink shit

>it has the same gameplay and same structure as every other musou
Might as well just change your post to "I'm a fucking retard that's never played a single game in this genre".

Are you retarded?

Jesus Christ nobody could actually be this fucking retarded right?

>Defending musuo games

Literally on the same level as walking similators

Hmm really makes your neurons fire....

>CanĀ“t spell
>Only use memes in his post
Good job proving you are retarded.


He said Musou.
Not Omega force.
Get your shit together.

>One Piece and Arslan
>not musou
Are you fucking retarded?

I bet it's going to be like excella where I can get it for half off in a month. $30 isn't too bad for a shitty musou for a property I like.

I love the JoJo anime dub. I think I made to right choice to not look up JoJo till Toonami aired it.

One piece is musou.
Arslan is some twisted version of Bladestorm.
AoT is not like any of them.

Only thing you miss out on is JP Joseph. He is a gift the the series.

gift to the* fucking auto correct is having an aneurysm.

Arslan is Musou with cavalry elements. I wouldnt really call it a Bladestorm game since genocide is still the main part of the game.

That's like saying the first Ken's Rage is Final Fight Streetwise

You have got to be shitting me user. I can't speak for all of it but they completely fucked up Stroheims character with the english dub. They changed him from a crazy German maniac to some dude with a fake sounding german accent. He had a such a limp dicked voice.

At least they added gore to the western version.... just in rage mode but that's something

don't play with my feelings like this user

There's gore in my jap version though, how do you explain that?

Go ahead and blow $60 on it but I'm warning you man even for a musou game it's fucking shit so if you hate musou you're really gonna hate this.

This game comes out in 4 days...why cant I find it on the ps store?

Not in human enemies, that's censored in japan
When he gets in rage mode you can see arms and heads flying when he kills the soldiers

>Arslan is some twisted version of Bladestorm.
Oh, so you are retarded.

>only 8 characters
>implying that's a bad thing

Sure as fuck would rather have 8 unique characters than 140 reskins like Warriors Orochi 3.

>musou shit

All you had to do was make a Souls May Cry game, and you fucked it up instead.

>Beserk is one of the best fantasy manga ever created. Recently came off hiatus with some new media after years! The boat meme is finally over

>Manga back on hiatus

>New anime was garbage with terrible 3D models and animations worse than the fucking dreamcast game

>New game blows even for a musou

it's not fair...

From my 37 hours with the game I can safely say that only Gutts, Griffith and Zodd are worth a damn. Serpico and Judeau are meh, Casca is borderline shit, Shierke is shit, Wyald is useless since you can play as Zodd

How can anyone enjoy this garbage

>New game blows even for a musou

Except it doesn't you fucking troll.

Fuck all you haters get the fuck off my board if you don't like this game you stupid newfags back to plebbit with all of ye! HEEYAH SAGE!

>Berserk Warriors


Musous are fun to play, not to watch

yes he did a lot of wrong

>How can people enjoy RTS? They're garbage
>How can people enjoy fighting games? They're boring
>How can people enjoy Jrpgs? They're garbage
>How can people enjoy Open world games? They're boring

is demon semen in? at least dripping on the ground?

this is important

It's pretty well established that musous appeal to a tiny fraction of the video game community, and the hallmarks of the genre are terrible enemy AI, repetitive gameplay, and really low budgets.

Does it have an English dub? The new Japanese cast for Berserk is fucking GARBAGE compared to the original anime's

I'm still confused about why they stuck "and the" in the name. A dash would have worked better.

Stop posting this fucking QTE memefest you're not some cool dude for playing an ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obscure Japan only game you're just a fucking faggot die you fucking cunt. Die everyone just die. Kill me Christ what are you waiting for pussy do it! Oh that's right you're nothing but a coward figures... Go fuck yourself kiddo.

The only way they can make a perfect berserk game is if they make it like asura's wrath


I've never seen this game mentioned on Sup Forums and I've been here since 2006. Kill yourself, newfag.

Im okay with this

>I've never seen this game mentioned on Sup Forums

Like hell you haven't. And don't you DARE call me a newfag you fucking cunt. I'm a god damn gamer gate vet I've been fighting on the frontlines against the likes of kotaku and washingtonpost while your stupid newfag ass was first reading about Sup Forums on ED and neogaf. You think you can just waltz on into MY board and pretend that you're not new as fuck? Well guess what fucker I can sniff a poser ass faggot like you a mile away and oh boy oh boy did you just piss off the wrong man. Listen kid, I'm the boss in this joint, the top dawg. You either give me respect or you fuck right off cause I don't take kindly to little punks like you and I swear to god if you reply one more fucking time without an apology for crossing the line I will lick your scrawny ass so hard you'll be flying in a parallel universe.

The game its not even that great, guts feels slow as fuck, except when he's in berserk mode

Does anyone really like Berserk? I assumed it was just a meme.

They need to hurry up and make Precure musou

The movies were good shut the fuck up with your nostalgia shit.

>Does anyone really like Berserk?

Yeah. One of my favorite fictional universes.

I will never understand the berserk souls meme.

>guts feels slow as fuck
As he should be since hes wielding a fuckhuge sword.

>Souls + DMC

You haven't read the manga, huh?


Not a fan of the idea?

Sounds good to me. Chunky, dangerous combat, but with a bit of verticality/combos thrown in. Basically, just make it Bitterblack Isle from Dragon's Dogma, and we're set.

No, I just don't understand as they're two very different styles of gameplay.

And Guts isn't clunky.

The series heavily borrowing visuals from Berserk might have something to do with it, just saying.

The manga is fucking stupid when it comes to that who gives a shit if they take liberties if it makes the game fun to play? I'm literally screaming at my monitor over how stupid and elitist you are right now.


Get over yourself shithead no one gives a crap stop acting like the world cares.


No idiot I care that you're an annoying faggot so don't even try and pull this crap. No one, and I mean literally no one gives a flying fuck about your precious manga they just wanted a fun game where you're a big guy who swings a sword that's way too big for you to handle in real life. That's it. Live with it or fuck off back to Sup Forums with all the other losers who still read shit.

Like really dude? Reading? Come on that's such an outdated source of entertainment who the hell does that anymore? Either watch a movie or play a game like the rest of us instead of this reading a book crap. You're not smrt for doing so, in fact you're a god damn idiot wasting your time on this shit thinking anyone would care. Not only that you're killing trees with this wannabe self intellectual crap is that how you really wanna be remembered? That asshole who ruined the environment to look intelligent? Christ just kill yourself loser.


The Souls Series is essentially a love letter to Berserk.

It isn't that hard to understand. You don't just mash X to win, you have to manage your stamina, but unlike Souls, you aren't just parry riposting everything you see, because you can actually combo/toss enemies up/etc.

a From berserk title would be goat

I mean the gameplay. The concept that someone would want to play a Berserk game but want it to be a sluggish and clunky and boring as shit is beyond me.

Seems like a lot of good Japanese games end up being that way

So what specifically makes it bad? The 8 characters I understand to a degree, but what else contributes to it? Are the controls clunky? Do the characters not feel good to play? Are the environments bland? Is the A.I. truly terrible? Too short? Not enough content to supplement the game?

I know I'm asking very general questions, but I just want to know specifically what is bad about it past "it's shit." I missed the initial discussion of it all.

user pls, I can't tell what your doing. kek

So I can toss an enemy up and attack it 3 times before I have to back off and recover stamina? Doesn't sound fun.

too bad two handed swords fucking suck in DD

The thing about DD is that Capcom struck a deal to tie it in with the movie release. Hence, why Guts' and Griffiths' sets are in the console versions. Though I'll not deny there are plenty of other references alongside it.


I'm cautiously looking forward to it. Musou usually isn't my jam, but Berserk is a great setting.
There'll be gore, right?


Glad hes in, one day he will get that animated appearance in a movie.

That's the one I made my friend who always bitched about Musous play

When he gave it back to me a month later he got every single trophy and learned to actually start doing research on the shit he wants to bitch about

I'd even watch a CC2 made Berserk anime

Oh no you didn't. NO you didn't just say that to me. Back the fuck off pal. You have no idea who or WHAT your dealing with here. You are one inch away from being completely wiped off the face of the planet right now.

shut the fuck up retard

i liked the dreamcast one way, way more.



I hated it whenever your sword would just bounce off of walls. I get why they did that, but godDAMN does it fuck up the flow of combat.

hey man calm down.
so what if you don't read books.

Genocide is a part of bladestorm too. Just you ain't the sole participant in the manslaughter.
You need to work with a group of people.