Are you excited for E3 2017?

Are you excited for E3 2017?

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who cares about her, post minecraft hips

No. Video games suck now

I bet she has nice, big pink nipples. I want to see them.

Yes I am
>Nintendo make or break the Switch
>Microsoft makes or breaks the Xbox brand with Scorpio
>Sonydomination as always
It should be a good time

Only if it's going to be politically charged and full of leftist propaganda

She has thick eyebrows like Zelda's


Why would anyone sensible be excited for E3?

Why would anyone support Bioware's hack nonsense by buying Andromeda? Don't you remember what happened last time?

Why would anyone be interested in Nintendo Switch; oh my FUCKING GOD, you can play unmodded Skyrim! Why would you want to? Get a laptop, they're better.

Why the fuck would anyone be excited about video games any more? All the best games have been made. All you're going to get from this point onwards is the same cinematic shit over and over again.
You'll keep throwing money at console after console though, won't you? People never learn about being fucked over time after time; they actually encourage it.

tl;dr All the best games have already been made, so have fun with your sterile corporate DLC pre-order cinematic horseshit

The autistic Nintendo manchild army going crazy over that ugly femlet was embarrassing as fuck.

A new pathetic low even for this board.


Will she be back this year

How the fuck are sony going to top having a literal live orchestra and Kojima walking in on a light bridge with his own live theme music?

her mouth is literally huge. it's always the first thing I notice. and she looked way better with blond hair.

her only redeeming quality is her soft tummy. I wonder if she's lost that weight yet.

Eh, I might bite and spend some free time on it.

I'll watch the conferences just to keep up with the memes


that makes no sense

>you'll never suck on her tits.


>that ugly mug

Why people were so obsessed with her, I'll never understand.

>Why would anyone be interested in Nintendo Switch
Portable local multiplayer seems like a pretty cool idea to me. Also I like Mario and Zelda.

her tits farted obviously

>Aubrey will never squat on your face

>open v catalog

>look for the Brap

>see this thread

COULD there be BRAP?

>when i see the first comment

I can sleep well tonight.

>Why the fuck would anyone be excited about video games any more? All the best games have been made. All you're going to get from this point onwards is the same cinematic shit over and over again.
>You'll keep throwing money at console after console though, won't you? People never learn about being fucked over time after time; they actually encourage it.
Care to dislodge yourself from that edge?

I want to milk these cowtits

horse armour*

I want to see what new way of raping Star Wars' corpse has EA invented.



As soon as she takes off that bra i guarantee you those things sag to her waist and she doesnt have the perfectly centered nips. Had a gf whose chest looked the exact same way. Got all excited when she finally unleashed those things....annnnd it was all an illusion.

Cyberpunk 2077 footage is the only thing I'm looking forward to in E3.

don't lie. You've ctrl+f that momma yourself, friendo

Any /f/itizens around? Why does this squat look fucking horribly bad?
