Have two normie friends ask me about the switch in the last week because they know I'm into vidya

>have two normie friends ask me about the switch in the last week because they know I'm into vidya
>guy who pretty much only plays civ complains about how he can't get a preorder anywhere
>guy whose only console is a gamecube for melee at parties tells me he thinks it'll outsell the wii and asks me if there are any stores where he can try it out nearby since he's really curious
Why do normies like the switch so much? Don't they know it has a maxwell GPU instead of a pascal and that zelda is coming out on the wii u too?

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not to bright are you op?
guy who only plays CIV, meaning he plays on PC, may or may not have a good enough PC to emulate, doesn't have a WiiU. his best choice is to get a Switch unless you want him to get a dead console now (he might be interested in portable vydia too)

2nd friend only has a gamecube, meaning he doesn't have a WiiU, again you'd rather tell him to buy a dead console instead, and also he likes to play games in parties, so the switch might be a better choice than a WiiU as well due to portability.

>Don't they know it has a maxwell GPU instead of a pascal
None of that shit matters. As long as there is a good supply of fun games thats all it needs.

oh and they care about the convenience and the games, they don't get their panties in a bunch due to maxwell or pascal, they look at the game and console itself.

>he thinks it'll outsell the wii
No it won't. The waggle was everywhere.
People who didn't give a single shit about video games before bought into the waggle.

>selling a $300 piece of tech with an 18-month old chip in it
Its™ Ok™ When™ Nintendo™ Does™ It™

But it's totally ok when Sony and Microsoft does it, right ;)

The Switch is normie bait through and through, which is what Sup Forums will never understand.

Because geek culture is hip now, Nintendo IPs are absurdly powerful. People are more willing to try their games, especially with games like FE Heroes, Mario Run, and Pokemon GO keeping them in the public eye.

The Switch is small, portable, and strong enough to fool normies into treating it like a real console. This gives it weight with millenials (and soon Gen Z kiddies) in colleges and cities, where space is limited and frequent transport a fact of life. And the detatchable controllers help distance it from Nintendo's other handhelds. Plus co-op and wireless mean that LAN parties are back in buisness, which will be a great tool for word of mouth advertising. Expect to see lots of siblings in airports playing each other in Smash.

All this combined with the existing autism of Nintendo's fanbase help set it up nicely to do solidly, which will in turn goad 3rd party devs to finally make games for it, which about 1-2 years from now will result in even hardcore gamers giving it a second glance.

>this is what ninetenyearolds actually beleive

>It's a "autists at Sup Forums don't understand Nintendo's appeal to the general public" thread

user five months ago Nintendo convinced millions of well to do twenty somethings to walk around like a bunch of assholes playing a glorified stamp collector with F2P mechanics up the ass. If you don't think they can sell underclocked Zelda tablets for $300 you just aren't paying attention.

>Comparing a free mobile phone game with Pokemon attached with a 300$ console

Nine of this matters if it won't get a mainline Pokemon game. Nintendo's only reason for being so profitable stems directly from Pokemon itself, had there been no Pokémon they'd have to change their strategy. Why else do you think they are saying that a 3DS successor isn't out of the question? Because TPC doesn't want a Pokémon game on consoles, and the Switch is technically a console.

>the Switch is technically a console

They're only paying the 3DS lip service so they have a fall back console with a 60 mil install base in case the Switch flops. As soon as the Switch hits close to that they'll be dropping it. The best you're going to get is a Switch mini with a smaller screen and built in joy cons with no rumble or dock.

Fanfiction thread?

I took my date out to an anime showing. She wanted to watch the Super Bowl but I figured she just wanted to see the Switch ad, so I showed it to her on the 3DS's Youtube app. She thought it was amazing and was so excited she wanted to go home to order one. I told her they were sold out anyway, but I might sell her one of mine for only $50 profit, which she laughed at and then looked confused, because she couldn't believe the deal I was offering her. Once the anime was over I took her out to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and asked them to put an Amiibo on top. They didn't know what that was so I insisted she didn't eat it until I drove to Target to buy a Yoshi. I ripped it open and put it into the puddle of melted ice cream and told her to enjoy. She was so happy she had tears in her eyes. Turns out she's super into role playing as she pretended not to want to come back to my place. She really got into it when I started fingering my ass with my powerglove, so I had to lock her in my basement until she promises to tone it down a notch

>This gives it weight with millenials (and soon Gen Z kiddies)
Reminder that someone in their mid-30s is technically a millenial
Reminder that Gen Z "kiddies" are graduating from Universities

Nintendo has only had mass appeal to the general public twice and it's not going to happen again

Are you having a date with Cha Cha?

>Sup Forums before teardown
>p-p-pascal! old dev kit! m-muh foxconn guy said so! near xbone power! digitalfoundry are sonyggers!
>Sup Forums after teardown
>b-b-but mario

It's like you don't understand how software/firmware development works. It's impossible to use the latest and greatest chips released.


History revisionists like you are the worst.

>drones before specs revealed
>"it's going to be SO POWERFUL, nintendo will finally make something good and btfo all the other consoles"
>drones after specs revealed
>"who thought this would be powerful? it's the games that matter"

>and our online won't get hacked

>sonyggers in charge of knowing what pascal and maxwell actually means
The only difference at this level is power consumption, but please keep shitposting about things you know nothing about.

Power consumption is a fucking huge problem for a pseudo handheld

But we already know the battery life, so there were no actual unknowns here

This has to be one of the best posts I've seen on this board

Yeah and it's quite literally awful.

It's about the same as the first iteration Vita and way better than the first iteration of the 3DS

Seems pretty standard to me

>general public

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but sony
fuck off

>Nintendo Shield™

>buying a switch

Xbox 360 had top of the line hardware, gaming PC's couldn't surpass it until end of 2006.

Pipeline depth, Pascal has lower IPC than Maxwell.

Also a few changes to the ROP and scheduling layout, but thats pretty minor desu. Oh and FP16 but nothing fucking uses that.

>not even e3 yet
i dunno what they're gonna do for the next few months but I'm sure they've got a plan for E3 or some directs.

I really fear the fact that this will sell and sony will probably commit suicide trying to copy this idea.
Microsoft just doesnt give a shit any more.

Just like the wii with the waglan controllers and all the memes they tried and the ds and touchscreens OR maybe they will add another gimmick like vr or some 3d like thing idk, everyone in my uni wants one regardless of their career, people want it, they expect things that the switch wont have, like netflix and shit like that, but they also think it is "cool" and "innovative".

What will happen to the videogame industry if this thing sells?

Imagine if this thing sales ended up in the 500m, what kind of impact would that leave?

this is a mobile device after all, mobile devices sell, like the iphone and the other phones, even shitty chink phones manage to sell in the ten millions.

How the fuck did we reach this point?, i mean, companies respond to what the consumer wants, nintendo doesnt do that directly, they do whatever the fuck they think is right, not what the market shows is right, if this works out like the ds or the gameboy or the wii the industry will change for good or for bad, whatever happens, you all have been warned.

Fuck you all stupid consumers.

password: 123456


>using that much thermal paste


> Why else do you think they are saying that a 3DS successor isn't out of the question?

In case Switch fails you fucking retard. They said the same thing about Game Boy and the NDS. This is the same company that stated NX would not replace Wii U months before they started killing Wii U.

Maxwell means we can disregard the Foxconn specs, and that DF was most likely right about the system being a downclocked X1. Nvidia likely gave Nintendo a hell of a deal on their unused stock.

>Nintendo servers get hacked first day.

>Comparing PS4 with Switch.

>tfw technically a millennial but born in the mid 80s and feel like i don't fit in with anyone but other mid 80s "kids"

Great post.


What's funny is that Foxconn leak was assuming it's X2, not confirm. The guy can only see the chip the same as the teardown pictures are showing.