Not gonna lie, I think RE1 is better than the remake. There's a freshness to RE that the remake lacks...

Not gonna lie, I think RE1 is better than the remake. There's a freshness to RE that the remake lacks. And the Mansion is this fun great place to explore. The Remake mansion is this dreary place with only green and brown. And why is it so dark? Why don't the lights work.

Plus it lacks the goofy charm of the original. Voice acting and cutscenes are just okay. But forgettable. Original scenes are classic and unforgetable. They put a real smile on my face when I first played it.

Plus it plays exactly the same. Multi-view cameras, lack of proper aiming, etc. What's the point of remaking it when they change so little? Just play the original.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree, OP. The problem is too many people disregard the original if they already played REmake when they are such vastly different experiences. Everyone should play through both at least once.

People will be doing the same thing when REmake 2 comes out. They will start diregarding the second game. Don't take remake fags too seriously. Let them have their obnoxious opinions on games.

I prefer the original in almost every single case.

I know this is a reposted b8 thread, but I played RE1 and up back in the days when they came out, loved them, and still greatly prefer REmake over the OG RE1. I never found RE1 "funny" or silly in any way, partly thanks to being a child + not a native English speaker, and while I do get the cheesiness now, it does not strike me too hard even now. REmake is clearly how the game would've been without PS1 limitations and better budget.

It's also funny to say that REmake "changes so little", when it's roughly 70% brand new experience. Not to mention majority of other "remakes" out there don't even bother to do anything else than update the graphics.

>when it's roughly 70% brand new experience

It's the same map, enemies, items, but now with less color and some extra content.

REmake had everything the original did and then some. Crimdonheads alone improve the game, plus there's Lisa, better puzzles, smoother controls, and obviously the graphics. Original game is still great and at the time of release it was the coolest shit ever but REmake outclasses or at least matches it in every way.

>REmake had everything the original did and then some.

Except less color. Do you like green/brown? Because that's all you see. For this reason, the mansion is way less interesting a place to explore. It has less character.

> Crimdonheads alone improve the game,

Annoying because of the unchanged item system. Now I have to lug around a new item, and refil it all the time.

>smoother controls,

Literally exactly the same except now you get quick turn.

why does the color matter when the graphics are so shit that its hard to differentiate? The graphics are shit mate. REmake was made in fucking 2002 and it still looks good and people are trying to say the original has better visuals? explain.

>The Remake mansion is this dreary place with only green and brown. And why is it so dark? Why don't the lights work.
To be perfectly honest it's not "green and brown", it's just desaturated.
If you use SweetFX and up the saturation by about 33% it looks A LOT better.
Pic related.

>The graphics are shit mate. REmake was made in fucking 2002 and it still looks good and people are trying to say the original has better visuals? explain.

Brighter colors, easier to see, more lighting.

Remake mansion has no color. The entire universe has some weird spell cast on it removing all the colors from the world.

>It's the same map, enemies, items, but now with less color and some extra content.
It's not, and you've literally never played the game if you even try to claim that.

Yes, it's roughly the same plot, characters and setting, with similar gameplay, but every single detail has been built up from scratch, re-mixing and altering tons of things, also adding plenty of all new content.

The brown & green thing is this samefag's own wannabe meme.
Again ironic, knowing how RE1 pretty much fashionized muted, limited color palettes.

>it's just desaturated
We know who can fix it


>Brighter colors, easier to see, more lighting.

This is not something that is desirable for horror games in general.

>less color
The game had color when it needed it. Sorry it actually looks like a spooky mansion now rather than a carny fun house.

>annoying because I'm shit at the game
If you don't suck at the game you won't have many of them to deal with. Same goes with refueling. Be smart about what you burn and its not an issue. God forbid the game asks you to play smart.

>lirterally exactly the same
Quick turn goes a long way, but movement and turning sensitivity is much improved with the analog stick. Original game was digital only and DC had wonky movement with the stick.

Forgot my pic.

I'm not going to argue about which game was better but RE1 Barry's voice actor was so much more fitting than super white guy REmake's Barry

It's silly because of HOW spooky it looks. Like why don't the lights really light that much? This is supposed to be just a normal mansion. Other than the monsters it looks the same when it was up and running. Can you imagine people walking around that place?

The lighting looks realistic. Here:

Big room, several lights like you say, but they are fucking candles. Looks like it would in real life.

Small room, no light source to see, yet there appear to be multiple. The room is incredibly bright despite the fact that it's nighttime.

In the original he gives you a magnum. In remake he gives you acid rounds right?

Annoyed they didn't make a Scenario A/B for Chris and Jill.

>Jill, Barry, and Wesker go to the main hall
>Chris runs away from the dogs and starts the game from a totally different location

The Scenario A/B and "zapping" was a great feature of RE2. Shame they never carried it over.

The S.T.A.R.S are doomed

>In the original he gives you a magnum.
No. He only gives you Acid rounds in RE1 as well.
He only brags about his Magnum in both.

I agree. I like REmake, I think it looks great and some additions were fun, but overall:

>looks muddier, which makes it feel more repetitive
>not all additions were good (who gives a fuck about Lisa Trevor at all? and that underground room with the coffin is really out of place)
>game was actually easier than the original despite the inclusion of crimson heads

>This is supposed to be just a normal mansion
you've clearly never been into an actually old mansion before, nor have you read any of the memos in the game. The place's far from "normal mansion".

I never found it to look "muddy" nor repetitive at all. The whole place's easy to memorize because of how distinct and interesting places look. And fuck you, Lisa was fascinating and creepy addition.

>I never found it to look "muddy" nor repetitive at all.

There's little visual distinction between areas. You go from desaturated green/brown room, to another desaturated green/brown room forever. All the mansion looks the same. In contrast, every room in the mansion in the original is different, often with different colors. Red room, green room, etc.

>You go from desaturated green/brown room, to another desaturated green/brown room forever.
you really need to check your TV settings or something, because even on GC, the game has way more detail and contrast than RE1 for the most part. If anything, it's RE1 that recycles green & orange color scheme.

>every room in the mansion in the original is different, often with different colors. Red room, green room, etc.
And you don't realize how silly that is?

>big muddy brown room

Oh wow, you sure showed me.

>I think RE1 is better than the remake

Most retarded thing I've read all week from here and this place is chock full of retarded opinions.

>Red room, green room, etc.
Just like a normal mansion right?

Game has WAY too much use of brown.

I sure did.

So did the OG. And green.

>They're going to do the same thing with RE2
>Remake will be NO FUN ALLOWED NO COLORS too
>Sup Forums will defend it

>RE7 comes out
>suddenly people are shitting on REmake a lot more

Hrm...By the way. Resident Evil was never meant to be goofy, you fucking retard.

If you think the bottom looks better than the top, you don't belong here.

The RE1 backgrounds are a little crummy and lack the deail or polish of the ones in 2, but they have stronger colors and visual variation. They went a bit overboard with the desaturation and darkness.

>same map

idiot detected. I thought this was the case until I played through the game last year and was continually taken by surprise at how different the game is. The underground areas are nothing alike, especially the shark tanks, in layout and the original doesn't have any of the Lisa Trevor stuff

>people are shitting on REmake a lot more
I've been noticing this too lately.

I'll always have a special place in my heart for RE1

I want to get a PC copy eventually so I can unlock those machine guns

This is some special little snowflake shit right here.
>muh colours are slightly more vibrant in this otherwise completely inferior product

People always put RE1 last on classic RE games but its

REmake = re1 > re2 > re3

>re3 last

c'mon guy

3 > 1 > 2


the rest are not worth mentioning
i started with re2 then re1 then 3 then 4 5 6 then then veronica i didnt play the 3ds shit or the other spinoffs re7 was trash but still not as bad as 6

>REmake = re1

That's the most faggot opinion ever.

This is a classic Resident Evil thread. We dont discuss tps thrash.

At most we can discuss Gun Survivor and Code Veronica.

Why? RE1 had the bonus of being original, the first one and the hardest one of the original trilogy.

REmake barely improved it other than better graphics and slapping crimson heads on it.

Both are top tier.

I never really understood the hate for CVX

I mean, yeah, steve was ten different kinds of shit and yeah, the game kinda gets a bit meh as soon as you start playing as chris but it wasn't a bad game

Personally I compare games to how much better they are in comparison to the other. Not 'oh this was made first so it's best XD'. It's only considered 'hard' due to the shitty camera angle placements anyways.

REmake is this best RE game to date in my opinion. RE1 isn't the worse, but it's no where near best and saying REmake/RE1 are equally the best is just retarded fanboyism.

Same here: the zombies are more scary in the PS1 (their moans are more unnerving), the gore it's more shocking, the backgrounds are more weird (in a scary and intended way) and the music is more memorable (i even liked the ass band theme, aka mansion basement theme).

CV is fine. CVX is trash.

Fucker more color doesn't automatically mean good or better. That's an idiotic way of thinking.


>room fixtures and furniture are brown
Wow no shit.

What's the difference between the two?

Kind of a weird argument. Yeah, the original had more vibrant colors and better lighting, but that's not something that should be cared about too much in a horror game. And it's really not even that bad in REmake.

I care about color in games just as much as the next guy, but it still depends on the type of game, setting, etc. Gotta be honest, out of all the times I've played REmake, I've never thought about it being desaturated or lacking color. It's just not that type of game.

Well, not exactly "better" lighting. Just brighter lighting. Gotta correct myself there.

Glad to see some fair and honest criticism/backlash on REmake. Tired of all the underage fags and people who only like newer games acting like REmake is this grand perfection that can do no wrong.

Most people didn't even play this damn game when it released originally for Gamecube. I didn't play it until the HD re-release. I also still like REmake a whole lot. I beat it 12 times since I bought it. That doesn't mean it doesn't deserve any criticism and that doesn't mean it is a "complete upgrade" as so many here keep parroting.

Any time a game gets praised way too much it starts to get some backlash and I've come to the conclusion this is for the best since fanboys are often way too dishonest not with just themselves but other people online to. Sometimes they don't even purposefully do this either. They just are that fanboyish.

I prefer RE1 over REmake. Although REmake is definitely a great game.

what the fuck kind of complaints are these, the horror mansion is drab and unsettling in the remake? what the fuck?

The thing about REmake though is it looks unnaturally colored. Silent Hill for example does not look like this.

For a good example of what I mean by unnaturally colored just remember all those brown and grey bloom shooters that were in for awhile. Eventually people got tired of how unnatural it looked and developers rightfully changed it. That art style might have been cool for about a year but it should have never stayed as long as it did.

RE1 isn't cartoony colorful at all. It is colored to make each room in the mansion stand out from the others. Which was a smart thing to do. Just contrast this with the underground hunter area in the game where almost everything down there is the same color.

Basically REmake has poor sense of color and lighting while Silent Hill and RE1 do not.

>Resident Evil was never meant to be goofy
Have you even heard the lines or followed the stories in the first 4 games? They're serious in the same ways MLP is serious to bronies or gangsta rap is to retards

>it lacks the freshness of the original
>the 6th or 7th entry into the overall series doesn't feel as "fresh"
Ya don't fucking say

RE7 has made people stupider than they already are

REmake is literally RE1 but better. Everything was improved from gameplay, voice acting, plot, OST, level design, graphics, etc. The only reason you think RE1 is better is because you're a nostalgiafag.
>Plus it lacks the goofy charm of the original. Voice acting and cutscenes are just okay. But forgettable
The cheesyness is the worst shit about the original. Its a Survival Horror game, not a comedy.

It's been 20 years since I played the first one so I can't give a fair comparison between the two but Lisa Trevor was definitely a nuisance to deal with. Maybe if I played the game on release and she was a surprise I would have a better opinion of her but she just seems like an added sob story.

You are probably a fag that would prefer the Evil Dead remake rather than the original.

>I prefer the original so anyone who likes REmake's opinion is obnoxious


I don't care for movies. RE1 has nothing on REmake. Take your contrarian opinions elseware.

You guys are talking about Resident Evil Origins Edition right?


Nothing more needs to be said to you.

Great argument. Oh wait you never had one to begin with.

Not gonna lie, i think you are pretty fucking retarded.


I knew 7 fags were going to be cancerous.

I respectfully think you're a fucking faggot

>interesting environment design and good level progression shouldn't be cared about in a horror game
Why not?

I think you didn't notice because you didn't play the original RE1 first. I played it first, and I immediately noticed how washed out REmake became.

RE1 has its own charm that RE:Make lacks. I've played both, and I know which camp I fall in.

Yes, the graphics are worse, there's less polish and refinement, and the remake expands quite a bit on the original. However, there's something in pure fun factor that the PSX game has over the first. The surrealism of the mansion design, coupled with a more "videogamey" feel really makes the game a goddamn blast to replay. It's faster to go through, and the unrefined nature of the controls and AI make challenge runs and silly restrictions fun in a way that a more modern design philosophy prevents.

RE:Make is a damn fine game. No one here will dispute that. But I really do think there is grounds for saying that you can prefer RE1.

RE2 is literally perfect and RE4 ruined the whole series

>RE4 ruined the whole series
Capcom's retarded decisions did

forgot my quote

uh there's an entirely new monster, plot, and area surrounding said monster (lisa trevor).

All three mainline RE games now have a persistent advanced BOW pursuing the player (lisa, mr x, and nemesis).

then dont discuss tps trash discuss tps and re perfected

>37 posters

I actually agree on one point. Crimson Heads were a pointless addition, and needing to burn zombies makes zero fucking sense considering you're in a FUCKING HOUSE and lighting shit on fire would literally burn the whole fucking place down.

REmake is the better game by far, but RE1 still has its own charm and is worth experiencing

It's a video game. Zombies aren't real.

This. We should not oppose RE and its remake, but appreciate the work on both (Rebirth isn't a shitty remake, it's definitely one of the most well crafted one on the market).

The best thing to do is to play both, one after the other, just to appreciate all the changes, even the tiniest ones (the dogs jumpscare for example), done by Mikami and his team.

See, here is the thing:

I like the original, but the art direction was a fucking piece of shit, and here is why

>George Trevor was originally a prominent architect based in New York, known for his ingenuity and intelligence.[notes 1] One of the trademark gimmicks of his work was the existence of secret halls and rooms, and often enough panels that served as protective or deterring devices, as well as booby traps.[1] This attracted the attention of the aristocrat Oswell E. Spencer, who contracted him in 1962 to build a private mansion in the Arklay Mountains in the Raccoon City forest,[2][3] based on his European home, luring him with the prospect of unlimited funding so he could give free reign to his imagination-constructing a manor that would be, at the same time, beautiful and mysterious. George, enthralled by the idea, designed many of the trademark traps and secrets of the estate, and was eventually invited to the mansion itself once construction was complete. Having a considerable amount of work to do, he sent his wife Jessica and daughter Lisa to stay there before he could go himself; they themselves arrived on November 10, according to Spencer.[4]

>It was on this day, also, that Spencer made reference to his intention to open a pharmaceutical corporation, and that he would use the house as a private hotel for his employees. This puzzled George, who was expecting the mansion to be a private retreat for Spencer, alone, evident by the total-secrecy of the mansion's construction.[4]

tl;dr it wasn't a quick hackjob to host scientists, it was actually a regular job the author didn't even know it was for zombiemaking. There's no reason for the interior decorating to be so fucking inconsistent.

>it's a blame everything on RE4 post again

For fuck's sake it was a much needed revamp of the franchise at that point. It's like you people don't realize how stale the formula became.

yeah but why add such an unrealistic gameplay element in a remake that strove to make everything else more realistic compared to the first game?

Also, it's not like Resident evil 4 was the first action game of the franchise.

Upping this too.
What are the differences between the original CV and CVX?



why not just end the series at CV then and start a branch new IP?

This is what kills me about japanese devs:

>create an entirely new game/genre/setting
>slap an established IP name on it for sales

There is literally no reason for RE4 to have been a part of the RE series.

It was the only gimmicky way they could think of that would work with consumables. Think about it

>stomp head
>doesn't make it harder
>cut head
>once you find cutting tool you only need that
>Put bullet through the brain while they're down
>Makes the most sense, so it's shit for a game

Because CV ended on a cliffhanger, they wanted to continue Leon's journey and most importantly the brand name sells. Oh and western devs are more guilty of not making new IPs.

CVX added new cutscenes. That's about it.

RE1 is superior to REmake, don't listen to a single underage faggot telling you otherwise.

yeah but western devs keep the genre for their IPs the same. Doom 2016 isn't an action RPG, for example, because they didn't feel the series needed a "revamp".

>Oh and western devs are more guilty of not making new IPs.

That's a fucking joke. There are Japanese IPs older than time still getting iterations and will literally outlive the universe.