Will this save Crash?

Will this save Crash?

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I just want more Coco and Tawna fanart.



It better.

If Naughty Dog isn't making more Crash games it should stay dead


Well, I can't see the old games with new graphics being any than Mind Over Titan and the other abortions in Crash's worst years, even if doesn't save it, what is happening now is already a good thing.

>muh naughty dog
fuck off. nobody who made the crash games is there nowdays anyway.

Current Naughty Dog couldn't make a new Crash game even if they tried, their personal has become the cinematic game's "experts".

They are chiefed by people like Drukman who consider Naughty Dog now to be "above childish things like Doughnut Drake", Crash is the son they don't want to talk about it anymore.

Are you that stupid? Naughty Dog now is barely composed of the people who were there during the Crash days.

Hell, they have a guy there who considers a certain famous feminist to be his life inspiration.

I'm surprised ND doesn't have a splinter dev studio that just tinkers around with simpler game ideas.

Their artists and engineers have to get bored of making high-fidelity 'realistic' graphics at some point and need a side AA-tier project to work on.

A new Crash racing game will save Crash.

that's my point you mongs. Crash should stay dead. no one is going to make him properly. the best shot out of 20+ games has been Twinsanity. just play yooka laylee

CTR is a fluke, the game being that good is some sort of witchcraft that will never happen again.

Damn, this is what I've been saying for years, and people are finally realizing that NaughtyDog might not be the best dev for Crash these days.

hey, that's me gif, nice

What is this?

>no one is going to make him properly.

Vicarious Visions made Nitro Kart, even if that game didn't have perfect gameplay, the presentation was awesome, everything felt like classic crash, the design, the characters. And most people who worked on that still work there.

It's from the remastered Crash 1 intro

It's PS4 exclusive so it's DOA

>20+ games
Uh no?

it's showing how they moved their ears like real animals when they heard sounds

Shit, that's a pretty cool detail.

So who here already pre-ordered it?

I trust vicarous visions. CNK was okay and their GBA games were actually pretty good.

So what are they going to do Tawna as a character? Back then they dropped her due concern over her sexuality for being a Pamella Anderson homage because Universal Studios was being a bitch, then creating Coco as Crash's sister and more child friendly partner. Only to years later someone thought of giving the reason why Tawana magically disappeared was because she dumped Crash's ass for Pinstripe

Will Tawna make new cameos in the remastered Trilogy or the fact that has to suddenly disappear will stick?

Well, you forgot Crash Tag Team Racing.

I'm not saying they did a terrible work with previous games, In fact, I enjoyed them, especially the GBA titles. But this piece of garbage (at least for me) made me lose all of my fate In Vicarious Visions. I prefer something like Eurocom making a Crash Bash sequel.

Also the fact that they made she even MORE """"""""""""inappropiate"""""""""""" In Crash Boom Bang.

Is it even possible to fuck this up?

They literally just remade the game in a new engine. Everything -should- be pretty much the same, except for the graphics (and maybe less bullshit controls).

I mean I like the racing games, they're okay. Im wary of a platformer though

If you watch gameplay Crash moves oddly slow. It reminds me of modern platforms where everything feels heavy

the controls were bullshit because there wasn't analog stick when it came out.

He moves pretty much exactly like the OG version

How does reselling the old games "save" the franchise exactly?

i think she'll just disappear, i don't think they'll add much explanation to plotholes in Crash, but who knows. Maybe she'll just chill in the beach in Crash 2 with Coco

Tag Team Racing is not a Vicarious Vision title. It's made by Radical and published by Vivendi

Well, fuck me. I've been living through a lie my entire life. Thank you, random dude from Sup Forums.

well, they made Skylanders Imaginators, the Crash level was focused on platforming so they know that stuff. and people said the demo on Ps Experience of N.Sane was pretty good and felt just like the original games.

He moves the exact same speed as the original, it may feel like that because of the graphics, but you can see that he moves at the same speed because of that trick you can do with Aku Aku invincibility with the boxes in the first level

Problem with VV is that they treat Crash more like a nickelodeon cartoon then a cheeky warner brother.

Sure, the remake's presentation looks good, but VV can't make an original game to save their lives

Is that why ND won't make any more goofy games that focus on actual gameplay?

Who the fuck lets these scumbags into the industry?

normies who think games should be gritty and realistic because muh graphics need to look like real humans.

I wish we focused on cartoonish graphics, Ratchet and Clank and Crash are almost CGI-like quality

Fuck off with your MUH JASON RUBIN, look at the trash he made before Crash

He wasn't responsible for shit until real talent came on board

I don't they they're talking about him only dude, there's other people like David Siller who are the real creators of Crash

You imply that Crash was ever good to begin with or that it's worth saving.

I'm implying you're a dicksucking faggot.

It was fucking great (at least during the PS1 era).

Shohei Yoshida that mongoloid casual faggot enabled Neil ((((DruckMANN)))) and his lè cinématique expériènce


fuck off faggot cock sucker.

>google Neil Druckmann
>"Neil Druckmann (born December 5, 1978) is an Israeli-American writer"

Fucking hell why do jews feel the need to ruin everything?



Didn't Eurocom go under? Never seen a game from them before or after Bash. Was a fun game though.

looks like a soulless cash grab on the level of thps5, so no.

That's like asking if the Titanic can be saved.

>The ears are animated
Chuck Jones seal of aproval.mkv

It will show the devs that there is interest and profit on the IP

I'm pretty sure this is backwards

As a guy that played Twinsanity to the death, I must admit It was fun, but not the best one. The original trilogy holds up as the winner.

Why did they turn Crash into some shitty looking CGI monster?
Honestly, this remake reminds me of the silent hill remakes, where the graphics change is a terrible one which will take away the feel of the game.
Games like I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Fallout 1 and 2, and many others survive off its old graphics style.

Crash is weird as fuck because his design almost relies on being low poly. Nobody knows what the fuck to do with him

>Who are the Voice Actors?

>Fred Tatasciore (Dingodile, Koala Kong, Komodo)
>Debi Derryberry (Coco, Tawna)
>Greg Eagles (Aku Aku)
>Dwight Schultz (Papu, Lab Assistant)
>Maurice LaMarche (Nitrous Brio, Lab Assistant)
>John DiMaggio (Uka, Tiny Tiger)
>Jess Harnell (Crash Bandicoot, Pinstripe Potoroo, Ripper Roo)
>Corey Burton (Doctor N. Gin, Doctor N. Tropy, Baby Cortex)
>Lex Lang (Dr. Neo Cortex)

The COT/MOM cast make a return

well, RIP.

Why do people think it's bad? I played crash 1, 3 and CTR on PS1 when I was like 10. What the fuck did people expect? 1:1 ports of the original ones?

If they sell the license to Nintendo, yes.

Fuck yeah, Crash 2 was fucking awesome: the jet pack levels, the surf-scooter levels, trying to find hidden gems, the stupid lore, the setting. Even the animations were fucking top notch and were a huge improvement from orginal Crash.
Crash 3 was more of like a refined Crash 2 experience but it felt too convoluted. Still good tho



We wanted better quality textures/resolution, better vehicle controls and a proper save system for Crash 1. That's literally it.

I don't know who "we" is since I'm completely fine with how the game looks. I doubt the save system will be worse in this one aswell. Controls I'm not sure since it looked like they tried their best to make it as similar as possible.

The Crash 1 intro has been out since December. You didn't see it?


>better vehicle controls and a proper save system for Crash 1.

Not him but both of those are confirmed. Along with stuff like Time Trials being added for 1 and 2. And Crash 1's gem system working like 2 and 3 now.

>he didn't see the disgusting screens from last night's thread

I know. But they goofed in terms of the graphics and the SFX.


>But they goofed in terms of the graphics and the SFX
fuck off they look good, quit your fucking nitpicking

Will Crash save Spyro with these remasters?

>having complete shit taste

>being a piece of shit

>Crash is the son they don't want to talk about it anymore.
He wasn't their child in the first place, he (and Spyro) belonged to Universal Studios.

Crash was Naughty Dog's child, they created him, Universal just payed them to make a game. Universal didnt do shit to Crash's conception

t. Vicarious Visions employee

cause creating a new team is wayy out of the question

>best developer of Crash outside of Naughty Dog

wow what an insult there buddy, you must be from BigRedButton

They may have created him but they didn't own him.

I can finally rage in HD.

ownership means squat when it comes to creating something

if they created him, he is their child

He looked fine in twinsanity though. That design seems to be the answer every wants to forget

>not liking something means you're nitpicking
Kek, keep crying kiddo

>He looked fine in twinsanity though

fuck no.

>Debi Derryberry (Coco, Tawna)
Have they shown the new Coco yet?

if you are complaining about graphics, in this day in age, about a cartoon-esque video game when the graphics are not bad by any means, that is nitpicking

WHAT the fuck is that face man?

Better than the big-headed weirdo they're trying to pull now, and probably better than any other version past Warped

what do you mean?

>are not bad by any means
>disliking something in my opinion is good is nitpicking
Keep making up your own definitions kiddo, maybe one day it'll work.

I've been waiting for a remake of the first 3 crash games since...2006.

Not yet.

fine, explain why you dont like the graphics then

>Shitposters finally starting to target this
I should've known after that attempted shitstorms over the change in the first games intro.

>you will never play a remastered version of Crash Twinsanity with all of the cut content added in.

maybe if they cut Nina, School of Evil, Crash being retarded and Cortex being overly flamboyant then it might be good

Nina sucks, but I do really like Classroom Chaos. And the School of Evil had some of the best tracks.

I found Crash being retarded and Cortex being a fag to be funny and it fit the comedy of the game really well.