I really hope this fucker dies an excruciatingly painful death

I really hope this fucker dies an excruciatingly painful death.

Because he's white?


You know he's not going to get a well deserved death

Because he was a psychopath before the BOW got to him.
He fucking killed a kid by locking him in his attic and starving him to death.



This game wants me to believe this white trash loser can build robots.....

was it before? The way his room looked made it seem like he was a child who succeeded in academics and was well loved but began to turn into a dick bag once he started to get infected. I don't remember it all that well so feel free to correct me, but the biggest evidence to me that the mold was introduced was that the child who had died in the attic was banging on his ceiling and there was liquid oozing out

To be fair the kid was beating him up and harassing him. So Lucas was justified in fighting back.

Eye for an eye after all.

trailer trash build all kinds of shit

how are you people judging them without even being around them? radios, drones, motors from just scrap they have laying around. You think they can afford electronics or something?

His family originally wasn't white trash though. They all frequently read books and were looked at as good clean people before they were infected.

>someone calls you a fag
>lock them in your attic and starve them to death

Seems justified.

Not to mention the fact they were so rich that they fit their house with puzzle like locks for the lulz

Nah, there is a journal you can read in the kids room that is definitely written by a young Lucas.
The liquid oozing out was probably from the body rotting.

This is true, I was a poor child and when I wanted something, I had to make it myself. I still use those skills to this day for stupid things, but it gives me the mental security of comfort regardless of where I stand in life because I know with a knife, tape, cloth, cardboard, wood, and nails you can make just about anything

It's fine to me, or do you think being treated like trash is ok?

>they fit their house with puzzle like locks for the lulz
Wasn't Lucas the one who made them?

>family is rich as fuck
>Has education

>This somehow means he was white trash

Was it the accent that triggered you?

Wait... is it? shit i kinda forgot.
I remember seeing that invoice jack had with that contractor. I assumed it was done there. Or maybe its like a combined effort thing? Hell I dunno man, I was kinda busy getting spooked the fuck out by the game.

It was made by the people who made the Spencer mansion.

Hank 3 is a saint. You guys need to calm down.

I swear to god there's an actor with same face as him but I cant remember who it is. Starved Fassbender?

To drive this point home,
Isnt there like a discovery channel series about some dude who basically uses junks to create shit like washing machines and air conditioners?

I mean yeah sometimes its obvious he had some help but it was pretty cool to see someone make a filtration system out of junk

Maybe, there is actually a lot of people who look like him.

Is he an Umbrella agent or what?

Shit... I was thinking the same thing. Just cant figure out who yet.

He reminds me a bit of Steven Ogg, the bloke that GTA V Trevor is based off.

Jake was definitely trash since he was a faggot tough guy to his son while the Lucas was the intellectual surrounded by morons in his family.

It is too bad that our modern society still values ooga booging over intelligence. If you are more intelligent than your family then you should be ruling over them.


no, however, the "UNKNOWN BOW COMPANY" contacted him, gave him the serum, and he essentially spied on his family for their study reasons.

it isn't the new Umbrella Corps, because they are mentioned as their competitor/enemy.

whoever made the E-series stuff in this game is a new company.

honestly the "Mold" is probably the best B.O.W in the series yet, when it comes to meeting the criteria's set out for them.

it requires no violence/property destruction, with a bit of tuning, none of the people would become molded, it would allow you to completely co-opt an entire population center.

the problem was simple, you put it in control over a 10 year old girl (she's actually about 4 years old, artificially aged) who has zero empathy because she was grown in a tube and doesn't understand humans at all.

I give it a negative on this, none of the shit the Mold can make is fairly durable, the G-Virus still has that in spades, but that shit is a fucking nightmare.

chill the fuck out hammurabi

He's in the Walking Dead now he's a great villain!

Looks nothing like him.

Clancys voice actor didn't die so all the shit about them changing the game because of that is flat out wrong.

Unless it's a different Tony Vogel, he's dead, man.

>didn't catch his number of awards

Steve Jobs


The house was built by the guys from resident evil 1. So that's why it's a shit show.

Did people really think that if a voice actor died they wouldn't just redub it but instead add most of the game around it? Even when the va recorded his character's death? They think it was changed to that?
It is.

That and the arm you need for the Serum is attached to the the child Lucas killed.
>So Lucas was justified in fighting back.
He was justified in "fighting back" but locking a child in his attic and killing him is not self defense.
It's intentional murder.