ITT: Hardest moral choices in vidya

ITT: Hardest moral choices in vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

>pat her head until you fuck her simulator

What choice? There's only one real answer you can give here.


Ruka is a guy, you just timetravel to fix it up, which could be seen as a sort of sexchange operation.

One involving Pagers and Space-Time, but as far as (you) are concerned it is a guy originally.

Keep clicking next to advance the story, save before making the d-mail, see Lukako's ending, reload the save, send d-mail, continue reading Steins;Gate. Easy


You can turn off the console or close the game.

What game is that? I'm curious.

Boku no pico



Thank you.

>Draw a cute, submissive and femenine girl
>Call it a boy

The volt is coming for yoy


Why not?

Literally a boy

[Comfort Marimo]

What did it mean by this?

>tfw got bad end because thought "comfort her" meant patting her head or something

is it a good game?

Will i like it if I didn't watch the anime

Because if he's attractive because he looks like a girl, but he's a boy.
I don't like boys

there are some cute shotas in real life.
they quite look feminine

The game's better than the anime.

Why don't girls ask me to embrace them in the real life

Is the ending just as good? i\I heard he gets cucked in the game

I never play that game but that scene get memed a lot, what actually happen?

You just fuck her or something else?

What's the gameplay like though

The only sex scene in all of mub-rub that I liked.

It's a VN. there is no gameplay.

There are multiple endings and no, he doesn't get cucked in any of the endings.

Also, if you want to get the True Ending use a guide, it's next to impossible to do it on your own. All of the endings are worth seeing though desu

Play the game

Visual Novel, the only "gameplay" other than reading is choosing whether or not to call certain characters at key points.

Thanks for info senpai, gonna give this a shot

Glass her.


I don't like VN

I just want to understand the joke without wasting my time playing a VN.

Any youtube link?

[Go out eating with another man]

Yeah, it was definitely my favorite. It's a shame she didn't have a full-fledged route.
I did like Meiya's in extra, but the whole ending was cheesy as shit but I like that sort of thing.

the ending to the anime is the same as the true ending to the game. There's just a bonus episode in the anime about some additional light-hearted antics.

I dunno about it being a choice but I sure felt bad

I don't get the reference.

you wouldn't you weeb

if only there was a website... some sort of... search engine.. where you can search something you don't understand and have it direct you some place that explains it to you.
if only.

I don't like other people's penises.

Marimo Maniax when?


you choose "comfort her" and Hisao procedes to give her a good dicking.

>only sex

Welp, the meme isn't even funny. Thanks anyway

Eat shit. You need the context you fucking autist.


Is this a cute boipussi thread?
or trap

>Glass Him still gets memed by Sup Forums


I don't care anymore dude, just move on. We're just talking about a VN after all

fuck off, link is fucking shit

>implying it doesn't deserve to be memed

I guess Telltale wasn't expecting so many shut-ins to play their game desu

>Shut ins

>Toon Link

Fuck off to 9gag, your kind isn't wanted here.


Where do you think you are?

Why are you so mean to the hero? do you like bullying someone?

i did the same
i was horribly surprise but that shitzune bitch end end sad too so it was ok



I have never felt such emotion in a video game at the time I first went through this case, and I'm not sure I have felt such emotion from a video game ever since.

What did you choose Sup Forums? I picked guilty

Not guilty for your reputation

boku no gate

Is there a route where you can still fuck him but he remains a boy?

Wew lad. I need a source on this.


Oh, it was hard alright.


I thought it meant giving her a hug or some shit. Who the hell comforts someone with penis? And your girl's best friend at that

Everyone involved here was a total shit

hack into the pico

Seeing how it's primarily a slang european term, I don't expect a lot of shut ins or shut outs from non-muslim countries to understand the phrase.

best sex cg in the game to be desu

Guilty. I trusted my girl Maya, so I did what she said.

play steins gate 0

Do I need to read the first one to enjoy 0


Is that even a question?

>not wanting to be pixelated cute boy
what kind of gay are you

A lot of the pokeboys aren't that good, but I do have to admit that Nate is very good.

You'll be fine. In fact it's better to read the VN first then watch the animu.

>That one tranny that cried because of this
Humanity is in its darkest era.

I played and got the Tuturu's ending. I understand it is tricky to get the true ending (and it is the same ending in the anime). Can i watch the anime to see the true ending?

Continuing to play a game past 4 a.m. or getting enough sleep to be coherent at work/school/other.