Nobushi isnt op, you just suck

Nobushi isnt op, you just suck

Warden and Peacekeeper are legitimately OP, Warden is bar none the best character in the game.

and Assassin

What game is this? Is it Shadow Tactics? If so how is it?

Should have been a skill.

Its For Honor. but Shadow Tactics is incredibly excellent and everyone should play it


when is the abundance of for honor porn finally happening?

is it possible to tech throws after a dodge?


Just don't worry about what the game is and play Shadow Tactics.

>is it possible to tech

Not anymore fag

>People whine about fatties instant kill throw
>Its slow and reactable
>Once hes near death you just play it safe
>If he uses it at close to full life its like 2 bars damage at most and if he fucks up hes out 2 bars and usually punished hard.

Glad to bash your skulls in when you parry indicator disappears with that lock off nonsense though fucking fags.

man i thought i was the only person who played that game. Tenchu-like games need to come back



succ ?


Isn't it a tactics game like commandos? how the fuck is that like tenchu?

Male Nobuchi when

Women can't fight

Game sucks
It's an Ubishit game, nothing to see here

I find the mask-on more attractive desu senpai

>make female character
>cover head to toe in armor
>full face mask
>still becomes a waifu and is super sexualized in art

She'd be less pined over if she had on bikini plate.

she isn't you're right, I only got problems with conq.

How do I port forward to fix NAT?

I'm on Xbone.

Fuck off shill


its a game about a ninja sneaking about and picking people off using trickery and good oldfashioned stabs in the back


Oh please, everyone knows Apollyon is actually into bestiality. After all, what else could she have meant by wolves?

Error 0006000018
I port forwarded everything.