Why is bloodborne so easy?

Why is bloodborne so easy?

fuck challice dungeons only reason i gave up with the plat. Fucking boring ass repetitive shit

bitch ass nigga.

I platted it too, but I didn't think it was easy at all. It was my first Souls-like game.

what said

I played DaS1, DaS3, and Bloodborne, and thought Bloodborne was the hardest.

Are BBfags now pretending that chalice dungeons were anything other than complete trash? Cute.

Chalices have the most difficult content in the game and you can get sweet gems.

It's not like you have to do every single one. This is just an excuse not to get an easy plat.

Bloodborne was most definitely harder than DS1. I'm still working on DS3 so I can't really rank it yet but it's pretty hard.

Go fuck yourselves. Games great but the Challice dungeons are complete fucking shit.

It's only the easiest platinum because you're not forced to go through multiple covenants, and max them out to get a spell, or ring.

And that's a good thing.

>saw spear
>beast pellet
>flame paper/good gems
Wow, so hard.

Oh, for sure. Getting the miracles/pyromancies/spells is without a doubt the worst part of Souls games.

I've played all but DaS2.

BB is the only game in the series that still gives me shit at times upon replaying.

Id probably just delete patch dupe shit then do them but fuck being bothered grinding out the same shit continuously plus i have no friends to help me

button masher with massive parry windows and i-frames, unlimited healing items that don't take long to use, and dodging hardly uses any stamina - this is why babbies hail it so much

The only hard chalice dungeon is the defiled one

>Are BBfags now pretending that chalice dungeons were anything other than complete trash

No one is pretending that chalice dungeons are GOOD content, but you are a "bitch ass nigga" for letting them make you "give up with the plat". That's all.
They're hardly complete fucking shit. Mind-numbing maybe. The Defiled chalices or whichever that halve your health are really quite difficult too, but I found the unique boss fights throughout the chalices to be worth continuing for. Yharnam as a fight is neat.

DaS2:SotFS was the hardest game for me save for my first experience with DeS. It was probably because I joined the champions covenant without know what it did.

Bloodborne is still my favorite game though.

because you got nothing else going on in your life

>Loran Darkbeast
>Abhorent Beast
>Defiled Ebby-chan
>Headless beast

BB is the easiest to 100% because it doesn't require any online or pvp to get.




I wonder this too. I think the increased speed, increased times you can dodge, increased stamina regen, increased attack speed, and the gems all contribute to making it piss easy. Played it blind and beat it and the DLC in less than 10 hours my first time which was a shame because I wasn't even trying to rush.

Literally just depends on how you are as a player.
I think DeS and DaS1 are the easiest in the series simply because of how slow and predictable everything else. You're hardly under any real pressure because very few enemies in the games are actually aggressive.
It's just all in how you approach the games.


Souls are like the original armored core games and BB was like 4 and FA desu.

I always make a new character for new souls/borne game. I tried the DLC the first time at BL 21 right after Amieia and got whooped by Ludwig the one shot until I gave up until I was BL 75 and finally got through it.

>new souls/borne game
I meant for a new DLC.

A better question is why did you have to take that image from the internet instead of just taking a screenshot of your profile?

that's underselling how fucking fast FA is

Trick weapons were a mistake.

So where you but at least they don't shitpost.

>So where you