Give Kirby the Bombergirl treatment

Give Kirby the Bombergirl treatment.

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I wouldn't mind.

I WOULD mind if it looked like that tumblr shit.

Every game that has ever existed needs the Bombergirl treatment

boys should remain as a boy.

Waifushit is literally the cancer that is killing video games.

Why does beam kirby wear a jester hat anyway?

But what if Zelda was a girl and IkeXSoren were straight?

>black hair
get out

That Dedede is not nearly thick enough.

Everything in the universe needs to turn into a cute girl. Some of them can have dicks though.

Moeshit needs to be purged. We don't need more of it.

No, normalfags like you are. Don't worry, your shitty burger games still have transgender gorillas.

it cant be, since homo is the best form of love

That's clearly blue.

Pick one, boipuscy is to be used when you're getting desperate not to fall in love with. Bottom gays are just a cheap substitute of women

only if kirby is a cute shota.

Can you at least make Kirby look androgynous? Kirby doesn't have a defined gender so it would be better that way.

Yeah because all fags are just desperate heteros.

To be fair, it could be interesting

Nice try vorefag

>Game where cute girl eats innocent sentient creatures whole.
So what, like a vore game?

Get out, tumblr.

The hell? Didn't sakurai confirm Kirby is a he?

She just cutely sucks them up.

I want to fuck that Waddle Dee.

>Give Kirby the Bombergirl treatment.

Fuck no


I said Bombergirl treatment. Bomberman is a man

>She just cutely sucks them off.

>IkeXSoren were straight?

No, leave Kirby as he is.

>Bottom gays are just a cheap substitute of women

[citation needed]

It doesn't matter where I'm from, I'm just stating that Kirby doesn't have an official gender. Even if manuals referred to Kirby as a he it could be incorrect, like when they misgendered Samus in the original Metroid.

So, the characters would look a little something like this?

Girl Ike is the cutest thing ever and trap Soren is the second cutest thing ever, straight>gay
It's much more difficult to get to fuck a woman than a gay man

Bombergirl needs the Bombergirl treatment.

>although this rule was initially broken when he was introduced to western audiences as a "spry little boy" in the English manual for Kirby's Dream Land
Kirby wiki

For what purpose?

What are you some kind of faggot?

>treating localization as canon

>western shit

I'm a faggot for liking cute girls?

>sayaka couldn't kill a single idiot baseball player
>Kirby wipes out everyone that's against him

Not the best human for Kirby powers

You know they kept referencing Kirby a boy right?

But they have the same seiyuu.

at least there isnt a single proof that he is a girl

I wanna fuck that puffball

trips don't lie



Is this a Kirby thread?

>dont like boobs being shoved in my face and annoying squeeky anime grils
>considered a ess jay doubleoo

So you're gay then.

Pronouns don't really count. Male pronouns can be sort of generic.

>dont like boobs being shoved in my face and annoying squeeky anime grils
>considered gay
I don't understand your logic.

wait what bombergirl treatment

You don't like boobs in your face. You're a flaming faggot.

fap to our favorite characters without being homo

If you weren't such a lonely weeb who jacks off to anime girls then maybe you'd understand a little better.

Wait a minute I'm at Sup Forums, nobody here has even talked to a real girl.

I'd love to see their take on it. It's one of the few series that has a realistic chance of it happening too.

Okay MGTOW virgin.

nice generalizations

Fuck no leave my adorable round creature alone

What? How is 'he' a generic pronoun? You're specifically referring someone as a male and nothing else.

You say this after writing ?

Just make the right male, it makes it 200% better

It's the sad truth. Almost everybody here is desperate.
>While the use, in formal English, of he, him or his as a gender-neutral pronoun has traditionally been considered grammatically correct, such use may also be considered to be a violation of gender agreement

It's like how "mankind" includes women.

>I can generalize but you can't
I'm going to stick to my faggot accusation considering your mental illness.

Give yourself the Kurt Cobain treatment.

It's a VA joke.

At least you're trying to fit in.

Is english a second language to you or something? "He" is often used for non-gendered objects, especially living ones. She is only used for modes of transport (like boats), and it/they is rarely used in a literary context because it reduces your empathy for the character

You're pretty funny. Keep going.

If kirby has to be humanized, turn him into a shota and ribbon into an older shotacon fairy girl.

>not connect to shota 'edge' metaknight
shit tasto

I get that this is a troll post, blah blah blah, yes i get that, but why on Sup Forums? you could pick any other website, but yet you choose Sup Forums, you could've chosen reddit, and they would've gotten mad at you all the same, or you could've even chosen gaia or MAL, and they would've gotten mad at you all the same too, so why Sup Forums?

Why the fuck ribbon would be interested in meta Knight? They didn't even meet in first place.

Because Sup Forums is the most desperate, and are quite proud of flaunting over the fact they suck dick and don't consider it gay.

connect meta to kirby, I mean
I don't care shit about hag

I don't know what the right male is, but I'll keep posting since this is a great excuse to post some more humanized art.

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You're not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses Sup Forums to get the attention he doesnt get at home.

Fuck you, i am not a fag.

Keep calling me a faggot and projecting, that'll help.

You are a fucking long haired, no life, pathetic, can't even look someone in the eyes when they're talking to you, bitch. I don't think I'm a great fighter, but I guarantee I've been in more fights than you and I wouldn't have to try to kick the fucking shit out of you.

>play super star ultra
>you can kiss your companion while playing as meta knight
what did they mean by this

you dont kiss them.

you vomit the food you just ate to your companion.

You sound mad, raging over somebody you don't know, and is nothing more than a bunch of words on a computer screen.

It's hilarious, keep going.

user, have you see how penguins regurgitate food to feed their babies? That is what happens in kirby.

>You are a fucking long haired, no life, pathetic, can't even look someone in the eyes when they're talking to you, bitch.
>projecting this hard

Yeah you have a lot to say over the internet but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die.

Calm down guys, just take time out of the keyboard and cool your engines.

That's more sexual than I thought...
btw how can he do that when his mask don't have mouth part?

Why are you so mad over some random loser insulting you user? How you pissing you off even further kill me? Does your uncle work at Nintendo, will he hack me?

Sometimes you fucks are worse than /tg/ at not falling for bait posts.

I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot.

>*unsheathes katana*
>*teleports behind you*
Psssh, nothing personnel, kid.

Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it.

You fool, I've been superbly trained in the Japanese military, and have over 300 confirmed kills. Scared yet, faggot?

Why change what isn't broken?