Yakuza 0 thread

Yakuza 0 thread.

Fuck pocket circuit racing.

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They made all the hairstyles work well on every girl. Looks way better than 4

>bought this and Bloodborne at the same time
>want to play this, but know I won't pick Bloodborne back up for months if I stop playing now

fuck me

I love all the mini-games, but does anyone else wish there was a full game made out of the Cabaret Club substory?

Also make a pocket circuit game too.

And a real estate game.

And make another Yakuza game while we're at it.

Love this game.

Looking foward to Kiwami this year, I saw the 4 min trailer available on youtube, so I noticed they're adding more Majima stuff and I've also read than they added 30 minutes of cutscenes. But I want to know, did they add more stuff like side quests?

Pocket Racing is easy. Get the right shit and you're fine, shouldn't take any more than a few tries, even with the RNG of your car flying off the course.

>spent hours today finishing up the Tiger and Dragon equipment grind, finally done
>only have mahjong, every gambling game, catfights, fishing, Outrun, Fantasy Zone, and Super Hang-On left

not looking forward to this at all

Ask a guy who spent half a week 100%ing mahjong anything.

Going to attempt mahjong after I finish gambling, fishing, and the arcade games, what am I in for

Do you hate yourself?

Still no numbers on the sales?


I think I've come to terms with my ~85% completion.
At this point the next Yakuza I'd play is 1 again.

This game is fucking abysmal. The only thing that's any fun at all is everything outside of the actual game.

If you've never played mahjong before, go into "Change Rules" and turn on Dora Tiles. That'll cut down on maybe 10% of the cumulative 78 hours of suffering you'll be slogging through.

Speaking of fishing, how do I even get bait?

More than anyone else in the world.

>hurr Im a virgin and I act like I love you
>btw Im tired cuz I rode some random guys dick all night :^)

What's the difference between dora on or not?

Bait can be found in convenience stores. You can get the best bait from dream machines

>Outrun, Fantasy Zone, and Super Hang-On
Those are based on total points. You could suck horribly and get it if you are persistent.

Yeah, I'm probably not getting a platinum.

The grocery stores and the 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 machines. It doesn't matter. The rarest bait only lasts for a couple of casts, and the fish that appear move so fast that you won't be able to catch more than three.



LUL, playing Yakuza 4 atm, 2 things:
Hazamaki redeemed? Also that Saejima x Haruka scene LOL, can't believe they were allowed to include that in a game.

Why wouldn't they be allowed to? He didn't do anything.

In fact the point of the scene is that he didn't do anything to her when probably any other escaped convict locked up for 30 years and immediately finding himself alone with a girl on the verge of puberty probably would have done something to her.

Its a testament to his character that he was able to hold himself back in that situation.

>Saki second-to-last

What trailer?

Cabaret is so fun, feels good getting the bronzes to double digits

>tfw all I have left is Mahjong, Fishing and Koi Koi

I've also won 2 games of JCC and lost 6 in the 3rd round. This trophy wouldn't be so damn awful if RNG didn't dictate that, "you both used Rock and you're going to do Rainbow damage? Well fuck you were giving it to her, and I don't even care if you're using a turbo controller."

I really need to take a Xanex if I'm going to even try the rest of the fights.

does anyone actually like chika?

Oh I totally agree, it was an accident and he controlled his instincts, but still, the fact that there was that kind of implication in a videogame cutscene, well, you don't see that everyday.
Just saying it was kind of shocking, not saying that I wouldn't want more of that huehuehue.

What's the best song and why is it Judgment?

What is the worst fighting style?
>inb4 rush

Don't act like this isn't your guilty pleasure song.

I know you're singing along user.

that was her dad m8

keep up

Is there a fishing list somewhere?


Rush against anything that isn't a random mook


Mad Dog of Shimano

Pocket Circuit Racing is fun as fuck

Stay mad that Fighter kicked your ass so hard you quit racing


>Wanting used goods
"Much younger brother" my ass, you lying bitch.

Just fought the Finance King's thugs and I swear I heard the Duke Nukem theme.

My ringtone starts here.


Don't you have to kick ass at Cabaret to get the Mad dog style?

How is it bad?

So where can I find the Soft Shell Tortoise?
I've spent hours fishing in the river just like in the Pier and still can't find it.

only one heat move that only works on large groups of enemies (does a lot of damage though), not very damaging outside of that one heat move, and lack of variety in attacks because the combo string is short as hell. Practically useless in boss fights.

That's at least what I gathered from it anyway.

I've found them in the vending machines.

>tfw started Chapter 5
>game grinds to a halt to teach me real estate after Majima's cliffhanger
Man, this game seems to have some weird pacing

It's the effect of telling two separate stories simultaneously, but it picks up later on.

It doesn't count for the CP list unfortunately.
I managed to get one in Majimas city either at night or during the evening (yes the times of day do matter). The fish is going to have a round shape, just make sure you're using the best fishing pole that you can buy at the pawn shop and stock up on some good bait, about all the tips I can give.

*japanese mariah carey singing in the background*

The only aspect that I dislike to the Caberet business.

Also 5 hours of doing it and whopping club Mars in a battle and I recently discovered you can control the camera in special training

>that moment when you have a level 2 fever heat ready to release and 6/8 tables are mega rich


>game crashes after I beat jupiter from scratch after beating mars

well fine then.I was doing poker so save before going to the casino. don't know if it was just a rare crash or something

also this was announced at wonfes yesterday. Preorders go up in may. myfigurecollection.net/item/520253

>tfw disgusted with myself if yuki isn't the no. 1 girl
>tfw poorfags/averagefags get in my club

kimochi warui

>new fish you acquire from vending machines don't count towards CP

They did a great job on mocapping the voice actors.

They all seemed to belong perfectly. Hell even the guy that did the mocap for Mr. Libido is fucking 1:1.

Takeuchi must suck at poker, wiggles those eyebrows so much you can see his hand and the cards he's trying to hide in his sleeves.

I spent the last 5 hours getting all the damn equipment parts and it was shit that wasn't even rare at all that I was having the most trouble with, the carved bear, Snakeskin eyepatch, dry branch and sturdy thread.
Turns out that I don't need to pay them a billion yen each time and just pay them whatever to get the shitty items.

>gotta wait til may to order

On one hand I'm glad I have plenty of time to make sure I've got money tucked away for it, but on the other I hate long wait periods before preorders go up because I always end up afraid I'll forget about it until it's too late.


Was gonna wait for a price drop but said fuck it and ordered it online. God I can't wait for Kiwami.

Any good phone apps to learn Mahjong in my off time at work?

All I see is those simple tile matching games instead.

>Lose all ten cat fights i attempt
>get the gambling king challenge and resign myself to losing 10%
>actually win a fucking catfight
>go one to lose next 3

Fuck this minigame is irritating

I almost certain outrun isnt based on total points because i would have way more than the required amount by now

i fished by majimas apartment using quality bait it would be the large oblong shadow

I beat him, but I REEEEE'd my way to victory for sure.

But I beat the chineese hitman using mad dog of shimano

>Bad Dudes.jpg

Anybody have a screenshot of Kuze, Awano, and Shibusawa mean mugging Kiryu in the Dojima office?

River, south side, I got mine in daytime. Hit the little circles and double-circles with the Peerless Pole, avoid anything actually fish-shaped. Most are prawns, but there are turtles in there too.

>tfw I actually got the cat fight trophy
Always pick Jennifer.
Always check her condition/history, if it isn't good then leave and re-enter.
Stop mashing if you know it's pointless.

Most importantly, take breaks after each win.
Once you win one, stop, and don't play for awhile.
Maybe try to win one when you first boot the game up, and try to win one before you quit.

I seriously think I was going to have an aneurysm from this fucking mini-game, glad I never have to play it.

What's a good condition status for her?

Any guides I can use also?

So i was looking back at the games from PS Plus and saw that yakuza 4 and 5 or there. Cant affored 0 yet so which one should i play to tide me over untill im not poor?

5 is like a sequel to 4, ya know?

use the KHH guide to get the optimal pocket car build

its what i did to absolutely destroy those kids

Check the little scrolling information bar.
It'll say stuff like "Jennifer is in a good mood after having a choice steak" or "Principal's car totaled after student prank".

I got more initiative attacks when it said something good.
There's also a history bar when you select your fighter.
If the bars are all high up, then use her.

No guides, but I'll give you a tip when fighting Momoko.
Always pick scissors at the start of the match.

Fuck Outrun. I'm so glad racing games these days are much better and you can see much further for turns ahead of time


You always want to defend against their strongest move. After 2 times of that, they'll wise up and use whatever is weak to the move you just used

fucking kill me

the only gambling I like is cee lo

>that last Kuze fight
Holy shit that was amazing.

that's why you never buy two games at once

I learned this lesson when I was like 10

I've never played a Yakuza game before. Would I enjoy this game?

is it worth the $60?

Only just started Moon so I can say you're a faggot.

Yuki>Chikautist>Saki>literal shitAi>AIDS>Hibiki

i've only played 4 and this one and let me tell you ive bought the entire series because of this game i enjoyed it that much

Is it even possible for Saki, Isobe and Shizuka's moods to drop? Some drop after a few uses, you get maybe two good uses out of Akina and Koizumi before having to bench them for a round but those three can basically hold permanent slots on your roster.

well shit, that's pretty convincing

wouldn't mind getting a second opinion though

im basically the same as him this game made me bring my ps3 out of storage so i could play the rest just need to get a ps2 for 2 though

Seeing him gradually simmer down more and more after every fight was one of my favorite parts of the story

They don't call her Busy Bee Saki for nothing.

The only time I saw her mood drop was after my final cabaret club battle. Holy shit, everybody was dead after that one.

Dora is how you score but if you enable the dora tiles or play ranked mode there are Red 5 tiles for each suit and they are worth more points

Good if you are going for the get 5 Mangan challenge because a Mangan is just a high scoring hand

>No one does any of the online vs minigames

Where you fellas at?
I need some Mahjong victims

So am I doing something wrong with fishing. I went saltwater fishing for two hours and now I'm getting the same eight fish over and over.

Is there something I don't get here? Like, do baits and rods factor into the fish you get?

The only rod you should be using is the one you can buy from the pawn shop since its just the best rod

Bait does cause other fish to show up, so throw down a bait and catch as much as you can before it runs out

Did it in two days.
It was painful.

Does anyone else feel like them getting their original outfits felt more like cosplay than the hero suiting up moment they were going for

Wait, so I'm not doing anything wrong and it's just down to luck at this point?

Yeah there are 2 different baits so throw one down and hope you get the fish you need

Just brace yourself to fish up 1 billion bags and briefcases

Well fuck me.

Maybe I'll just wait until I can freely switch between Kiryu and Majima to get fishing done in one swoop. Two hours of nothing is demoralizing.

Well once you finish the story you can get premium adventure and you can freely switch between the 2 and do whatever you want


>And make another Yakuza game while we're at it.

Kiwami and 6 are coming to the West in Summer/next year respectively so we at least got something to look forward to.

Does anyone know if Majima has an extra Karaoke song like Kiryu has Bakamitai?