Horror thread continued from >>367940592

Horror thread continued from

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what's that? some kind of prison in some 3rd world country?


that looks like some judge dredd shit

where is that?

No, just an apartment building in a third world country

>tfw so well made you steal the show


Some shitty building in Africa

iirc the building in Judge Dredd was inspire by this

subnautica is the scariest game I've played in the last few years. Are there any games that do terror better?


"During the late 1980s, gang activity had caused the crime rate to soar at the tower and the surrounding neighbourhood.[3] By the 1990s, after the end of apartheid, many gangs moved into the building and it became extremely unsafe. Ponte City became symbolic of the crime and urban decay gripping the once cosmopolitan Berea neighborhood. The core filled with debris five stories high as the owners left the building to decay.[6] There were even proposals in the mid-1990s to turn the building into a highrise prison."

Now let's get serious here: How important is the sound in a horror game?

I think it's the most important element. Creepy places full of blood and ghosts? You get used to them after a few hours. Hearing random noises in the distance, not knowing exactly what they are? That's scary all the time.

Johannesburg, South Africa

All they needed to do was put some neon lights and it would have been fine

Way to fucking botch the sequel OP

watchu want

needs more rice

I hate it when horror games use music cues to tell you when an enemy is nearby. It kills all the tension instantly.

Not to say I didn't love Dead Space, but it felt more like an Iron Man game than an Alien game.

Dead Space gets a free pass, kinda, since it's action-oriented instead of being a survival or an exploration game.

The setting from Dredd was directly inspired by this building.

For you to be competent

>By the 1990s, after the end of apartheid, many gangs moved into the building and it became extremely unsafe.

Why do black people ruin everything they touch?

>there will never be a game set in the Chinese politboro headquarters

I really don't get why you need to have them in a circle like that, it just wastes all the space in the middle.

this would've happened everywhere


Not videogames.

South African laws required all bedrooms and bathrooms to have a window allowing natural sunlight in, thus the central core was used to meet the law

this looks stupid


not in china

their abandoned cities get used in music videos


>mfw too intelligent to live inside an evil building

Just a reminder.

Marble Hornets was a decent movie

Post more third world architecture

what vidya moment scared you the most?



anywhere where there are niggers, sure

t. retard

I'm pretty sure the music doesn't start playing until you see the necros.


that legit looks like a place where you fight the final boss.

not an argument

This just looks Russian

jesus christ, these niggas

naw, this is where you fight the final boss

That building looks dope.

the first time i saw my penis weenis ;)

You want to remind us that reddit has better taste in horror than Sup Forums?

this spooked me more then anything else in the thread, what game?

>The citadel is on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that!

>What is white flight


kingdom hearts 2?

Im not agreeing with him but in the case of South Africa, the deposing of the appartied government opened up the floodgates to savagery. You simply need to pick up a book and read some modern history about their major cities to understand how badly they were overrun by literal savages. Im talking about tribal fucktards who used elevator shafts as a place to take a shit.

for those who don't know, these aren't spooky haunted skeletons with a spacesuit. They're automatic suits that can operate by themselves. A team of scientists were sent out with them but the suit's AI somehow broke, preventing the people wearing the suit from removing/getting out of them. The suits went rogue and they had nothing to do but die in them. So basically you're fighting a robot shell with a dead person inside.

>Genex Tower is a 35-storey skyscraper in Belgrade, Serbia. Designed in 1977, the architectural style would be considered brutalism. The building is formed by two towers connected with a two-storey bridge and revolving restaurant at the top.

Didn't know the soviets had revolving restaurants.

when the white people who make everything work and leave behind blacks who don't know to make anything work?

i'm glad you agree with my worldview

It would automatically rain everytime you reach the rooftop.

>americans dream it
>chinese people build it