What are you playing on your hacked Wii U?

What are you playing on your hacked Wii U?

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Animal Crossing GCN

shit's comfy

Nothing atm
BotW leak when?

>Ogre Battle 64 ticket still hasn't been posted

I just finished getting all the Gold Trophies in Custom Robo
gud game

Anyone care to tell me how they felt about Custom Robo on N64 vs the Gamecube one? I would appreciate it before I import the N64 game.

>Implying anyone on Sup Forums has ever played the old custom robos

Yeah pretty much like this guy said I've only ever played the ones that had international releases
I'd probably try emulating it first

is there a tier list for parts in this game besides lol all rahu 3

Am I really going to need another HDD for Gamecube/Wii games, or is there a way to keep my HDD games and still load pirated GC/Wii games?

is the wii u fucked in the same way as the 3ds? DLing shit straight off nintendys server?

It's a bit less clean than how the 3DS does it, though

>Install app
>Install game from app

>Wii U
>Install app on PC
>Download game to SD card
>Install app on Wii U
>Install game from SD card

I just use my HDD for Wii U games and an SD card for GC and Wii games.

>tfw custom robo ds was actually 98% as good as the GameCube one
That was such a good game God damn.

it was actually pretty garbage, terribly balance, shit voice acting, atrocious storyline behind which all the parts were locked.

but god damn was it fun


I wish the DS one was on VC. Why was the Wii U VC so disappointing? It still doesn't have everything from the Wii VC even.

It definitely was. The story was great, the world was immersive, the characters were fun - it was an all-around fun game.
>tfw got AIRS
>tfw you fight Jameson in your dream at the beginning of the game
Dark Ray was my nigger tho

huh it's that easy?

what about getting GC games to run? i seem to recall it was a bitch to do without the "right" hdd to run them off. I had one 32 gig usb stick that'd work, the rest just weren't recognized. on regular wii that is.

Halberd + Stun Gun
cheese the fuck out of everybody

I loved this game but my one, undying issue with it was when I set the main character's name in all-caps when everyone else's was uppercase for only the first letter. I beat the game entirely with that file and it sets my autism ON FIRE every time I think about it.

Other than that I'm a firm believer that Custom Robo is one of the best game series ever and Nintendo are absolute mongs for not pushing it more.

>what about getting GC games to run?
GC games run natively on Wii U hardware since the Wii Mode has all the functions of a normal Wii. You just need Nintendont installed to turn on GC compatibility and then you can run ISOs from a HDD or SD card

I haven't gotten around to installing GC games myself, but I'm 90% sure GC games are installed via vWii modification, so you can use the Pro Controller or GC Adapter too (via homebrew installation) and run them the same way you could off a Wii

Important Question:
Who is best girl?


Can i ask what guide you used to get it all done? Is there an all-in-one package like the 3ds, or should i just fucking google it and rely on first and best choice?


>get this game for my birthday when i was like 8
>expecting trash because birthday vidya gifts always were
>start playing, interesting overworld
>gameplay... oh shit this is fun
>takes me on an otherworldly odyssey of action and drama, with great characters, all while keeping combat fresh and innovative

Blew my fucking mind as a kid, actually got hyped on story


have a wallpaper as thanks

is gundam breaker 3 anywhere near as good as custom robo?

Best game.

>Battle Revolution
Linda. Those fucking fishnets.
Liv a cute.

I was thinking about selling my Wii U but I think I might just hack it.
Though I probably won't be able to sell it after playing the 3 games I want on it

hack it so you can get the whole library, all the VC games, and Wii and GC games for free.

>hot as fuck dominatrix twins
>no porn of them
god does not exist and the earth is flat

where can i get wii isos??
