Who is the best girl in the last game you played

who is the best girl in the last game you played

Are there women in stalker?

She eventually became a grenadier Colonel with Shredder, Holo-targeting, and Rupture. She made fighting sectopods and gatekeepers a breeze.

It's not even a contest

Dragon Quest 8 3DS.
Red is a damage goddess and lets me run 3 healers; laughing through most bosses.


Be honest OP, was DR 1 the last game you played?

I just replayed mass effect 3. They all sucked


You are

Best girl 20 years running



She has basically no competition, though.
She'd still win even if she did.

There was no girls in the last game I played

Just finished BD an hour ago


Any cute boys?


That's not Ciri.



There's Announcer lady I guess. People with nice voices are generally attractive.


That's not Misato


What are you, gay?


Just wanted to drop in from the front page before I hide this thread to say that I STILL haven't been spoiled for Danganronpa V3 yet.

Suck my big, unspoiled cock spoiledfags!



No contest best of her game


good taste


She was best daughter

Agitated skeleton is cute!

Same here
Neither for P5 or NieR Automata

best DS3 girl right here
Just kidding it's the fucking bird


Best girl hands down