Assuming we don't get bullshitted and what we've seen is legit...

Assuming we don't get bullshitted and what we've seen is legit, is this going to be the best medieval combat sim of all time?

Fucking shit that looks good. There hasn't been any concrete mentions to fantasy elements being added, and I hope it stays that way (Market for singleplayer fantasy RPGs is oversaturated as fuck. We need a singleplayer good medieval sim badly)

I hope the different types of enemies have different fighting styles because it would be fucking stupid to see some brigand knowing proper sword fighting.

looks like mount & blade combat with 5 attack directions instead of 4, no impact/enemy response on hit, and a lock on mechanic.
Lacks a way to increase movement speed like sprinting, considering the size of the world it's almost necessary. The world also seems far too empty.

Looks kind of as if oblivion and mount&blade had a baby, needs mods desperately.

Yeah having a thug just swing his shitty little mace around like a retard would be better than having him know how to sword fight well and that's a good idea. Only question I would have would be how do you make thosefights against guys with shitty technique have any difficulty?

Among my theoretical "wishlist" for KC:D would be

-A good stamina system that punishes you for taking huge swings too aggressively and trying to block a lot of hits from heavy weapons.
-Movement penalties for wearing heavy armor or using heavy weapons.
-A "strength" stat that dictates your ability to use heavy weapons or to fire bows at maximum tension level
-Lots of 1v1 confrontations that are legitimately challenging and require fast reflexes and smart tactics. So sick of games where instead of having a fight with one smart, strong AI enemy they throw a bunch of mindless zombies at you.

This system looks like utter dogshit, because it will be a complete clusterfuck fighting multiple opponents like this. 1v1 combat looks really good, though.

Meh I've played Warband for over 350 hours (If you spotted my thread yesterday you get a cookie) but this is different in quite a few ways.

First of all, there seems to be actual sword clashes and your weapon getting essentially tied up a lot. This is opposed to M&B where you just swing and block and swing and block with you weapon/shield never being restricted.

This will definitely frustrate some people but it's aiming to be realistic so it's whatever. ARMA's gunplay isn't "fun" for most people because IRL it isn't.

I know this is a really weird analogy to use, but you know how in a lot of SW light saber battles there's a ton of time spent just going into a test of strength and leverage to try to overpower the other guy? In medieval melee combat that happened a lot, and this looks like the first game to implement it.

... realistic inconvenience doesn't sound like a valuable game mechanic unless you are a hardcore historian class otaku.
It's a neat detail sure, but it doesn't make the game more fun.

Yeah, I hope there isn't fights with multiple people because that wouldn't be realistic, which is clearly what the decks are aiming for.

I hope they make taking on 4-5 guys close to impossible because it is/would have been.

They could allow the player to hire followers or mercenaries to allow fighting against multiple opponents more conveniently.

Mordhau is going to blow this game out of the god damn water.

Not quite sure what you're saying here, but if you're saying that the light saber binds you find in Star Wars where two guys clash for like ten seconds just grinding their blades together were realistic you're completely off base.

Sword binds were momentary things that would quickly transition into grapples and strikes-this whole locked swords thing is a total myth.

>There hasn't been any concrete mentions to fantasy elements being added

>Alchemy system

The sim aspect is completely fucked assuming this is completely real.

Yeah your game needs to blow out a lesser known game.

They've mentioned that there's going to be sieges and large-scale battles, but one would assume it to be part of the linear storyline which I find to be a bit of a problem honestly;

Skyrim's civil war "battle" quests sucked because you know you're going to eventually win and no one else that's fighting with you really matters. M&B is really cool because you can actually fail a siege or lose a battle rather than just re-doing it until you win.

Is the main character from Dragon's Dogma?

Too much realism will not work in video games. Just check the video, the gameplay will stall to a crawl. Walk a little, random encounter(fight, flee or fight then flee), walk, random encounter and it will extremely slow down the game to a stall when battles/encounters last more than 5 minutes. If they keep random encounters low then this will be a walking simulator.

Does it still run like shit? When is it coming out?

Mordhau will be the greatest medieval combat game of all time. Not this piece of shit.

D-d-did it run like shit before? Did I miss some sort of beta? What did you mean by this user?

Also it's coming out "in 2017". I would say no sooner than May and no later than October.

Let me return to the ARMA example. It's not "fun" in a conventional sense, but the fun comes with being able to become immersed in the world more easily since the experience is closer to life

Then this game is not realistic enough because sword fights does not work like that in real life.

Alphas were on TPB. Haven't checked recently, but hopefully they're well into the optimization phase by now.

The combat looks cool from the videos that I've seen, but what the fuck is it exactly?

Is this a singleplayer RPG? An MP team PvP game? An open sandbox sort of deal? I can't find shit about it on Google outside of the combat system.

Oh shit good shit. I'm on a toaster though (i5 6GB RAM) so I doubt I'd be able to run it.

I'm planning on getting it for PS4 when it drops.