*blocks ur everything*

*blocks ur everything*

*Feint into lights*
Nothing personal kid.



Where do you get that taunt? It's not in his customization options

You reek of beta.

>People bought this game

i havent played this game, are you talking about his shield? can he block things with his shield?

You know, I really wish that everyone had good taunts like that, instead of half the cast having good taunts and the other half having nothing generic "point and/or yell" crap.

I mean, all the Valkyrie's taunts are basically just the same fucking thing.

The knights self injury taunts are the best.

Ryƫjin no ken o kurae

why did they nerf his beard?

awww shit my worst nigtmare

Be a real shame if someone... threw you off a cliff or something.


Just spam guardbreak





Makes a splendid horsey.


>implying thats an issue when you double cancel it into a side and then back to a top

Why? You didn't? poorfag


So, Ready to lose your match against parries and deflects?

>parry into guard break into golf swing off a ledge

maximum keks from the salt in chat guaranteed

I'm just going to block and get your back to that cliff then toss you off. The best part will be you crying about it and the erection it gives me.

>he regularly posts on a board about video games
>he gets duped by Ubisoft into buying their flavor of the weekend turd

Consider suicide

>don't even knock them off
>they just roll off trying to get up

>anyone half decent ever being caught by grabs, especially telegraphed ones


>Golf swings dude into spikes.

It's a pretty great feeling.

Why are the devs such weebs?

Are you saying the Japanese characters shouldn't speak Japanese?

good thing nobody in this game is half decent.

Well they are Japanese

Thank god cause playing Lawbringer would be a hell of a lot tougher if shitters knew how to GB.

Why are my japanese characters speaking spanish in story mode then?


>Japanese characters

I thought this was an alternate history Earth.

What precludes alternate history Earth from having Japan?


So what's the most powerful faction.

>watch streamers play this
>everybody just plays super defensive
>parry, guard break, heavy attack
>repeats over and over again
Is this really all there is to the game? I've never played it and may be misunderstanding some of the mechanics, but that's all I ever really see.

>Is this really all there is to the game?
Popular strategies are almost never all there is to any game. I don't know why you had to ask this.

These people are winning an overwhelming majority of their games, though. A popular strategy isn't always strong because it's popular, but an imbalanced and overly-powerful strategy tends to be popular. That's why I'm asking.

It seems like there's almost no advantage in going offensive in this game.

le invincible sidestep man

>These people are winning an overwhelming majority of their games, though
And this is probably why those strategies are popular, what part of that makes you think you can't do other things? Are you being willfully contrarian, or is this just being an idiot?

Well there's barely any options for breaking defense in this game since guardbreak is getting patched to be techable again and the only character with a mix up is warden

Reminder that the female toons are built for breeding


The fact that people who just play defensive and wait for parries are winning a majority of their games? I'm ASKING if that's the meta because it definitely seems that way.

You can "do" a lot of things in a lot of games, but sometimes it's pointless if it's a completely unviable option. I can play Dan in Street Fighter and get really good with him, but I'd be better off just playing Ryu.

>all you can do
>no minority
Not smart.


There are feints in the game, and parrying requires you to press your heavy attack, so if you whiff a parry you can be punished hard.

>the huge guys are actually good
This is making me want to play this game, I admit. I love playing as hulking badass dudes.

I never said the words "all you can do." You said that, not me. I asked if "that's all there is to the game," which I suppose was a bit too hyperbolas.

What I should have asked is: "Is that the extent of the current meta?"

by a glitch that MIGHT be fixed soon

>I never said the words "all you can do."
You asked if that was all you could do in spite of having no reason to think it. Pay attention and use your words.

I feel like the implication is pretty clearly "are there other effective strategies?"

Oh, it's a glitch? I don't care about that, I just like being big and tough.


I never said the words "all you can do." You're just being an idiot now. Pay attention and read posts.

>Is this really all there is to the game?

as much as I hate Sand niggers
I kinda want to play as Arabian Swordsman with Damascus steel blade

Congrats, you properly quoted me for the first time in this thread. Yes, I said that. And then I later admitted that it was a bit excessive and said that I should have said "meta" and not "game."

The question still stands.

and I want to slay said players of said character all day

>and then toss you off
As a britfag it gets me rollin' with laffs whenever anybody says this.

>the first time in this thread
Counting is as hard as using your words, it seems. Do you want to try something else?

I would be very surprised if some sort of Middle East faction doesn't get released as DLC or something.

But I'm not a history-fag and know nothing about if they have a good breadth of armor and weaponry to draw from.

I'd love some Sikhs in this game, personally.

Something like Prince of Persia would do

>People who turn and immediately run to 2v1 somebody in 4v4 elimination


>warden main
>vortex people to death routinely
Fucking hysterical salt reacts

As far as we know there are only going to be two hero per factions.

The ones you can actually predict is an armored dude wielding what looks like a gladius and a LMAO 2SCYTHE ninja.
The rest looks like filler. I doubt they're going to add a new faction.


Its fun to have spamming wardens freak the fuck out when the bash misses

>the character with a half health bar combo off a parry is mid tier
loving every laugh

What the hell is this vortex thing? Is it where you light attack -> charge -> light attack or something?

for which character?

I just got purple loot with a star on it. What does this mean?

Is there more than one? I meant the Warden one though, I think

>playing story mode
>begining of her mission
>the way she whispers "Hello there" right before killing the first soldier dude

ok, i believe its a light or a double light into the shoulder, if the person dodges left or right the warden can faint the shoulder and get more free hits into a shoulder. i believe the only way around this is backwards roll but there may be a way for warden to hit that as well


>begging for porn


>He doesn't know how guardbreak

I've played decently with shugoki without that glitch, but the glitch is absolute cancer and needs to be patched quickly. I tried it myself and took a conquerdown to 2 bars and there was little he could do.

I've literally never countered a guard break online. It just never works. I'm playing on ps4 and maybe I just cant get my thumb off the stick and onto the square button fast enough, but it gets me every fucking time.


>play lawbringer in a random 2 v 2
>kill my guy and go to run over to help the peacekeeper
>she dies as i get there
>murder the shit out of the weeb
>revive her
>peacekeeper says in game "you really saved me there"
peacekeeper wants the lawbringer giant dick

The main way to break into someone waiting for parries is with feinting. Annoyingly this is to bait out a heavy so you can parry it, usually, but is also useful to train them into blocking heavies so you can break.

Aside from teching, the answer to stop people from just walking/dashing up and breaking you is to light attack, and so the cycle continues.

Shugoki is pretty alright outside of the glitch too.

Have you guys seen the peacekeepers face? Confirmed hunch-back of notre dame.

who cares, her voice is cute, all she has to so is keep the helmet on

its the connections. p2p makes it hard

That's what the helmet is for.

Its probably 10% that and 90% me sucking at guard break counters. Not great at parries either.