Don't pull a Karen

Don't pull a Karen

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Yes let's have a mundane conversation.



t. Boring individual.

Normalfags need to leave this website

Fucking Karens are the most naggy bitches of them all.

Oh my god Betty did you see the Walking Dead episode last night?

Never been drunk before?

>tfw my waifu's name is some sort of stupid meme

It would be hilariously embarrassing to be killed by that.

>Boring conversation

Said the boring person

Lel who cares.

Who cares, Karen is cute

>tfw no Karen gf

This? Don't know why this post is getting such futile responses

Or you can have a fun conversation? The fuck is wrong with you

Threadly reminder

>can you believe it? she wants to have FUN?!
>now lets get back to gossiping
>did you HEAR that mary got FAT? oh my god such a fucking cow!

That could be the point.

>Oh shit, Chad, is that the new Angry Birds mobile? Let's all stare at our phones together

Technology was a mistake

>Hey Sarah, did you know that in about 10^100 years entropy will reach it's maximum point and the universe will be completely empty, save for a few particles, and with a temperature of -273ยบ, incapable of supporting any kind of life?

I agree

Gimme a quick rundown of Karen

What is it with pisspoor Quentin impersonators? It's always such a half-hearted attempt to capture his style.

>implying normies even play angry birds anymore
It isn't 2011 anymore

>Karen will never be relevant again

I don't buy Nintendo or handheld shit in general so I never would.

Daily reminder that all of the outdoor gaming memes apply ONLY if you're ugly as sin and look like an autist

wich is not my case, quite the opposite

where my /goodlooking/ bros at

I only get drunk alone

It's still autistic as fuck bring it to a party

>drinking alone

sounds terrible

>bring Switch
>nigger steals controller(s)
gg Nintendo


She is part of the Nintendo extended universe, it's canon

It is. Nobody is there to keep an eye on you so you usually end up passing out from drinking so much, waking up confused, and seeing a $40 bottle of liquor more than half empty

das true mane

only occasions where friends play videogaes at a party is when we're all dudes lol

seriously,how can a actress be so hard to find.

isn't that counter-intuitive to your own danmm career ?

post porn

Do I seem like a happy man with a purpose in life to you? Do you really think I've ever made a good decision?

Playing videogames at parties is acceptable if it's on your phone.

taking an invisible shit while holding a literal turd.

I want to stick it in Karen while she plays the Switch and acts dismissive of me

I have no porn

what was the thicc asians name?

But every party I've been to usually had a game of smash, Mario Kart, or Mario party

It's a good way to alleviate the stress and anxiety that comes from knowing that you're wasting your life and have no future but still get to play vidya without the guilt.

Tumblniggers need to leave.

>It's a good way to alleviate the stress and anxiety

nigga work out.

How about you go back to tumblr

Karen is for bullying

>autist who wants to bring his leapfrog to an adult party so he can sit in the corner alone with bing bings and wahoos at max volume has mundane conversations

I wouldn't bring my Switch anywhere unless the person also had a dock.

If I worked out I'd get healthy.
I'm committing suicide very slowly trying to see if i die first from liver failure or a heart attack.

So you're a 16 year old who thinks going to anime club after school is a party?

is there any r34 of Karen

I wish

>Talk with my friends
>Even if im not interested conversations unless its one insecure friend basically trying to justify being a salty bitch all day its funny/worthwhile
>At work
>Conversations are one answer shit fests where people talk about nothing interesting and its basically all small talk

I fucking hate small talk it was frowned upon in the old days because its basically forced conversation and conversation is a art. Why the fuck should i care that you bought a new couch or trash like that?

>some paid actor now has autistic fan art of how much of a hypothetical loser she is for playing video games in public

>you will never be karen and have this done to you too

I say there is not enough fan art of Karen being a loser

>Karen will never step on your face while she plays her Nintendo Switch

Breaking r35

>Why the fuck should i care that you bought a new couch

I bought a new couch this weekend so we could hang out and play video games together...

reee normies

I'd like to see Karen as Tomoko

>in a gathering with normies
>they start discussing science trivia
>one talks about atoms
>another says "I'M NOT MADE OF ATOMS" seriously
>I throw out the trivia of how atoms never touch other atoms and we're not actually sitting on the chair or touching the chair
>explain about electrons, neutrons, protons and the principle of repulsion

I'm done with normies.

>Uh hey g-guys... wanna p-play some mario k-kart?
>I c-c-call dibs on t-toad.. haha..

I prefer conversation over playing watching my friends play the boring shit they're into the whole time. Any time I hang out with this one friend of mine, we always spend the entire get together watching him or someone else play fucking Battlefield 1 or whatever boring AAA trash he's into at that time. Either that or he has some autist League streamer playing on Twitch, it's the worst shit. And he get's all passive aggressive and pissy if you tell him how fucking boring that is too.

I kinda hate my friends sometimes.

At least you have friends to hate

>show up with switch
>we spend the next 12 hours doing this


your fault for hanging out with brainlets


>There are people out there right now who haven't had the pleasure of playing drunk quiplash with friends

I never expected Karen to be popular. I always thought it would be that high school Japanese girl from the Arms trailer who will turn into a yellow fever meme

>work out Mon - Fri for 6 months
>end up having depressive thoughts and develop an inferiority complex
>stop working out and start feeling better as I get weaker

It's a double-edged sword.

All you have to do is put the burden of proof on them and systemically deconstruct their arguments.

You won't have many friends after that though.


why does that irk me so much?

I really enjoy drinking alone. I'm able to moderate myself well even when drunk. I'll have a glass of straight whiskey. Just enough to get comfortably drunk. Watch some TV for a bit. Eat a little food. Play some vidya. Dick around for three or four hours. Then pass out. It's comfy. I also spend all week socializing at my job so I like alone time when I get it. I'm a high school teacher and that stuff gets stressful. So it's a nice escape.

Funnily enough, she got some suggestive art, unlike Karen

Friends are overrated, learning to appreciate your own company is where it's at. People are nothing but drama and mind games. Or maybe I've just had terrible luck with finding friends. Either way, me time is best time.

>Nothing is touching anything, since it's all repulsion by quantum physics.
>The concept of touching is from human experience of touching things and applying force to them, which as explained above is repulsion, not touching.
>Nothing has ever touched anything and the concept and definition of touching must be fully reworked.
>Feel a bit better about never having touched anyone romantically.

Really makes you think.

The only videogames I seen been played at a party is FIFA and only rarely

>user posted his stupid thread thing again
>We're trying to have conversations user, stop shitpost!


It still helps you forget things, ignore your mortality. There is a reason alcoholics exist.

I thought it would be the blonde teenage homeless girl in the airport. You can tell that girls does drugs.

> Why the fuck should i care that you bought a new couch

huh, that actually does sound pretty interesting

I like hearing about other people purchasing new stuff. I like listening to prices, how comfortable they are with it, if they have other items of the same brand, customer service, etc.

Today I will remind them

B-but, playing board games like Monopoly and Twister! Also Nintendo Wiiiii

Every single one of them is difficult to find. Even the guy at the airport, the black dude in the van, those chinks in the competition, etc.

Nintendo yakuza hid their bodies well

Just by making this thread, and the other countless ones, you are giving power to Nintendo. They already have an army at their back, and you want to give them MORE attention? YOU ARE A MORON.

no one else is gonna acknowledge this post, but you reduced this user to fucking tears

Risk and Monopoly are fun as fuck at parties

>>Feel a bit better about never having touched anyone romantically
at least now you have a reason why
you repulse everyone

Of course, big daddy is hot. Karen on the other hand has nobody

>crossposting from tumblr
Kill yourself.

>"Why do I have to explain anything? I'm obviously holding my beer. Explain that. Protip, you can't"

>that image

literally in tears

>Fun at parties

I don't think we share the same definition of 'party'

Be nice to Karen

The asian girl was better.
Fuck Karen's autism.