We'll never get HD remakes of the .hack games

>We'll never get HD remakes of the .hack games

Feels bad man.

Also, .hack Thread.

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Is haseo one of the worst designed characters in a jrp?

I fell for that scam years ago. $49.99 for gated content that appeared like you would have freedom. Certain party members NEVER logged in during certain "expansions", I had to use GameShark to create a very unstable party of the characters I wanted.

>We'll never get HD remakes of the .hack games
Well yeah, Cyber Connect 2 went on to become "that developer that can do crazy cutscenes", while being creators of Dot Hack became a thing of the past.

It's also incredibly ironic, maybe tragic even, that Sword Art Online became a huge hit in Japan and overseas for having almost the same concept as Dot Hack, yet many people deem SAO as a masterpiece while saying "what's a Dot Hack?".

Now CC2 is helping out with the Final Fantasy VII Remake, they definitely became a support company, who knows when and if they will make something on their own again.

No way he looks so cool

>CC2 will never make original IPs again.

Everytime I make a thread about .hack it usually dies after 10 posts. Why does nobody, including CC, care about the series anymore? It just dropped off the face of the earth. You'd think with the surge of VR devices, we'd see fucking something

CC2 has definitely earned more money making the Naruto games than they ever did with Dot Hack and Solatorobo; that's probably when they decided that they should make games for other IPs other than their own.

Money speaks louder I guess.

They're also huge narutards so there's that

The first tetralogy was so good, really felt mystical and like there were big secrets to unveil. GU def had better gameplay, but the feel wasn't quite the same. Both are great though, and I hate that CC just fucking abandoned the series.

Because the last game that got localized was in 2007 and the last real .hack material was the movie/fighting game back in 2012.
Add the fact that the multimedia approach and multiple game aspect makes it harder for people to get into the series.
Plus just look at the animes Sign is a slow character focused show, Legend of Twilight is awful, and Roots is very disappointing.

>there will never be a game designed to look and play like an MMO with such accuracy despite it being completely single player
>you will never post on the boards again and see people respond and message you as if they were real people
>there will never be a companion anime airing at the same time on primetime TV that helped make The World feel like a real goddamn place
>instead we get terrible shit like sword art online

life isn't fucking fair

has anybody played the .hack fighting game released for PS3 in japan? graphics looked fucking amazing for their time but I'm curious as to how "good" of a game it actually was outside of being fanservice

>and I hate that CC just fucking abandoned the series.
Bandai abandoned the series, when your boss says shit isn't making a profit, you just low your head and pull the plug.

At any case it isn't like Dot Hack hasn't lived long, really the series had more than 10 games in less than 10 years, anime, manga, light novels, it lived quite well.

>mfw some user was arguing with me trying to tell me SAO existed before .hack

>rewatching sign about 5 months ago
>friend of mine who never saw it comes to my place to hang out
>"o is this that old anime thats like sword art?"

That nigga.

>has anybody played the .hack fighting game released for PS3 in japan? graphics looked fucking amazing for their time but I'm curious as to how "good" of a game it actually was outside of being fanservice
It was literally a bonus for the Movie dude, it was a very barebones game made on repurposed Naruto engine.

It wasn't a bad game, but it's simplicity, limited characters and stages defnitely screamed "it's a DVD bonus guys, don't even think we put a real effort on this".

>furfags will never EVER get another shitty furry game from CC2 that will condemn them to making anime fighters for the rest of their life

Too bad, OP. You will play this half-assed MMORPG/Dating Sim starring an obnoxious Gary Stu and his harem and you will like it.

>many people deem SAO as a masterpiece
Even amongst SAO fags, I fail to believe any of them would consider it a masterpiece

People constantly try to bring up that SOA was being planned out before the first .hack game came out. If that fucking counted then you could just say that Sign and the games were in the planning stages even before that. SOA took heavy inspiration from .hack, it's non refutable

How can anyone think SAO is a masterpiece when half of it is considered garbage by its own fanbase?

The fuck u talkin bout

But I like silent bomber silly. I never even played Tail Conctero/Solorobo/whatever.

Probably Mia/Macha

>HDremaster including all four original games as episodes you can start up at will with or without a save transfer

Yes, I do want this

>games have character customisation
>it's still Kirito
What's the point.

>But I like silent bomber silly.
Man, I sometimes forget CC2 worked on some of my favorite games when I was a kid.

They really became "the developer that makes big budget Naruto games".

>has anybody played the .hack fighting game released for PS3 in japan? graphics looked fucking amazing for their time but I'm curious as to how "good" of a game it actually was outside of being fanservice
I have it. It's surprisingly pretty good. I would say it's better than the Naruto Ninja Storm games despite having a small roster. It had quality over NNS's quantity.

The biggest problem I had with it is that 4/8 characters were Twin Blades and 3 of those were Kite type characters.


Self-inserting yourself into the series which is amusing considering Kirito is already a self-insert character of some of the blandest variety.

>How can anyone think SAO is a masterpiece
The Light Novel was actually used as reference in a Literature course in some backwoods Japanese University.

Is that supposed to sound impressive? Anything that is referred to as "backwoods" can't be held in high regard

There are people who think SAO was written before .hack//SIGN aired so yeah they are crazy.

I hope you mean GU only and not that shit show with Kite.

I still remember people saying that, couldn't find a single source so I figured they were delusional. But they believed it with all their heart.

Well yeah, but the fact remains many people actually consider it good.

Hack is dead. SAO is the new craze. I hate it, you hate it but facts are facts. CC2 tried to keep the IP afloat but a couple horrible decisions after GU made sure to put the final nail in the coffin.


A backwoods university having the LN as a reference makes it a masterpiece? Some Unis in the US put Twilight on their required materials list. That doesn't make it a fucking masterpiece.

All .hack animes were shit tho.
log Horizon did it better.

Matsuyama never shuts the fuck up about .hack
The problem is Namco. Namco is, and always will be, the root of the issue. As they are with all franchises they involve themselves with.

>Kirito has a canon love interest and they both adopted an A.I. kid.
>He can date multiple girls.

Why would they do this?

>log horizon
Why the FUCK are there so many "stuck inside of an MMO" anime?

Hey guys :^)

Name 10.

They wanted to throw a dating sim like thing in.

Is this an SAO thread

Best girl.

Id have to say yes
The only outfit that didnt look retarded was the 2nd one and even then it was it was pretty bad.

That's not Mimiru

Not popular enough

>It wasn't a bad game, but it's simplicity, limited characters and stages defnitely screamed "it's a DVD bonus guys, don't even think we put a real effort on this".

And yet it's better than any of the SAO games.

>Xth Form

Nah, he's good.


>liking mimishit

The fact that there are at least 2 others is 2 too many. It isn't a genre, they're just blantant rip offs

They completely OVERUSED the Kite design in too much of their games and anime.

Last SAO thread got deleted from too much waifu shitposting.

The main thing I loved about Versus was the soundtrack
Tsukasa's track especially, it sounded like an old IMOQ song

It's a cool design though, arguably the series mascot


Not arguing that it's a bad deign. I've loved Kite since Infection, but it just comes across as incredibly lazy.

didn't CC made a interview saying that .Hack isn't dead and they are listening to their fans?

To be fair, Kite is the signature poster boy of the .hack series. So it's no wonder that they reuse his design everywhere.

Was it autism?

That's not Subaru

Nope, just a womanchild.

Greatest lesbian love story ever told.

It was her baby's hyper autism leaking through her womb.

>Final Nail

Nigga, that at least was a complete series. Look at what came after, //Link was the last actual .Hack game they made and it was a Shitty PSP game while //VS was a shitty fighting game with practically no Characters.

to be quite honest, I only played the first 3 games, didn't even play the last one of the original series.

I have no clue about anything related to GU, is it even related to the original series?

Absolutely disgusting.

It's 7 years after //IMOQ and it's pretty damn good.

GU is superior in every way.

Name a bigger bro.
Pro tip:Sora___

Way too young to be a bro of any real kind

really? thats surprising. I liked Kites character, not super confident, kinda timid, was lost and just trying to figure shit out.

Like I said I never played GU but Haseo always looked like a fucking retard edgelord.

>GU but Haseo always looked like a fucking retard edgelord.
He was. That was the point of volume 1. By his job extension of volume 2, he realizes he was being an idiot and calms the hell down.

Is that from a PS2 game? I t actually looks pretty good.


CyberConnect2 had just celebrated their 21st anniversary a few days ago.

>but Haseo always looked like a fucking retard edgelord.
He is and it's awesome.

It's a Sequel Trilogy.

Haseo is the PK sora and got amnesia after the first series and revisits the game. Alot of the story is him hunting down an AI that looks like Kite while helping a Guild made of the other Cursed Wave players.

It's not as great as the orignals but it's still really good.

Because several girls are interested in him and were willing to fight asuna for his affection.
Literally weebshit harem garbage.

No it's from a movie adaption of the GU trilogy condensed heavily with a few new things to make up cramming at least 60 hours of game time into a single movie.

it's a pre-rendered cutscene, i believe


the .hack//sign anime was great. Everything else in the franchise, ESPECIALLY the games, have been nothing but trash.

>that one scene from //sign where a baby grunty is dying
>that look in its eyes as its crying because it knows its about to die
I fucking cried as a teenager when I watched that scene

No, it was rare items.

>staying up late to watch .hack//sign on toonami
>pre internet streaming, if you wanted an episode you could download one on Kazza or some shit IF YOURE LUCKY
>one episode a week
>after like 15 weeks, toonami decides to restart from episode 1
>this happened twice
For what purpose?


It's from .hack//GU Trilogy, a really pretty looking movie based on the GU games. The story's rushed as fuck and there's some dumb shit in it, but the graphics look damn pretty.

These were actually good? Can I emulate them? What can I expect?

>can revisit every server and almost every level from the previous games in Quarantine
>complete OST is playable in Quarantine
>every single main cutscene is viewable in Quarantine
They could've really fit all this shit in one game. At least the gooks got parody mode, people overseas got stiffed even before copies of certain games became hard to find

>tfw you married Alkaid

I tried to stay up for roots, which had the 5:30 AM death slot. I missed half the episodes. Bandai took action when CN did this to Geass but lol who cares about .hack, and this was back when the games were still coming out.

I'd fondle her massive balls.

Fucking creepy stalker.

They even shutdown a android game early because only less than 100 people play it

Hack is dead

And they didn't even fucking finish.

Granted, Roots is shit, but don't do that to people who spent all those weeks.

Good god this guy would give tales MCs a run for their money

Wasn't that game JPN only?