Will this put the 'PSX' meme to rest?

Will this put the 'PSX' meme to rest?

when it was out, I called it playstation, not ps1 or psx
when ps2 came out, i called it ps1

No since Gurth-man only became big in the PS2 era. All the gaming mags in the 90s called the PS1 the PSX

The "PSX" abbreviation was far more of a thing in PAL territories than it was in the US.

It was PSX everywhere in written form.
In spoken language, just about every country had its own nickname or two for the console.


still mad he wouldn't back Gamerhate?

Working title was PSX and people never stopped, it's exactly like pic as though people were to keep calling the Switch the NX

It was always PSX until the PS2 came out, than it was PS1

Hyper was so good up until about 2006-7.


It was "Playstation" and "N-sixty-four" as in "I let my friend borrow my Playstation so he could play Final Fantasy and he let me borrow his N-sixty-four so I could play Zelda"

No one said "P S One" until the PS2 came out.

i want 90's-born numales and underages who haven't even seen a ps1 with their own eyes to stop pretending to be knowledgeable in old video games

This is true in my experience.

you're wrong to run away from reality

nope that's literally how it happened. In text form. When we talked we called it "playstation," people started saying "PS1" after PS2 came out

It was called PSX by pretty much everyone in Europe, or at the very least Germany, Czech, Hungary and Poland

t. Polandball that moved a lot during childhood and lived in all 4

Gee, one person's anecdotal evidence
It's the PSX
art thou irate?

>It's the PSX
Nobody called it that, idiot
It was always called a PlayStation

>silent hill new resident evil killer for psx?

man, that shit was wild when people had no idea what silent hill was gonna be

walking into that game not having any idea it was gonna be that goddamn spooky was hilarious

>trading off playing on couch with bro
>already spooked as fuck
>sirens go off
>night falls


thanks for reiterating what the image said

nobody ever called it psx ever, anywhere
none of my friends, my friends' friends, nobody in school, not once ever
when will this meme end

>one person

Jeff Gerstmann is a walking videogame museum

>I can somehow speak for everyone on earth
fuckin dolt

Everyone called it the PSX until the PS One came out and the original model was no longer in production, but even then if you wanted to differentiate between the two you'd refer to the PSX again.

You got your ass beat in the other thread you little bitch. It's PSX.

everyone in any place that mattered
ie, america

fuck off my website chink/yuropoor/slav/nigger etc

>Silent Hill will be the Resident Evil killer
>Silent Hill spectacularly flames out due to the lack of any quality control (though I maintain the Downpour devs had their heart in the right place)
>Final entry is a bad hack and slash game on a handheld console nobody owned
>Resident Evil shifts from biological horror to full on dead wives and psychic children

Honestly didn't see it playing out this way.

I'm American you silly Hillary masturbator

>m-muh USA
isn't as relevant as you think, will be mostly forgotten in five years, China has finally caught up.

>nobody ever called it psx ever, anywhere
>none of my friends, my friends' friends, nobody in school, not once ever
Are you the Kwisatz Haderach

Stop being retarded on purpose
Literally nobody called it a PSX unless they were autistic

Meanwhile Fatal Frame dragged on for far too long and Forbidden Siren got axed so Toyama could make inFamous with waifushit.

Except there were a ton of magazines and websites that did call it PSX.


If you call it the PSX you litterally have a tumor growing inside of your brain and need to seek medical help asap.
Trust me, I'm a doctor.


So what's with people getting all snarky and hypertensive over the PSX thing? It's well documented that magazines and websites did refer to it as that right through the '90s.

>Except there were a ton of magazines and websites that did call it PSX.
And most people just ignored all that stupid shit, and just called the PlayStation by the name on the box

>No one called it the PS1 until the PS2 came around

But the PS1 is already a thing seperate from the PSX


Literally everyone I knew called it PSX and started calling it PS1 after the PS2 came out.

No it won't fuck off and Please Send Xylophones

Can you post a game article from a first world country?

How come nobody bothered to come inside then?

>and just called the PlayStation by the name on the box
I'm not talking about spoken word, I'm talking in general. "Called" refers to more than just spoken word.

Whatever. Enjoy your autism fest.

That thing didn't come out until after the PS2 did. Holy shit, you people are children. Enjoy your stupid shitposting thread.

>using some gibberish funny talk magazine as an excuse

>It was called PSX by pretty much everyone in Europe, or at the very least Germany, Czech, Hungary and Poland
Can confirm.
Also total PSX domination in Europe. Sega Saturn tanked and N64 was a complete joke.

What fucking language is this?
Do you really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel this hard to find evidence?

Also further confirms that psx is a retarded 3rd worlder meme.

Its people that were either to young to read videogame magazines in the 90s or just nu-gaymers reading shit on wikipedia and being unable to understand that the psx video recorder didnt exist during the days of the PlayStation 1

Stop moving goalposts. It's embarrassing.

Just call it PS1. Saying "PSX" makes you look like you're desperately trying to stand out.

Yes, no one ever wrote PS in any magazine


I never heard any one call is the PSX until I got into PSX emulation.
PS1 is way better but at this point PSX is the abbreviation

Too bad about the Saturn1. It was a great console. The N64one on the other hand was pretty meh one.

AT THE TIME there wasn't other PSes to get it confused with, so it makes sense to just call it the ps1 now but not before

"PSX" was used a lot online as shorthand. The pirate scene used it. Everyone called it "Playstation" in real life.

who says they havent?

he's married now, btw.

Stores were calling it the PSX in the 90s, that's the fucking name

The n e s
The s n e s
The playstion/ later ps1
The n64/ the 64
The wii
The 360
Wii u
The bone/xbone

Jesus christ, thank you Jeff.

Those consoles are called SaturnX1 and N64X1, don't be stupid.


oh look a magazine

who do I believe?

is 'super nintendo' still acceptable?

No, every one called it the Pone, which is short for P(laystation) one. This then developed into the Pon(e)y, which is why today we talk about Sony Ponies.

>that thing didn't come out until the PS2 did

and yet, the PS1 and the PSX are not the same thing. Wow.

You believe what is on the box of the console

the unofficial magazine from 20 years ago, of course!

el pleiteichon on my third world country

Shit, I guess your right. Late twenties, so I was going off of what I call it

It was the shitty American Saturn model which Europe got and not the good Japanese one.
Nobody had any use for that abomination.
PSX had better looks, better controller, more and better games (arcades were never a thing in Europe, so fucking nobody cared for SEGA arcade ports).

jeff gerstmann is one of the oldest and probably the only respectable videogame reviewer/historian. He was fired from Gamespot because he refused to change his 6/10 review of Kane and Lynch.

The "PS One" was clearly meant to be a reference to the "PS1".

Everyone called it the Playstation but the abbreviation was always written PSX. Nobody ever said "pea-ess-ecks" out loud but it was written that way, sort of how nobody said "GameCube Nintendo" out loud but the abbreviation was written GCN.

You also have to include the expo.

Sony hates that people called it PSX since it wasn't their abbreviation.

This thread needs fucking flags on posts, it would solve the entire argument.

In North America it was never referred to as the PSX when you could actually buy it. Since launch it will always the playstation.

So the only people saying it its PSX are either people pretending to be trivia buffs or the same annoying tards we see today that always have to use some obtuse codename or dev name.

So yeah is PSX acceptable name and historically relevant ? Sure but if you use it as the everyday name you are a gaylord of the nth degree,

>Sony develops a console called PlayStation-eXperimental
>BIOS refers to it as PS-X as a result
>Newsprint publications pick up on the PSX moniker because it's the name of an unreleased console that doesn't have an official name yet
>PlayStation gets its official name.
>Despite the Ultra 64 and PS1 getting their own official names, publications continue to refer to the PS1 as the PSX while referring to the N64 as the N64 instead of the U64.

PSX was used by retards and retarded publications, and it's especially wrong to call the PS1 the PSX now because Sony eventually did make an official PSX.

I'm early twenties, the SNES was my first console (handed down). always called it the 'super nintendo'.

>thread about how the ps1 was called in the 90s

Jeff Gerstmann is /our guy/. I hope one day he'll review my game.

>inFamous with waifushit.
what game

It was called the PSX by Sony, developers, marketers, journalists and end users everywhere. It wasn't until around 2007 when numale cucks started pushing the false narrative that no one called it PSX.

All I know is Chad Daddy calls it the PS1.

I never heard anyone call it "Snezz" until I was in my 20s, back in the day everyone I knew either said "Super Nintendo", or pronounced each letter, "Es-En-EE-Es" while the NES was "the Nintendo" and later on "Regular Nintendo" I didn't hear it called "En-EE-Es" until after people started called the SNES the "Es-En-EE-Es"

>It was called PS1 before people knew that there would be another Sony console and befor Sony decided to call the successor Playstation 2

How deluded are you? Do you really think people said PS1 before they knew what the new console would be called? Shaking my head.

Before the release of the PS2, everyone called it the discy woospinner, you revisionist slinkies

I got you


Why would they refer to the PS1 as the PS1 when the PS2 didn't exist yet? How dumb are you?


N64 became the official name once it was released
Playstation "One" didnt exist until there was playstation 2

Also there were official posters that called it the psx very early in his life

>It was called the PSX by Sony
Don't lie. You see the words 'PlayStation' on every console and game. It was just called a 'PlayStation' by most people because that was its official name.

Reviews are dead.
People who claimed to be /our guys/ killed them.
Now Jeff is a shell with no purpose, but argumentative faggots will still push him back and forth like a deflated soccer ball once in a while.

Re-read my post, you retards.

Maybe slow down while you do so in order to not choke on your own drool.

>Sonyggers can't even agree on the names of their consoles

Learn to use words properly, you fucking sperg. And get laid already.

>Learn to use words properly, you fucking sperg.
Learn what context is, retard.

Feel free to submit evidence of anybody abbreviating it as anything but PSX.

Only retards are calling it the PSX.

Anyone that isn't autistic calls it a PlayStation or a PS1.

It was largely called the PSX on the internet.

Those who weren't tech savvy in the 90s or living in poor countries probably never heard this.

never heard someone say "the bone" in my life

wouldn't chad my boy guzma say PS Single?
