Horizon: Zero Dawn

Embargo lifts at midnight. Give me a good idea on what you expect the reviews to be like.

Other urls found in this thread:


normie reddit cucks like you will love it

now go back

obscure review will like it or hate it
big reviews will like it or love it
small criticisms

Reviews will suck its dick but it will be a mediocre forgettable game that was just an excuse to have a big pretty E3 trailer

I expect a metacritic score of somewhere in the 80's, the embargo wouldn't lift so soon if they weren't confident but it's already confirmed to have a lot of flaws so no way it gets a legit 90+.

I barely know a thing about it but from what I have seen it looks horrible

Considering most reviewers are paid Sony fanboys, I expect the reviews to be stellar.
But it looks average at best, runs at 30 fps, exclusively on outdated potato hardware.
I couldn't care less.

7/10 if not paid by sony if they did get paid 8.5-9/10

10/10 goty, sony does it again, buy this game please

7.5/10 from IGN due to the animation being utter shit and lots of performance bugs but 'muh strong narrative' will make up all of its 'shortcomings'.


Metacritic will be 90+

Sup Forums will still hate it regardless

Man I so can't wait for all the great, original "Sup Forums BTFO" threads to come everywhere

>Giving a paid for review anything but a 9+

Don't underestimate them

there hasn't been a single successful western game with a redheaded protagonist.

7.5 is a paid review considering I'm guessing a more realistic score will be between 4.5-5.5 on the scale of 1-10.

If they give this game less than a 9, it's over. The game will be officially, unequivocally shit.

reviewers will love it because it appeals to their own personal political views. they want to be seen as progressive so this game should land in the high 80's maybe even low 90's on metacritic.

It will then be forgotten in a month as if if it never existed at all.

This really. The game is just another western trash cinematic experience, but will constantly score 8s-9s, because of it.

Is this real? This can't be the finished product


Deus Ex.

I've never seen such generic gameplay. It's like they went through a checklist of what's popular and based the gameplay around that.
>female protagonist with a bow as her primary weapon check
>open world check
>tacked on rpg mechanics check
>bamham environmental scanning check
>Far Cry map labeling check
>Skyrim compass check
>crafting check
>Mass Effect dialogue system check
>cinematic story loaded with flow breaking cutscenes and Joss Wheden dialogue check
>post apocalyptic check
>audio logs check

>Give me a good idea on what you expect the reviews to be like.

The game really looks like derivative trash

Same old overused UI with quest tracker and bland open world scenery

The game is literally about how white men destroyed the world and Strong Diverse Women try to fix it so it will get 10/10s with zero mention of how everything about it is garbage.


But dat stellar voice cast tho!


Pretty much this. The game looks mediocre and boring but it has pretty graphics and it is a big budget exclusive with a ton of hype so reviews will be glowing. Everyone will forget it exists in a week or two.

its literally the perfect example of a mediocre open world game. The only thing it does different is the robot dinosaurs.

mfw a review uses the phrase "love letter to" when trying to justify all these forced in mechanics from other games

That's the most biased piece of shit writing I've read today.
SJW with an agenda needs to stay out of vidya.

Easily 90+, this game was made for games journalists.

I'm expecting any flaws to not be brought up. Every review will fawn over Aloy and how diverse the races are.

It's Sony retard, the paid off shills will give them an 8 at worst.

94 meta with Sup Forums dismissing it as SJW reviews.

I can't believe not just this scene, but other ones with just as bad animation made it into the final product. I thought at first this was some sort of aberration till I saw other similar dialogue wheel scenes come out that had equally as shitty animation. Astounding especially considering it's Triple A budgeted title.



Can you stop posting that garbage meme already. Your the main reasoning why hzd threads get deleted.


no he cant if you even say the name of this game anywhere he post that video

Much like your image related, needlessly inflated.

Is this game coming out on PC? Or is it ps4 only, I'm not good with a controller.

Maybe I should just reinstall this diamond in the rough



the game is a 6/10 but because its a playstation exclusive they will give it a 8/10

Garbage game
Garbage meme

I see no problem here

Problem is that's not the only example of shitty as animation in this game's cutscenes.


>he thinks Captain America punches Nazis

i think i need a rundown

why does this person's face look like forsen's

he did you fucking retard

oh no, pls don't, hzd is such a quality product deserving of conversation

$.10 has been deposited into your Paypal account.

>Sup Forums wants every PS4 game to be a flop
>every PS4 game is a huge success
>Sup Forums insists the media is paid or biased with zero proof, yet Sup Forums is obviously bias in this situation but remains oblivious
Honestly can't wait for Switch to be a WiiU 2.0


>>every PS4 game is a huge success

>game is a 6/10

Nah, Last of Us is 6/10. This doesn't have Troy Baker to carry its Joss Whedon dialogue, seems to have even more tacked on RPG elements than LoU had tacked on crafting elements. Worst of all, LoU was a generic zombie story while this has a cool premise that appears to be utterly wasted as a background for bashing muh evil wyatt man.

>games "journalism"
Hi my name is Cucko McGoldstein and I am here to tell you about how Horizon; Zero Dawn is the greatest game of all time. The strong female protagonist is an independent woman named Aloy or something, who keeps me company while my real wife is fucking other men. Did I mention this game has a female protagonist? 9/10 the Skyrim of this generation

>legit reviewers
It's fun, not a game changer but you could certainly do a lot worse. Side quests were pretty trash but the main story was enjoyable and the whole concept of Bionicle dinosaurs was really dope. Overall it's just like anything else Guerrilla has made, worth checking out if you are a fan of the genre and are really interested in the concept but not a must have. 6-7/10


Sonyggers folks, pure delusion

I should have added
>despite numerous scoring well and selling well, Sup Forums will insist all PS4 games are slowly killing sony

>soniggers actually believe this

PS4 is the only current gen console I own. I want good games, not this garbage.

This. If the resounding success of Life of Black Tiger is any indication, H:ZD will follow suit.

>Knack 2

I looking foward to hzd and hope theres a lot more weapons than just bow/arrows and hunting traps. Also i hope theres a sense of chanllenge when fighting against the robotic dinosaurs. The story looks just pretty decent and hope aloy is a decent rememberable protagonist unlike shitty faith from mirrors edge. From what i notice in this thread its either that am surronded by a bunch of nintendo fanboys or that everyone wants to just shitpost just like tortanic, no mans sky and ffxv.

82 metascore, too much Ubisoft, but some reviewers will score highly because womyn power.

Nigga I own a PS4
Yakuza Zero, Gravity Rush 2 are great exclusives

This is just milquetoast garbage. What the fuck is the hype coming from?

>$00.01 has been added to your account

Not sure. High 8s maybe?

The Order seemed custom made for casuals but even "critics" weren't impressed. Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2 got meh scores despite the shameless pandering as well, so it's hard for me say.

That shit is the autoaim of melee combat.
Why can't games just have an counter system and the difference between easy, medium and hard modes be the size of the counter attack window.

Well it's a geuinely good game in every important department, only actually issue is the animation of the dialogue wheels besides that it's phenomenal.
The robot fights are everything I wanted and more.

They also clearly put A LOT of effort and detail into creating this world, the character and world building is well done, it's an interesting setting unlike anything else so I hope it reviews well and gets a sequel, that polishes the great, and fix's the minor issues it does have.

Are sonyfag, xbot, nintendrone and PS3SUX still verboten? Let's find out.

9&8. Maybe a 10.
>what is every game before release
Plus you say it as if those three games didn't end up with two having a poor reception (though one recovers) and the last being mixed views.

At least you can always go back to Knack.

Western gaming are fucked. If it's AAA, it's focus testing that pander to Hollywood watchers. If it's indie, most of it is 2deep4u philosophical walking simulator. There's no reason to subscribe to Western games when Japanese is thriving like this
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
>Dark Souls 3's 3rd DLC
>DMC5/Dragon's Dogma 2
>Gravity Rush 2
Only thing to look out for is the next Slav cult classic. American and West EU are going to drown in the SJW waves soon enough

>This is just milquetoast garbage. What the fuck is the hype coming from?

Sony want a new big franchise they can milk. Search the game title in youtube: results are pages and pages of videos of wall to wall praise, and paid hype disguised as journalism. Sony is going overtime to purchase "hype" and good coverage while deleting anything remotely negative with DMCAs.

The reviews will spend more time talking about how Aloy is a strong independent woman than they will spend talking about actual gameplay. Most reviews will explain the game in such vague terms that you could easily confuse it with Far Cry. Anything about the actual game that is explain in any detail will make it sound like a horrible game, but the reviewers will act like they're positives because they don't actually like games.

>Western gaming are fucked

Top quality shilling, comrade.

Western shit always gets hyped up to hell and back, while japanese stuff usually gets entirely ignored.

You don't get much in the way of weapons from what I have seen. Although I did some sort of spear in the stream yesterday. But mostly you just use the bow.

What was the best western release in the last 12 months?

probably something like this

All western AAA is TPS cover shooter garbage. The worst genre there is.

No Man's Buy

It's fucking bizarre comparing all the shit posting on Sup Forums from people who haven't actually touched the game.

And the high praise from neofags who have been playing it non-stop for days now.

It's hilarious to me, they both can't be right.

resident evil 7

You think I keep track of where they build those things?

>Uninspired combat (half the gameplay)


Grow up mate

This is like those Skyrim posts on Facebook and shit when most of the experience is just the player imagining things and it's actually not coded in the game

open world survival game with a bow and arrow
can't wait

Am not a shill by any means. I just rather not overally nagetive over a game. If I don't like a game then i'll just stop playing it and trade it back in and play something else.

no you need to hate it

>all except one of the positives are on story and graphics
>the one negative is on the actual gameplay

No idea how they pulled that 9.3 out of their ass

>i'll just stop playing it and trade it back in and play something else
>trade it back in
Enjoy getting 1/5th of its actual value in return.


Casuals are easily impressed.