Do you have at least 5 games you want on the Switch?

Do you have at least 5 games you want on the Switch?

>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>MK8 Deluxe

not interested in mario and bomberman looks pretty boring so far, but there's obviously going to be more for me in the future

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>ARMS (probably)
>Puyo Tetris (depends on the price)
>1 2 Switch

woomy looky juicy

Nope. Just four.

2.mario kart

>Zelda and Bomberman for sure.
>Once I beat the original, I'm up for Xenoblade 2.
>Mario Kart sure
>Arms to me is a must
>6th game is obviously Snipperclips, screw your rules.

>saying no to Mario odyssey

what happened to pretty bomber?

puyo-puyo tetris
fast rmx

>doesn't want puyo


>No More Heroes 3
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Fire Emblem Switch
>Mario Kart
>Mario Odyssy
>Breath of the Wild
>Octopath Traveler
>I am Setsuna

Fuck, I thought i would have been struggling to think of 5

>not interested in mario

what the fuck

monster hunter isn't confirmed, so i don't even have one

>buying anything FE related

stop killing smash

I don't see how that's killing smash, so what if they add another Marth clone? They're not stealing anyones spot.


True, but 7 characters is a bit much for one franchise, particularly one with 3 clones.

they should have stopped with roy, and removed marth

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Odyssey

I know it's on PS4 too but

>Dragon Quest XI

Took Alph's spot.

>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey

Maybe USF2 and Arms? Fuck, I'm hoping E3 is good.

i just can't get interested in it until i see a long unbroken bit of gameplay

the sonic '06 trailer intro world put a real bad taste in my mouth

>Splatoon 2
>MK 8 Deluxe
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>I Am Setsuna
>The Binding of Isaac
>Snake Pass
>World of Goo
>Sonic Mania
>Project Sonic 2017

Off the top of my head.

>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
That's it for now, but:
>Inevitable list of 20+ exclusives that I will eventually want.

Also getting:
>Sonic Mania
>Project Sonic 2017
>Snake Pass

This is probably what my first year looks like, at least with the currently announced games.

Right now I only wanna play the new Mario, everything else looks pretty boring to me. Not saying they're bad games, I just dont really want them.

Only 4 so far. Splatoon, Arms, Mario, and the untitled Fire Emblem game. Games like Snipperclips look nice, but I'm fine with not getting them. Still probably getting a Switch though.

>I'm hoping E3 is good
I'd say it has a good chance of being solid. They'll be done (mostly) with Breath of the Wild, and the only games they'll have to elaborate on are Mario Odyssey and FE Warriors.
Plenty of opportunity to announce new games.


only buying early for the chance of hacking early units

forgot SMTV

Mario Odyssey
Mario Kart
Splatoon 2
Octopus Traveler

Still not getting one until it gets a price drop or goes on sale.

Please do not sexualise the hat.

I don't know you, but I already hate you.

I genuinely want all of these

Super Mario Odyssey
Zelda BOTW
Super Bomberman R
Binding of Isaac +
I am Setsuna
Has Been Heroes
Disgaea 5
Splatoon 2
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Sonic Mania
Lego City
Fire Emblem Warriors
Snake Pass
Shovel Knight
Rayman Legends +
Sonic Generations 2
Xenoblade 2
Stardew Valley
Yooka Laylee
that VC game pack with Metal Slug 3
Project Octopath
Taiko Drums
Story of Seasons
Dragonball Xenoverse 2
Syberia 3

Dragon Quests
Lego Worlds
Cave Story
Ultra SF2
Graceful Explosion Machine

I'm getting all of it digital. How shit is my taste?

>Breath of the Wild
>MK8 Deluxe (Never owned the Wii U version)
>Splatoon 2 (Never played the first, but looks fun as hell from what i've seen
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Sonic Mania
>Not confirmed but Pokemon Stars if it comes out for it
Most of the third-party titles like Xenoblade 2 and Steep i'm probably just going to pick up for the PS4, but overall i'm really excited to see what goes on with the switch.

>all digital

anytime i take it to a friends it'll have all those games ready to boot without any cases

easy mk8 and bomberman at all times

That makes sense, but trying to fit all of those games in the Switch's memory will be tough.

Yeah, i'll use a 1tb sd and transfer it all to a 2 tb one later on

>Mario Odyssey
>Hinted at NiGHTS 3 game
>Literally nothing else

No. That's 1 (possibly 2) things I'm forward to for the Switch. I don't feel they are enough to justify $400+

I can't wait for an unreal engine Monster Hunter

>Splatoon 2
>FE 16
This isn't everything, just the top 5. I'm really hoping DQXI is different for Switch than it is for PS4. The 3DS version is different enough that I'll get it regardless, but I don't want to buy it on both PS4 and Switch if it's going to be identical.

>yes to boxing minigame and weebshit
>no to Super Mario Odyssey
Eat my shorts.

The pro controller and online aren't that necessary, especially if you don't want Splatoon or Mario Kart.

>Xenoblade 2
>Splatton 2
>Octopath Traveler
>Mario Odyssey
>Breath of the Wild
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Mario Kart 8
>Disgaea 5
>Fire Emblem

I guess, hopefully we get more weeb games.

Nope, but it's not like this isn't standard now.

Breath of the Wild and Fire Emblem so far, but I don't see that changing. Hell I don't even see five games I want on the WiiU.

FE 16
FE Warriors
Splatoon 2
Snippers Clippers
Xenoblade 2
Bomberman R

my gf wants 1-2-switch

im more than sold

>SMT (if exclusive)
>FE Switch
>FE Warriors
>Xeno 2

Mario Odyssey won me over. I'm beyond glad that Nintendo is finally returning Mario to proper form. Probably GOTY for me if the english version of Persona 5 or Nier somehow end up terrible.

this is a racist picture

Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Fire Emblem Switch

Those are the only ones that I'd strongly consider buying the console for. We haven't even seen any gameplay footage of the last two; so even though they'll probably be good it is far too early to make an accurate judgement on them. Not to mention that the only games that will actually be out this year are the first three (Xenoblade 2 is supposed to be out this year but we all know it's getting delayed).

>Fire Emblem Musou

It seems like some other games are vaguely promised or likely to show up, so I'd also mark down
>Monster Hunter
>No More Heroes

And those fucks better also release Tetris Attack.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
A sequel to an already complete masterpiece which most likely won't compare to the original. The art style is too anime and plain, worse than the dolls in XCX and the blurry faces in the original.

>Splatoon 2
An amazing game and the sequel seems to be adding things that I wanted in the first. Hairstyles and voice chat (please don't be stupid and only allow it through smartphone Nintendo). Definitely getting it.

Looks really unique and could possibly be the next Splatoon. Has an in depth battle system and waggle shit is optional. Whether I like it or not depends on how well the traditional controls are. If they suck then the game sucks. I hate waggle shit.

Don't even know what this is. Looks like another waifu weeb game.

Hell fucking yes. This looks amazing and I'm buying a Switch on the Holidays for it. Here's hoping it lives up to the 64 and Sunshine hype.

>LoZ: Breath of the Wild
Looks absolutely amazing and definitely the route Nintendo should've taken the Zelda series a long time ago. A worthy successor to Zelda1.

>Fire Emblem Warriors/Fire Emblem 2018
I hate repetitive hack and slash games so I think I'll be getting warriors sadly. I look forward to what the 2018 title has for us though. Fire Emblem is the only weeb game I can tolerate.

Probably not. Never played the game and I heard it runs at 30fps. It's not even graphically intensive.

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Never got it on the Wii U, so yeah. I will defitently have it for the Switch. Can't go wrong with Mario Kart.

W-what is going on here?

Splatoon 2
No more heroes 3
Mario odyssey
Mk8 deluxe

Pretty excited for NMH3.

the "weebshit' is this

Xenoblade 2 - Just playing through the first now. It's a good game but like most jrpg it's slow and repetitive. Not interested in a sequel really

Splatoon 2 - If it's not a lazy sequel then sure

ARMS - trash, only hyped for being a nintendo exclusive

Octopath traveller - Gonna obviously get ported

Mario odyssey - looks great

Zelda - Getting it on wiiU

Fire emblem - Warriors games are dogshit

Bomberman - cool, wish it wasn't full priced

Mario Kart deluxe - Already played the shit out of 8, not interested

>hurr im a retard

>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Odessey
>Mario Kart 8
>Hollow Knight
>Binding of Isaac
>Splatoon 2
>Puyo Tetris

Disgaea 5
Maybe BotW
Mario Kart
No More Heroes

I don't own a WiiU or a PS4 so there might be some other ports too. No games on release though, so I can safely wait and see with this one.

>Indie Weebshit


Yeah. I have them all preordered in full.

>Splatoon 2
>Puyo Puyo
>MK8 Deluxe

waiting later for Odyssey and still thinking about Bomberman R. Friend already is getting 1-2 switch.

Puyo is $50.

It's Square Enix

>pre-ordering non special editions of a game

Why? Do you really think you'll have trouble finding any of those at launch?

Yes, actually. Nintendo can't stock shit.

>Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>xenoblade 2
>SMT whatever (5?)
And Isaac again because I would suck cock for a physical copy of that game.

Can't say BOTW because WiiU

MK8 (don't have it on WiiU)
Super Mario Odyssey

It just needs a good E3, a Metroid and a price drop for me.

Oh, then might wait on that one.
Any news on it content-wise?

I'll probably buy Bomberman at launch and play it for half of a week before never touching it again.

I really never got the appeal of classic Bomberman, but feel like I SHOULD like Bomberman.

It's a game that's been out in japan for awhile.

4 modes and a "story mode"; a large roster of characters which change speeds / puzzle mode iirc. 4 player local, not sure about online.

Mario, No More Heroes since I guess it's confirmed, ARMS... And that's it.
Wow, I guess the Switch really is shit.

Zelda, future Tales of, future fire emblem warriors, bomberman, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and probably pokemon depending how they go about it.

Looks pretty cool if you ask me.

Splatoon 2, ARMS, Mario Kart, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2

but 2bh I'll buy it just for Splatoon

Mario Odyssey
Spla2n if the single player is more fleshed out

I've yet to finish any Xeno- or SMT games so I'm holding out for more announcements, though if I make some friends in the chair force the MK8 port or Sm4.5h might be convincing

Is there any reason I shouldn't get BotW for wiiu?

kys neckbeard

I'm only buying a Switch on release for that sweet, sweet day 1 firmware so I'll be ready when the hackers have done their job.

If you have a wii U you can just pirate it, if you're going to buy any version get the portable one

If you're getting a Switch anyways, cartridges are better than discs and it's portable

if you're waiting on the Switch, it's not worth it unless you want more of your games to be for one console

breath of the wild, arms, splatoon 2, super mario odyssey, xenoblade 2, and dragon quest 11 along with heroes

Zelda? I have a WiiU.
Mario is not coming out til the end of this year(if they dont push it back)
the new SF2 is neat...but i would not pay the price they are asking.
besides those games i dont care about switch. maybe they will show off something i care about later but right now 2017 is not the year i get a switch.

I would want Splatoon 2, but there's no way in hell I'm ever paying for online.

I would want BotW, but I already have a WiiU and I'm not buying a switch just for that.

Arms seems like the kind of game I would really enjoy for a few hours and then never touch again.

I'm not really interested in anything else.

All in all the Switch is looking pretty dogshit, and this is from someone that was actually hyped for the WiiU.

Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Breath of the Wild

yes, but just barely

Super Mario Odyssey
Shin Megami Tensei
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Puyo-Puyo Tetris
Sonic Mania
Xenoblade 2
>Call me a nintoddler but that reveal presentation and the demo event I went to got me hyped

>square game where all the resources arent sucked up by the graphics

sounds good to me

so far just BotW and SMO, but I know I'm going to get one eventually for SMO so I might as well try to get it on release day so I can get BotW for it

>the big announcement they're obviously saving for E3

It's $400+ in Australia


good enough for me


Sorry, what was your minimum wage again?

Out of the announced:
>Super Mario Odyssey
>FE Switch
And I'm hoping for MonHun and Pokemon. I'd also love for an Etrian Odyssey game to come out, but Atlus might as well declare it dead already.

why is mario there? at least put princess peach

none of them are puyo

>I have the reading comprehension of a fucking 5th grader

nice job retard

its mario and his bitches

1. Pokemon
2. Mario
4. CoD
5. Weebshit
I just made the perfect console.

Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Bomberman R
Splatoon 2

Want to add more than that though because can't fit Xenoblade 2 among other games.