Chrono cross appreciation thread

Chrono cross appreciation thread

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Better than Trigger.

Why did they never make another one

I would give my left nut to see this game on steam with achievements

because they need to make another chrono trigger first

Great aesthetic. Great music. Decent story. Mind-numbingly slow gameplay that makes me want to shoot myself. Would have been better as an anime.

All it needs is auto-mode from the PSP-onwards era of FF games where it repeats last chosen actions and speeds up battles.

I played it on an emulator and sped through the battles and they still felt like they took too long. The problem is the animations, just like FFIX.

The most nostalgic and beautifully orchestrate of perfection.

FF9 has skip intro animations feature in the PC port in addition to speeding up battles.
Cross could just get the same.

how does squaresoft stil make money why havent they gotten bankruped by now

Japanese phone industry

>Beat Game With No Optional Characters Recruited
>Beat Game With All Characters Recruited
>Obtain Rainbow Gear For All Characters
>Steal From Every Enemy



The soundtrack makes me feel nostalgic.

Even if you were to close all of Squeenix's divisions and businesses and took the money from those businesses away, they'd still stay afloat thanks to pic related, Record Keeper and Brave Exvius alone because mobage is king in terms of profits both in Japan and the west.

I actually like Mobius and think it's the best F2P mobage on the market that's also the most F2P friendly.


they should have went under a LONG time ago. i dont think they care about fans hardly at all

>Clear the monster arena with every monster

That gaem was insanely difficult at times. And don't even get me started on the leveling system.

But I did love the variety of companions. I like that in an RPG/JRPG. I want a vast quantity of companions to choose from.

I know I finished this but I forgot everything. Can't even remember the names or anything. All I can remember is the cutscene.

Fuck 'em.

i miss them
wish they had chrono trigger license

Good shit man

Because Wada was in charge and CTDS, a port of a port of a decade old game, only sold 100,000+ copies in its first week of release, and Wada didn't think that was good enough to warrant investing in a new entry.

>100.000 copies
It sold a million actually, slightly over a million to be precise.
And to Wada that was bad sales.
Seriously fuck that piece of shit I'm glad he's gone from Squeenix.

>It sold a million actually, slightly over a million to be precise.
Source? First I've ever heard of that.
790k in the year it launched in, later it broke 1 mil next year.

Well, I said first week sales. But that's pretty good, you don't usually see games have legs that long.

Don't mind me, just posting best boss theme

It sold 170 in first week if you look at that data. Which is a lot for Japan, especially considering it's a fucking port of a port.

I want a new game, but I don't trust square enix.

"psh, nothin personel, Serge"

I love our random Chrono Cross threads. It's a good thread to be in. Now where's that Harle poster.

Thank you

Maybe my favorite game of all time, I certainly like it more than Trigger myself, though they are quite different so I can't even compare.

The environments, visuals, music, and story are some of my favorite from any video game, and I love the gameplay itself as well. Playing through and choosing which characters you want to go for and which path you want to take is a lot of fun. Getting different endings each time you play is rewarding. It's from maybe the best era of video games and is truly a hidden gem in my opinion. Perfect game.

This is the most bone chilling, epic adventurous JRPG song I've ever heard

Have to post this in EVERY thread. I don't care.

this boss was a tear jerker.. i loved CC

The white element bosses were some of the toughest fights, which makes sense because of fighting them as Lynx.

CC is one of the only games where I find something new every time I play it again. I had no idea the Sphinx boss existed until I played it again for the 8th or 9th time a few years ago.

In 100,000,000 years when some alien explorer/scavenger comes across the bombed out ruins of our long-dead civilization I hope they find a working data file and compatible player so they can appreciate one of the top 10 albums of music ever created by our species.

Only thing I'd say it does better than Trigger for me is the soundtrack. It's powerful shit. The rest was just different in that it was more dire or complicated. Sometimes more isn't better, but I at least appreciate the ambitious artistic vision, connections to CT aside.

I guess that's why I really like Radical Dreamers. Mitsuda did an amazing job cementing the haunting tone and feeling of that game with his work, and even though it's more of a VN, I don't think it would've been as impressive were it more like CT.

>yfw when you finally reach this part

Same for me, I spent 70 hours on that thing, and it's like it never happened.

Because Cross was a steaming pile of shit compared to Trigger, and ruined the Chrono series name.

Which cutscene

>"Dont make me kill you, Miguel."
>"Dont worry, you wont."
*One-shotting Intensifies*

He's the only boss that gave me problems

FFXIV and iirc XI still as well to some degree

Also the 10+ active mobage they have at the moment

XI is making so much money they made plans to do another expansion.

They fixed most of the problems, and surprise surprise, when you fix the shit you broke years ago, people start playing again.

Because of Final Fantasy.

Innate colors in Chrono Cross works both ways right? Red is weak to blue and blue is weak to red? Wouldn't that mean there's no disadvantage in a fight between black and white?

Great Characters, music, atmosphere, but shitty sequel to CT.

no one misses these hackjob fuckers
the only good thing you can say about them is they had good taste in games, which they decided to butcher with their half-assed and generally untested modifications (and that's ignoring the script changes, which range from okay to shit)


Because Cross literally killed the series. IT was shit on at the time it was released and continues to be shit on now because of how garbage it is.

It's better this way. Trigger would just be further ruined by the niggers at square now. Their only good studio is Eidos now. They would have gone under by now if not for the, and publishing other people's work.

The disadvantage is that you take more damage while not having as much HP as the boss does.

How can a game be this godlike? Arni Village hits you so hard like you've lived there your whole life.

Memes aside. What was wrong with the battle system?

Nothing. The problem is in the story and maybe the gameplay outside of battles.

Which emulator should I use? PSx2 or the PSX emulator for Streaming Chrono Cross?

>tfw Mitsuda said this was his closure in the insert to To Far Away Times

I still believe every E3 that Chrono Break is real. I won't give that up.

Why doesn't Square make another limb based 3D fighting game? Or arena fighting game? Or shoot 'em up? Or car RPG? We may never know.

He's super easy when you realize he always uses same skills to counter certain colours.

If you use black against him, he fucks you up.

Chrono Cross is a masterclass*(hipster buzzword of the month) in how a video game franchise/sequel should be approached.
Chrono Trigger was shonen Saturday morning funfest, cross a seinen successor intended for the older and *what should have been* more mature fans of the original game.

Instead you got whiny fanboys who wanted to bitch about it not being CHRONO TRIGGER 2 even though...that's not what it was fucking called and for good reason. Yes, it can be bloated in places and does cut short many interesting plot points - but the game is running on no less than 4x the amount of potential plot points/character interactions at any given moment - and how the development team worked this in was amazing.

I'm somewhat glad as that there has never been a successor to either as the two games are 10/10 to Mr and literally a perfect franchise.

dude let's merge lmao

never wanted to leave that place

The music. It's a blemish on the otherwise perfect soundtrack, and you have to hear it the entire game, every time you fight a random enemy.

Correct but you still dish out less damage and have less HP than a boss so it's not a smart thing to do.

They also dubbed pretty well, but yeah, their localization was all over the place.

>Playstation version of Lunar Perfect Blue
>The mini strategy guide makes Britney Spears references in it

...At least I can say I have it.

In what ways? I'm speaking here as someone who doesn't like CT, but has wonder for a long time of the typical criticism of CC was actually warranted. For instance, the characters in CT were all dull and one note, so having a tons of dull, one note characters instead is no issue to me.

I'm glad for this post, I can't believe people in this thread calling it a garbage game, and with the context it does seem like it just comes from them comparing it to Trigger.

I played Cross first, and then Trigger, and I love both. I agree about it being a perfect franchise

>Square will never put Schala in another game.


>That entire hamfisted "humans are the real assholes" part of the game with the dwarves and fairies.

>You damn humans are ruining the enviroment
>Coming from the dwarf riding a smoke spewing tank while commiting genocide.

>Caring about dubs at all

Back during the Sega CD and Playstation 1 era it was dubs or nothing at all. So hopefully they sounded somewhat good.

I guess that's a fair point. But there were almost no games I played before the PS2 that had any more than a few voiced battle lines.

Greatest game of all fucking time, no other game has moved me in the way this one has. It was the game that opened my eyes to the high level of artistic integrity and value inherent in the greatest RPGs, with some of the most brilliant writing and soundtracks ever committed to a game, and consequently baptized me into RPG fandom. I play them almost exclusively now.

I've literally seen people on this board call the OST mediocre....... how can people have such shit taste?

wew lad
I sure was a blockhead back then
thx for the tip

But that's wrong
You called?


Tada~, I fixed her!



>baby daughter-clone

Delete this.

Shit on by who? It is one of the highest rated PS1 games ever. Pretty sure it sold well too.


Very pleasantly surprised about Mobius. Only started playing the day it released on Steam. It's pretty repetitive but very deep for a phone game and high quality. FFVII event is making me feel like playing VII again and hyped for the remake.

Got like 15 hours in already.

I forgot what a total clusterfuck the second disc was. This game really needed an extended deadline.

I am only helping!

Jester waifu is not for bullying

Oh and fun fact, named my character Serge.


I'm kinda impressed that I finished this game barely knowning english at the time.
I wonder why I enjoyed this game so much, I don't think I ever understood the plot at all.

I definitely got my money's worth when I played it as a kid, while barely following the story. It was harder and longer than CT, but the plot is more convoluted than Xenogears.

Jester waifu is for loving

I think you've come to wrong place.