Why was Mop the last good WoW expansion?

Why was Mop the last good WoW expansion?

It was the expansion that removed talents, so it wasn't.

And yet it was better than Cata and WoD


Try hiding your underage

shut your face

it was clearly an attempt to get the asian market to buy into their game; there was literally nothing western on Pandaria. It was chinese shit up the ass

>didn't play MoP

>every thematic content must be pandering
I hope I never became as jaded and cynical as you.

it had the best raids and the best class design out of every expac.
say what u want about china pandas. game was fun as fuck.

You mean those talents where there's an automatically agreed upon best build for pvp and raiding efficiency?

Yeah those were great

the trees were already fucked in cata for getting too big

Overall MoP had a lot to do to keep you busy, and also had great raids.

WoD had fantastic raids, but jackshit to do otherwise; and Legion has plenty to do, but it has pretty boring raids, on top of most of what you're doing being for an artifact power grind

Stopped playing after WOTLK. Where they really started to mess up.

It used April Fool's Day Pandas and Jack Black's fame, shut the fuck up.


>Wait, you're not min-maxing? Why are you playing WoW?

Because it was the last expansion with well designed classes and a shit ton of content to do that didn't involve grinding the same Mythic dungeon all day

Alright I'm not defending those garbage talent trees here but they did actually reduce their size back to Vanilla levels after WOTLK

MoP was the eternal moment where you slip at the edge of the stairs, right when you think "oh fuck"
WoD was the moment where you fall and roll downstairs, and you slam against the ground
Legion is the moment where your body realizes its not being whacked anymore and starts to send pain from everywhere, but you think "At least I'm not falling anymore, that hurt more than this"
Next expansion will be you limping while trying to not cause any jolt of pain from the affected areas while you pretend to be fine

This is wrong, Cataclysm is the expansion that removed choice from talents by forcing you to put almost all of your points into a single spec before you could put a few in another.

Really, if Cataclysm didn't fuck with the talent system the overhaul wouldn't have been necessary; ZG remake and Vashj'ir are the only things that weren't shit in that expac.

I love pandas, even the males. Idk why, maybe because i like thicc, furry characters that kick the shit out of people

My friend who is hardcore into WoW described MoP as "Everyday I wake up, do my garden, do my daily, then log off"


Mon nègre

WoW was never good, so your statement is mu.

you will, when the world comes crashing down on you and your few outlets of fun are taken over by drooling retards who are okay with dumbing down, simplifying, and "streamlining" every single goddamn thing.

recently resubbed after quitting haldway through panda shit and what do i see?

dungeons that are finished in 5 minutes without any CC, no strats, and no more aggro- the tank holds it forever

build your fucking base mechanics and facebook style timed rewards system where you plug in order resources, wait 4-12 hours and DING heres your reward

and you're okay with this

well im not

I would say that the fall started at the end of the expansion, but the lack of attention started in wotlk and it started to be more noticeable in cata

>Wait, you're not min-maxing? Why are you playing WoW?

It's not even about min maxing. There are heaps of talents you would never use in any given situation because their benefit is completely outweighed by another talent on the line just in terms of pure damage

wotlk was the last expansion where the story made a lick of sense

>lol guys, time shenanigans happened and were now fighting the Orcs from beyond the portal again
>lol guys theres this floating giant sea turtle that no one has ever seen before- not the humans and there fleets, not the nigh eternal/ancient elves/trolls. No one. Go explore the mists of pandaria!
>its the legion!....a-again! only this time they are only invading a small island that no one cares about and is largely inhabited by ghost

How can you say that given "There must always be a Lich King"?

if i want to cast fireblast as a frost mage thats my god damn right. Specialization killed classes more than anything

>hey guys! we took away 2/3rds of your spellbook! isnt that great?

>wrath babies will debate this

BC was the only good expansion, Ulduar was the last good raid.

WotLK introduced too many of the elements that lead to WoWs decline around the ToC/LK patches.

MoP was when they learned good expansions don't make the most money

>the story made a lick of sense

No the story stopped making sense in BC

Ice lance exists. Also Frost Mages have more spells in Legion than ever.

All expansions just made the game worse in their own ways.

Throne of Thunder is my favorite raid

i meant in the sense of using old story elements to construct an expansion

>look! its arthas and his army of undead!

WAS a meaningful part of the warcraft lore

>look! its shattered draenor and Illidan/Kaelthas!

WAS meaningful part of warcraft history


was NEVER a meaningful part of the warcraft lore

BC dailies kinda ruined that expansion for me. I still have nightmares of getting knocked off my grypon by the birds in Skettis

You know the ones

What's wrong with constructing new lore? Why does everything have to only be about Warcraft 1, 2 and 3?

I mean now that we're back on the Orcs and Demons bullshit I'm already sick of it

The story was fucked with Vanilla even more so with TBC

>X: Gain 10% increased damage for 10s every blue moon
>Y: Hitting a target tree times with the same spell increases that spell's efficience by 5% on its next cast (3m cooldown)
>Z:Your next spells gains 8 yards of splash damage for 50% of that spell's damage and applies its same effects, including criticals

I miss having an MMO to play

>GW2's endgame is non-existent, love everything else about it though (aside from Treehearne of course)
>TERA is ded
>Blade & Soul has no endgame, just literal korean grind the likes of which WoW players have no comprehension
>FF14 has a monthly fee

Dailies were pretty bad; I remember thinking how cool it was to have quests to do everyday that gave you gold and a cool mount, until I pondered the inescapable eternity of "EVERY. DAY."

Also TBC was the first expansion where they were actually willing to let Druids do things besides cast innervate on priests

Dailies and welfare epics were definitely a mistake.

I'd rather Blizzard stop making stories jerking off Orcs and the Legion and make something new if they want to keep the damn thing going.

>Halls of Origination still isn't in timewalking

>implying finding out how the titans and old gods tied into the chink shit wasn't interesting

I like how you skipped over Cata.

People like you are reason why two fucking expansions have been centered around killing meanie orcs and drowning in green fire.

There hasn't been a WoW expansion that hasn't dumbed down and casualized the game further. They're all fucking horrible, even Wrath, which was arguably the best.

What the fuck is this?

It'll probably never be. It's way too long. I have painful memories of the trash mobs in there with their long casts never being interrupted and wiping groups.

>literal wrathbabby

TBC improved WoW. You actually had an attempt at having classes with more than one spec.

Deathwing was still mentioned in Warcraft lore moreso than fucking Panda people, so yes, that expansion still has more of a reason to exist rather than fucking furry panda people

>What the fuck is this?

An apt summary of the old talent system, you fucking child.

>furfag pandering kung fu garbage

I quit the day TBC launched. Eat shit.

That wasn't interesting because it was so predictable

Faggot, slit your throat

>he didn't play a certain expansion but feels justified in having an opinion about it
MoP was great, Throne of Thunder was one of the best raids in WoW (heroic)

>TBC improved WoW.
Shitty zones, flying, and welfare bullshit are not improvements

Fuck off you furry degenerate, grow some taste

So thanks for proving my point I guess?

Netherstorm and Terrokar forest were great


never should have existed

>welfare bullshit

BC barely scratched the surface of welfare, in Legion now you can get legendaries like candy.

Warcraft was never subtle

Yup. Wouldve been up there with Ulduar if it were more open ended. Wrathbabbys who quit during Cata missed out on one last glimpse of old WoW in MoP.

Neither was your lust for cartoon pandas


BC started the badge welfare epic system which directly lead into every other degenerate system of welfare gear that the game ended up possessing.

Believe me, I really loved BC, but if I could go back in time and change it during development very little of it would be recognizable to anyone else from this timeline. It did a lot of things right but a lot of things wrong.

Nah that was Wod with Garrisons.

That's what he told me during MoP.

I'm not the one lusting for Orc cock in my ass

>Cata was better than MoP
>Legion is better than MoP
>WoD is better than MoP

This is you right now.

>retcon a bunch of bullshit to get Deathwing to work
>Cata had more of a reason to exist

>quel danas pvp will never return

I dont feel satisfied getting drops anymore because they dont roll the right stats or arent the right ilvl. The rng ontop of rng made the game so unrewarding. Legendarys used to be a reward for cutting edge players before MoP, and now you can do a dungeon or LFR and get lucky and just get one. I got a legendary on the second week of legion, which is absoloutley retarded.

Professions are pointless, Jewelcrafting, enchanting and engineering are 100% fucked, you can actually go an entire patch now without getting a gem slot on your gear because its just another """bonus""" that can appear on an item. Crafting professions are redundant minutes after getting max level, world quests and lfr drop better gear

Wrath wasnt as bad as people made it out to be. The new zones were fun and it had some great raids like Ulduar. The pre-ICC dungeons were also fun on release. Wintergrasp was also a blast. granted the welfare epics were irritating but it was still an enjoyable xpac.

I dont like how an item can be

an item having a million different configuartions is so, so so so so retarded. Item and Item[Heroic] was fine. fucking christ, stop turning this game into diablo

Reminder that Night Elves and Draenei were made for being bred by Orcs

Draenei especially since since it's canonical in their case.


Pandaren are made to be bred by humans

It had troll content.
WoD had no troll content. it was shit.
Legion has no Troll content so far. it is shit.

Trolls are made to be bred by Loa

Undead are made to be bred by me


>Night Elves
But that's wrong user. Nelf women have bigger balls than Orc men.

why aren't there more half-breeds around then

You can't breed a dead person

not with that attitude

Because Jay Wilson showed up after with his posse if tablet controlling shitlords.

The entire Blizzard design team needs a purge.

You can't stop me from trying

>MoP was a great expansion
Lol, no.

I wish you degenerates would go back to VG, seriously what level of mental illness do you have to be to participate in this type of """"discussion""" unironically

this. all of you muhclassicnostalgia fucktards need to go away and play something banal catering to shit tastes like LOTRO.

The new team trying to shoehorn old concepts has done nothing but fuck up WoW. Where they've handled their own, newer concepts very well.

Once they tell the vocal minority to fuck off, there may be an expansion worth investing in again.

Until the greenfire elforc shit stops, they can forget it.

Siege of Orgrimar was "fun"

>fucking bullshit dodging mechanics

hehehe yeah it was fun

Only fun thing about Throne was Durumu.

>TFW want to get back into WoW
>Realize I'll end up playing for an hour or two and then I'll get bored
>My character is so far behind everyone else it would take me weeks to catch up with everyone
>Won't be able to run dungeons/raids because I don't have a 29303902390490 gear level.

Why does Legion have to be such garbage?

Careful, your autism is showing again.

At least diablo had ways to manually reroll parts of a item so you dont feel like being stabbed in the dick when you get a piece that ists perfect except for a shitty X roll, and getting miner rerolling items made it feel like you didnt completely waste your time even if you got nothing useful, as well as noto completely in luck's hands.
Of course you still have to grind fuckloads to craft your perfect item or have your heart skip a beat when you get the perfect piece, but it actually felt useful and not like a waste of time

>it would take me weeks to catch up

you wish. it's a korean grindfest now.

I want to fuck something

Gear level is easy to get the issue is the fucking AP grind and getting a god damn legendary if you want to do more than one specialization/character

Even worse, kind of sad if it takes MONTHS or some shit for me to catch up so I can raid and what not.

I just find every class to be boring, I have multiple level 100's but every time I tried questing with them I got bored, like I can't find a class that's fun to play.

They're just all boring to me, and I hate that.

I used to think this was bad, to grind and take too much time to gear up, but then I realized that if you gear up too fast, there isn't anything else for you to do.

It's like you beat the game and you have to wait for next expansion/update.

tfw no stormdragon husbando

This is entirely correct.

I want them to add in some of the stuff they made for fucking Hearthstone over what's in Legion.

>Perpetual Argent Tournament in Icecrown
>Explorers League and Reliquary shenanigans

The 'What If' team should be on board for WoW, not the card game.