PS4 60 fps

PS4 60 fps
Xbox one 30 fps
PC 0 fps

*PC 120 fps

*PC 120 fps in 3-10 years

But but but the human eye can only see 30 fps

wut gaem

I'm assuming ff15 since the patch notes mention moogles.

The fuck is a Moogle

Why do I have the bad feeling it's furrybait

>A maximum of 60 fps
If it doesn't get to 60 at any point I'll sue

>Maximum of 60fps
Top kek

>Scorpio 120 fps
fixed. not coming to pc because pcniggers will just steal it.


>maximum of 60fps
Read: 30-40fps, may hit 50 if you look at a flat wall

Well, at least the Pro seems to be breaking Japan's insistence of using 30FPS now. So when PS4 games get ported to PC next console generation, we won't have Total Bitchtits scream 30FPS REEEE all the time.


>420 FPS
Phil Spencer gonna bring it to ya.

Then why does PC make more money?

>uncapped framerates
Gross, either hit that 60fps at least 80% of the time or lock it to 30.

>Then why does PC make more money?

*only in free to play games laced with microtransactions
*only if you account subscription fees for MMOs
*only if you account for hardware being sold

Regarding the sales of console AAA titles, consoles DESTROY PC all day, every day.

Man, it must be hard being a delusional sonygger.

Lemme get a source

>*only if *only if *only if


>defending microtransactions

If PC is so profitable, then XV wouldn't have been console only, or have a delayed PC version.

>it's for double dipping!

That doesn't work, at all. GTAV, the biggest game of the biggest franchise, didn't even sell FIVE million on PC, compared to the 12 Mil on PS4 and 20 on PS3.

>it's to make the PC version better!

Even the most mundane of western multiplats are 'better' on PC without being delayed for years.

Square doesn't see PC as viable. Same with Sega, that's why Yakuza Zero and Future Tone will NEVER come to PC. But keep pretending that scraps of shitty western "strategy" games are good.

I'm not defending them, Im was trying to say that you are talking out of your ass.

>maximum of 60fps

Shit, how will PC gaming survive without these fine ps4 shovelware games

>If PC is so profitable, then XV wouldn't have been console only, or have a delayed PC version.
XV was a shit game for a shit system

>That doesn't work, at all. GTAV, the biggest game of the biggest franchise, didn't even sell FIVE million on PC, compared to the 12 Mil on PS4 and 20 on PS3.
>Even the most mundane of western multiplats are 'better' on PC without being delayed for years.
Name 6 games that took more than a year to release on PC.

>Square doesn't see PC as viable
Wasn't it because the guy behind XV didn't have any expierence with PC or something like that?

>Same with Sega
Dead company

>Yakuza Zero and Future Tone will NEVER come to PC
Litterally who

>But keep pretending that scraps of shitty western "strategy" games are good.
Total war and Civ are better than any of the game that you just listed. I don't have to pretend, its a fact.

Just a few months ago, PC'ucks were BEGGING for this game when people teasingly made a false banner advertising it would come to PC. Then the people behind PD came out and BTFO the fuck out of the platform, like they always do.

Not much more but you know they also had it for 2 more years than PC

>Implying those weren't sonyggers falseflagging.

>consolefriends still trying to catchup to 1080p 30fps while I'm at 1440p 144fps

holy fuck it makes a huge difference

It feels more like 45-50 but it's still so much better.

6,600,000 if you can't read also steam spy always show less than the actual count of of the games owned

Amazing how "the most profitable platform" only sold a fraction of the console numbers.

>but two years

It's still just over 6 mil no matter how you slice it. Even if it had a day 1 PC version, it wouldn't sell much better because PC fags have the worst taste in games, not to mention they'd complain their toasters wouldn't run the game.


You're playing at 0p 0fps because you don't have the game kek

Total war is running very nicely on your console I see :^)

>maximum of 60fps
Still trying to play catchup I see. Meanwhile we've been at 200+ fps on PC for the past 5 years.

How did you get FFXV? Is it cracked yet? Link?

>new photo frames

christ are there shareable selfies in this game?

Yeah as good as RDR2 will on your PC lmao

>tfw the only game I pirated and didn't pay for yet is sonic all stars racers

>The awaited "pro patch" is only a fucking uncapped FPS mode so the game is able to use the "lite mode"
>It's not a proper Pro Patch with 60FPS support
Oh my fucking sides square enix

*Youtube 60 FPS stable frame rate because where else would you watch a movie?

RDR2 is pretty much confirmed for pc though

RDR2 will come to PC, keep being delusional consolecuck.

*120 FPS with the latest games.

Youtube plays 120 fps?

**PC 60 fps max with frequent dips and capped 30 fps in cutscenes.

I am not him but dog rockstar Sam deigo hates PC not one of the two red deads are on PC but every GTA is except those 2 side ones and the first two, I am on PC dog but honestly I just doubt it man like seriously come on maybe if we are extremely lucky

Are you 15?

The only game that does that is dragon age shitquiziotn as of late

It's a publisher decision. They can outsource the port to literally anyone.

First two GTA were on the PC. The only ones not on PC are the three mobile ones that suck anyways.

Just like Nioh amirite boys ;^)

Reminder that there are no good PC exclusives.

Keep being delusional, sonycuck.

I can say dog all I want faggot, I'm from OKC I can't help it.


I'm literally saying that you can get more stable FPS from watching youtube than you can playing PS4 you stupid retard.

I really hope you're not shitting on the PSP Stories games.

Then word it better you fucking idiot.

Only 4 of San Diego's games have been on PC while north has basically all of them it's okay I'm sad too F a m
I couldn't remember honestly thanks dog

Oh but I am

They were ass, they played like ass, their controls were ass, their stories were ass, their characters were ass. All was ass.

Rockstar is not going to pass up another nice 300 million dollars. Not including their shitty shark cards. Who knows how much dosh they got from re-release GTA V three fucking times.

If the "where else would you watch a movie?" in spoilers didn't give it away, then you have bigger issues than my wording you fucking idiot.

Nah they just weren't better than the others don't be a fag they also work much better on the PS double

>The fuck is a Moogle
You will immediately cease and not continue to access this site if you are under the age of 18.

You're ass you fucking nigger

LCS maybe, but VCS is GOAT

Well we will see if so I'll buy it, but if not I'll wait till the ps4 is dirt dirt cheap
I fucking hate publisher who don't like PC

What game is this? FFXV? It'll be on PC eventually

I'm sorry but I'm not a god damn kimono wearing, katana wielding, basement dwelling, tendies eating, cultural masochist, NEET weeaboo. I've never nor will ever touch your shit ass game series.

Starcraft, Warcraft, Dota 2, League of legends, Rust, Chivalry:Medieval warfare, Total War series, Age of Empires, Banished, Europa Universalis 4, Undertale, Natural Selection 2, Arma 3, Planet Coaster, Subnautica, Country-Strike is pretty much an exclusive, Cities: Skylines, Civilization 6, and the list goes on and on.

I'm just naming a few games on the top of my head.

You are just embarrasing yourself

What do you have against chicken tenders? Memes aside that shit's tasty with some honey mustard.

Final Fantasy is the Mario of JRPGs. It's as popular and normie as they come. You ain't fooling anyone.

Sup Forums is for Weebs made by the weebs faggot
get out
Funny you have the balls to mention Undertale on Sup Forums I think it's a decent game but I imagine it will be on consoles sooner or later

>Arma 3
>not Squad

Is that update out? I thought it was the 21st


>1440p on a sub 50" display
>implying anything over 90fps matters
Wasting money on specs that can go that far isn't worth it

Come on now

Mobas are extremely fun to play with your friends, and has infinite replayability

>mfw the timed quest
This game is pretty much a single player mmo at this point, that chocomog carnival was so fucking pointless.

Chicken should have bones in it, not be ground up pink paste with breadcrumbs holding it together.

Mario is Japanese, you're not fooling me.

Fuck off it was made by a Something Awful weeb who copied a Jap text board but that doesn't mean that's where the site went. For fucks sake Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and even Sup Forums outnumber Sup Forums these days

Taking a dump is fun with friends too

Already sold my copy.
Will just watch the DLCs on youtube.

>Chicken should have bones in it
Kill yourself now please

It's alot more fun than ARK, which is what you consolecucks seem to play alot.

>deflecting this hard
l m a o

KFC $60
Mcdonalds $30
Garbage Can $0

>Undertale will be on consoles soon

Just as soon as Toby figures out how to actually program.

The human eye can only render 40 frames per second. Anything over that and there is figuratively no point. Why even bother with the Playstation 4 & PC meme.

>Being this delusional

The human eye sees 60 FPS by default.

In that case it doesn't matter because a 30fps game will still look 60fps once it enters my eyeballs.
Pcucks btfo

>Fuck off it was made by a Something Awful weeb who copied a Jap text board but that doesn't mean that's where the site went.
>but that doesn't mean that's where the site went.
>mfw he finds out who owns the site now

Yeah I know a Jap bought it, but under him it's only gone more western.

November 200-6 I believe, or whatever, I don't even know the dates, but, you idiots that bought the Microsoft Xbox, now look at you, look at you. All you ever do is cry about the greatest gaming system ever. The PlayStation 3. Let's do a little comparison of em. The PlayStation 3 is a beautiful machine, a black sleek looking machine. The Xbox 360's a white, dilapidated piece of garbage. Piece of garbage. I mean, you come out with an elite and made it black, copycats, add more hard drive whatever man, whatever the first one was garbage, keeps burning up, came out with an elite and it still burns up and now you all are complaining now face the facts! You Xbox people, you bought the first system haste makes waste knowing damn well a better system was on the horizon and who's paying for it now? Who's paying for it now?! You, that's right, all you Xbox faggots, buying Xbox 3-6-0. These are the type of people who play the PlayStation 3, guys like me, Men like me. Them god damn computer nerds they play that Xbox 360. "Yo, hey, lets go play Halo, We're gonna go play Halo, We're gonna go play Halo, hey uh, chips and dip Friday night Halo party!" Fucking nerds, c'mon man! You're gonna play Halo on a Friday night with chips and dip. Guys like me, we don't play games on a Friday night. We play games in the morning, when we're supposed to be at work. That's what we do, then when night time, we go out, that's what we do. Oh, and the online play, it's funny, I don't have to pay to play my game online, do you people? What is it like $100 a year or something? Poor babies, you bought the wrong system now all you do is complain about the PlayStation 3 when there is nothing to complain about. Bottom line is you got the red ring of death we don't, you guys got Halo we don't want it, We got Resistance 1 and 2 coming out, you don't. Uh, we got Crisis coming out in December, you don't. You know why they don't have Crisis for Xbox?

Oh, yeah, it can't handle it, that's why. PlayStation 3 can. Xbox 360 can't. That's all I need to say, enough said, it's over, let it go. All you nerds getting ready to type a nasty word at me "Fuck Elpresador, Fuck him, Fuck him he's a fucking asshole!" Let it go. It's not gonna make my opinion on that ugly ass big overblown ugliest thing it looks like a damn, uh, like a typewriter. It's not gonna change my opinion on that piece of garbage, and oh, it's so loud too if I had a 360 here running right now you wouldn't be able to hear me. So for all of you nerds that are gonna sit there and type "Man fuck Elpresador, fuck him!" get a life, cause you know what? I don't care. I'm happy, are you? As you reach for your keyboard on your computer, It's quite evident you're not. This is Elpressador, you've been owned, big time

Made by Japanese =/= weeb. You aren't a weeb for driving a Toyota.