ITT: Clones of games that are better than the originals

ITT: Clones of games that are better than the originals.

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>Clones of games that are better than the originals.
>Dante's Inferno

>"Fuck it, just pull some enemies from the other circles and put them into that circle! What? Can't think of a good last few levels? Time Trials! We can't make Satan a good boss, just give him a fuckload of HP, easy!.
>I know we don't have much faith in a sequel but let's put a ending that says they'll be one
>Surely we should release this around the same time as God of War 3!

There will never be a sequel where Dante battles through Paradise.

That Wayne Barlowe art though. That new game Agony seems very Wayne Barlowe inspired also.

The only PS3 game I regret never having played.
It looked awesome at the time, I love the hell theme in games, truly underused theme.

It was good, but not good enough to get on GoW levels of good.

The first like half of the game was really solid, then they started reusing all the enemies and it got less good. Still really liked the artstyle of Dante and the way you could spec for scythe or holy cross. Full holy was the best feeling holy warrior I've ever played.

This game represents why Christianity is unfair: nobody deserves eternal punishment for a limited amount of errors.

Lords of Shadows was a better God of War clone.

I get it was being accurate to the values but some of it was just weird and sad. Like all the babies who died before they were baptized.

i liked this game for sticking with the poem's descriptions of the environments, mostly

greed gets a pass because it'd be hard to make that into a level but everything else was pretty neat

It's too politically incorrect to believe that now, so Vatican dropped limbo.

Spoonfeed me, how should have it looked?

Outside of art style and world design not really.

I thought it was more turning your back toward God and that during your life, you wasted your chance to repent you sins so you end up in hell which is the furthest direction away from paradise.

Great first half, shit second half. It sucks they recycled enemies from different circles.

There won't even be one where he battles through Purgatory.

Reminder that the Divine Comedy is non-canon, in the most literal sense of the word.

The Seven Circles of Hell were never a part of the Bible, and can safely be considered a work of Bible fan fiction.


You saying Satan's mega cock is not canon?

Hell is deliberate rejection of God, not so much the summation of errors, which lead up to and corrupt the soul to the point of making that choice. Individually, each sin is an affront to God's infinite dignity that he is more than willing to forgive if asked and the sinner truly repents.

playing GOW3 this week and the graphics are quite impressive, but really...where was the soundtrack?


It had some cool moments, like taking control of those huge monsters and destroying shit, but other parts were really forgettable.

That's what I always thought. Kind of funny how this is probably the most successful self-insert fanfiction ever.

since Brutus did nothing wrong

>yfw a dante's inferno sequel was planned, to be set in purgatory
>ea cancelled it, probably so visceral could make star wars games and battlefield hardline



but it's true, it does Onimusha better than Onimusha ever did.

The game peaked at Gluttony.

And god damn, between this and Dead Space, Visceral had some damn good designers. Shame EA did to them what they always do to any talented dev teams they sink their hooks into.

>That Wayne Barlowe art though
>tfw when no RTS, hack and slash about demons constantly fighting each other dominance

Dante's Inferno is better than God of War 3 and Ascension, but as good as 1 and 2. The Catholic hell aesthetic beats Greek mythology aesthetic every time though

It's actually Purgatory (Hell for a finite period of time) if you commit a limited amount of errors. Only people who totally reject God and other human beings go to Hell forever.

I met one of the producers of Dante's Inferno.
According to him they had it planned and they were gonna start it but it sold poorly.
he blamed the shitty marketing.
>faux protest at E3
>press kits/review copies were sent out in a crate that was sealed and played music til you broke the bottom out allowing access to the game and other swag.
>they thought it was a good idea to release close to GoW3 due them thinking the fans of GoW will NEED something else to replace it since it was "ending"

>>press kits/review copies were sent out in a crate that was sealed and played music til you broke the bottom out allowing access to the game and other swag.
Haha, holy shit. I remember the PrayStation thing but I never heard of that.

I don't think the gane couldve ever sold enough to recoup the advertising budget on Dante's Inferno whenever I went into a game shop in 2010, all the posters and adverts were for the game