Have you ever fallen in hate with a video game character?

Have you ever fallen in hate with a video game character?

No, but I know for a fact that I hate you.

>always complains about demons

>ditches you in the chaos path while based austro sticks with you like a true bro

>no personalty beyond bitching

But those yoohoos.




I prefer this shrine maiden.

Seija a shit

It takes a lot for me to hate someone. I'm not sure I hate a single person in real life. I'm not sure any video game could inspire that emotion in me.

Yeah, she's the worst.

Shitposting in a shit thread.
left or right?



I hate Seija!

>i swear guys, i'll stop shitposting so we can have good threads again
>less than two days later

Who are you quoting?

I hate her more!

dumb seija poster

I wonder how shit this thread will be in an hour

