What would you do

Playing halo CE on legendary. Truth and Reconciliation.
You cleared the first area and kept all the marines alive. You move into the second area and a elite major armed with a needler jumps out from behind a rock. You don't have a magnum and or a plasma weapon

>be me
>oh fuck.jpg
>PTSD of previous encounters with these fuckers, hear the screams of marines
>marines push up
>elite starts unloading the clip of his needler
>marine filled with needles
>screams "GET IT OFF"
>super combines
>you hear the wahhhhhhh as is blown away
>same thing happens to the rest of the marines
>try to stick him
>it pulls off a amazing spin dodge
>fills me of needles
>I accept death.

I would stop playing the outdated kiddy's first FPS on the worst console ever, and go buy a PS4 along with Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Thinks I'm player on console wants me to downgrade from the master race. Lol no

>worst console ever
I'm pretty sure Halo was never ported to the Phantom

Literally Plasma Pistol
Discharge shields from around the corner to stunlock elites, then immediately switch to PRifle and quickly fire the shots and melee to finish it off.

You can pick off grunts by rapid firing the PPistol and discharge on Jackals

the only time you should have a really hard time is either you run out of ammo or youre in the open room with the dropships or escorting Keyes at the end.

Literally finished replaying this yesterday The Library wasnt as bad as I remembered

WTF? Is this a shill post?

Oh shit, forgot about that thing lol. At least they made money off the keyboard+mouse combos!

Halo 1 and 2 did have some good ass AI though.

Library is easy, just fuckin don't attack the melee guys unless they get in their face. Kiddies failed at it because it has infinite spawns.

Literally said no plasma weapons. :/

Mission is quite easy through on legendary. Its just that elite majors with needlers are hell spawn.

I'm playing through CE right now too, said fuck legendary after the cafeteria on the pillar of autumn. Elites just sit back with pin point accuracy.
Plus your shield takes years to res. I haven't played xbox in a while too so my aim is garbage.

Use the marines as cannon fodder, use a plasma pistol and magnum. Win.

I make a big stinky in my poopoo diaper and throw it at my mom and type XD in IRC chat while everyone else there has no iaea what's going on.

literally playing CE aswell

had to fuck around a bit but its gud now

>tfw dont even have to think about what to do in the game
>even after not playing it for 10 years

I would be confused why I'd be playing such a shit game.


>still multiplayer games going


No please. Not those fuckers. Fucking spec ops grunts with fuel rods. If they aren't blowing you up they are throwing plasma grenades at you.

This, depends heroic and under are comfy legendary gets me thinking hard

They are mostly meh, the hugeass games are fun tho.

fuck you for reminding me about those fuckers


Speak english you fuckin third world shitter

>that one yellow elite fag with the sword

Pick... one up?

>find CD from 2005? with bung of old games
>install it
>use all 0's for CD key
>it still works

I wish 100% of that mission was outside
though being lifted up in the ship was nice

website is still unchanged

Damnit, my logic is flawed

Fucking zealots, quite easy through. Stick them and move away.

>he hasn't already perfected the grenade skip

Yeah this, I remembered that I got a hard copy of the game years ago as a kid. Searched the house for 2 hours until I found it.

>cleared first part with all marines alive
>on legendary
lmao yeah okay, let's just get this right off the bat that this scenario cannot ever happen

I have actually pulled it off, was on PC though so sniping was a lot easier.


if you're stuck there you might as well just give up
>get inside the ship
>suddenly doors open from all sides
>covenant come flooding in spamming grenades
>also there's like 50 gold elites with swords

>Halo CE
>Assault on the Control Room
>spend hours trying to sequence break by hopping off a bridge and clipping against a cliffside to get down to the snowy arena at the bottom
>you can actually pull it off
>but the triggers are fucked, and you can't progress in the level anymore


>sequence breaking

i dont know how i spent so much time fucking around in that game

>getting to the bottom of the shaft in that one level
>getting on top of damnation
>skipping the swamp

Plasma Rifle? I don't see a reason to drop the sniper for that. After an overcharge, you can use grenades, melee, sniper, or even the PP itself to finish it off.

I haven't played the game in ages, though, so I'm not quite sure.

They don't engage unless you cross an invisible border that is their trigger. So you can stay back, snipe everyone, then cross it to trigger their moving in.

>but the triggers are fucked, and you can't progress in the level anymore

But that's wrong

>get checkpoint right as a grenade lands at my feel

The only feasible way is the plasma pistol overcharge followed by sniper rifle shot for all the zealots, and throwing plasma grenades at the doors when you see enemy dots on your HUD.

I'm pretty sure you get to a door that is locked that will not unlock until you've done the level correctly.

It's been about 15 years since I did that sequence break, so forgive me if I'm wrong.

Just go to Haloruns.com and watch the AotCR records.

Grunts are hilarious.

>Keyes level
>just got his implant
>go down the ramp and make a beeline for the door I came in from to leave
>door opens
>big ass platoon of Spec Ops covies waiting right in front of me
>two grunts at the front, in perfect sync, jump out of fear, turn to each other, and throw plasma grenades on each others' heads
>they both run cowardly into the heart of the platoon behind them
>I back up and let the doors slide closed
>massive chain of explosions ensue which fuck up the game's frame rate for a few moments
>open door
>entire platoon is DEAD

Wish I knew how to record my Xbox back when I played CE, I had fucking hundreds of these types of scenarios play out. It's exactly why I replayed CE's campaign like 30 times.

>Playing spv 3 mod on PC
>pillar of autumn
>final area, escape pod is guarded by 4 elite ultras and a zealot
>throw in a gravity grenade and 2 frags.
>breaks the shields of all the elites, kills most of the grunts
>drop 2 of the ultras with my br, the others suppress me
>zealot equips voids tear
>accidentally kills the two ultras with mini black holes
>he rages after having enough of my shit and gets out his energy sword
>Chases me down
>I run from him and go toward the end of the corridor
>one grunt in my way, the zealot goes to swing
>takes the grunt out, it screams
>continue running away
>right on my ass
>find 3 marines
>we all fire on him
>he cuts though the marines 1 by 1
>marine scream.mp3
>he kills me.
That was legit scary

Me in that situation, spec ops grunts tactically enter. Both of them stick me. :(