Shit Game





>Being this obsessed over a game you can't get (because you don't want).

As a PC gamer I pray every day to never fall into such abyss of autism.

>nowhere does it say playstaion exclusive game


Just started

On a scale of 1 - git gud, how bad should I feel that I spend 15 minutes trying to figure out a way to open one of the gates and completely missed the lever outside the clinic?

You're going to have a bad time in both Central Yharnam and the Forbidden forest.

>see friend playing for the first time
>he uses the lever
>doesn't see the ladder and just runs around for a couple of mins

Like said, there are a couple areas in the game that you're going to get lost in. One tip for Forbidden Forest is if you want to just get to the boss, keep moving downhill.

Other than that, these games have quite a bit that can be easily overlooked, so for a guy like you, read the wiki.

What about OTHER game

Farewell shitposter. May you find your worth in the waking world (when you realize you're a pathetic basement dwelling autist who refuses to get a life and masturbates to making these threads)

I missed a couple of lamps and shortcuts on my first playthrough, shit like that happens. Just take the opportunity to look around when you approach new areas an dead ends.

play some real games, you dirty sonyggers

>there are a couple areas in the game that you're going to get lost in
Well, honestly I'd say I have a pretty good sense of direction and can memorize large maps without too much difficulty, but modern gaming has made me have a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to examining the environment. I have mixed feelings about games that require you to do so, because it's hard to know exactly what the game wants you to pay attention to. There's so much non-interactive "window dressing" in games that it's hard to tell what's safe to gloss over and what isn't.

I'm a PC gamer who owns a PS4. I play real games and Bloodborne is a fantastic (albeit heavily flawed) one.

I have a PS4 and I agree, this game is awful. I wish I had a good PC desu

I don't really see how this is a shitty game.

Beautiful art direction, beautiful music, and okay gameplay but good level design.

ITS JUST NOT FUCKING FAIR!!!! My fucking hot roommate came over to MY fucking dorm to play on my PC and play games and she kept asking about Nioh and some dudebro mexican said he had it on his PS4!!! FUCK. She left to go play Nioh with him and the next day I woke up to a facebook post about how she thinks she's a hardcore gamer for beating it with her new BOYFRIEND'S help!!! Why the FUCK do console faggots always win!?!? ITS. JUST. NOT. FAIR!!! I'm in fucking tears. Fuck. I should have accepted the PS4 from my mom this Christmas!

>she kept asking about Nioh

Well. That was a gigantic failure of a post you made, you blew it on the second sentence. Now I'm off to have sex, nerds.

Never before has a game been so overrated. Even Miyazaki is probably sick of it. Fuck you Sup Forums for wasting my money by convincing me to buy it.

>Now I'm off to have sex, nerds
Why lie on Sup Forums
What did you think of it?

shit exclusive is shit, nothing to see here