What's an indie game that is a real EXPERIENCE to play through?

What's an indie game that is a real EXPERIENCE to play through?


the only experience u get from that steaming pile of bad is the experience of passing out from boredom

op didnt specify what kind of experience

Cave story is your best bet.

I'm currently playing through Papers Please. The dark humor is amazing.

Cave Story.

Cave story have feels

OFF is a wild ride.


>mfw my friend struggled to play past day 10
>mfw I beat the game with only 8 mistakes

How hard could it possibly be to take some time to read the fucking rule book and look through to find every possible forged detail

dumb faillen angel poster

Question is, why should I give a fuck?


i bought it and never played past the first 5 minutes because I already got like an hour into the demo and got my fill from it. dunno why i bought it

i tried cave story but i got to that part where you have to bring that dog to the other place and i lost my save and dont feel like going through the game again

Unironically Undertale


Post vigne in her ed outfit

Play Edge of Space to experience suffering and existential despair at spending your money on something that horrifically bad.

Pony Island was pretty good desu senpai


Furi, Transistor, and Bastion.

I mean terraria is alright I guess

Risk of Rain is pretty sick.

Sword and Sorcery, it can be done in less than an hour.

Shelter 1

Mount and Blade ( this counts right?)