Back log thread?

back log thread?

here's mine:
Age of Decadence - Magus Run
Arma 3
Bioshock I
C&C Series
Darkest Dungeon
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Don't Starve
Dragon's Dogma
Dust: Elysian Tale
Endless Legend
Fata Morgana
Fallout Tactics
Faster Than Light
Hatoful Boyfriend
Hyper Light Drifter ####IN PROGRESS
Jagged Alliance 2
Just Cause 2
King's Bounty
The Last Remnant
Legend of Grimrock
Lone Survivor
Mark of the Ninja
Metro and Last Light
Might and Magic Xeen
Might and Magic 6
Overlord series
Rainbow Six Pack
Rogue Legacy ####IN PROGRESS
Shovel Knight Plague of Shadows
Stardew Valley ####IN PROGRESS
Strike Suit Series
Torchlight II
The Void
Valkyria Chronicles

nobody responded to my thread


guess ill fucking just die


Play Transistor, Terraria, Dust, Bioshock, and that's it.

Faster than light has a neat atmosphere so it's worth a quick shot but it's RNG based shit like most other games of its type so weather you win or lose is up to a roll of the dice.

Metro is good but I found a lot of things annoying about it that STALKER didn't suffer from.

Mark of the ninja is ok but I found it lost its charm quickly.

RE revalations
RE outbreak
RE umbrella chronicles

Nobody replied because your picture is clearly bait

I've saged

also fuck playing re on emulators, got half way through re2 and the game won't load a cutscene so I can finish.


I see that and I will NOT hire you.

shit taste

Currently playing Uncharted 3
Dark Souls
Super Metroid
Beyond Good and Evil
Skyward Sword
Twilight Princess

Is gaming a fool's errand? I used to write music but all I do now is play vidya.

Literally top tier each game.

a truly awful tattoo user

I have bought these games but never finished them

Alien: Isolation
Bioshock Infinite
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Mankind Divided
Mad Max
Civ 6
The Talos Principle
XCOM 2 (need to do legend/ironman)
Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void
Witcher 3

I'm not disappointed with the tattoo.

More disappointed in the fact that he chose to get it right fucking next to Mrs.Brisby, a pure figure.

I think I'd rather be covered in skinhead tattoos than get that put on my body. Jesus christ.
Also backlog:
Darkest dungeon
WoW on a private server if a non cucked one is ever available.

The trick is to use an interesting photo, but not more interesting than your topic.
Also, how does this guy go out to the beach?

those games aren't meant to be "finished"

>worthless indieshit
kill yourself

Zaush that is the worst tattoo a cuck like you couldve ever gotten

Talos, Alien, and Bioshock are all ok

system shock or f.e.a.r?

yea bro I'm gonna play them right after I 100% complete Dishonored 2

I have an insanely big list

How do you all sort shit?
I used to sort by genre, then switched to a priority based list (listed generally from most want to play to 'ehh i'll try it')

Recently i've started to shift to platforms to knock out exclusives and move on from said consoles, but that obviously leaves a lot of multiplatform games to sort someway. Guess i should just pick a platform if pc is not one of them.

I would post my list but it's basically my entire steam library. I just keep playing multiplayer games someone please put a fucking bullet in my head

V can only.shitpost
No real discussion.of anything us actually possible here

>having a backlog

I have 92 games in my backlog and I don't have time to post them all here.

>Divinity: Dragon Commander
Fun game for a few playthroughs. The RTS portion is subpar, but you can play the map like R.I.S.K. instead, and the decisions/waifu half are excellent.

What do you want? RPG with lots of reading but barely passable game play (Think Elder Scrolls)? Or good gameplay with fun physics but "spooky" elements and dumb jump scares, not to mention a mind numbing story?


Crypt of Necro Dancer
Red Faction: Armageddon
Costume Quest 1-2
Thief 2
Titan Quest
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Shadowrun games
The Talos Principle

Konung 1-2
Army Men

and of course obvious AAA games released in last 5 years.


that's it

I wish Wan would stop fucking around with NTR and just stick to homo and size difference.


Max Payne 2
Wizardry 6
Transformers: Devastation

There's a lot more games on the major backlog but I try to keep it small, keep myself from getting overwhelmed.

1 Action, 1 Horror, 1 RPG, and one "hyper-action" beat-em-up thang. Currently playing Call of Cthulhu, honestly it's shit.

Im impressed you actually took the time to alphabetize yours

Persona 2: EP
Monster hunter 3u
Shin Megami Games
Dark Souls 3
Radiant Historia
Pandora’s Tower
Final Fantasy 2-3, 7-15
Pokemon Sun
Zelda games
Metroid ZM –Super – Fusion - OG
Kirby games
Deus Ex games
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
System Shock
Dark Messiah
Total Annihilation
Diablo I & II
Age of Mythology
Civilization IV
Bionic commando
The world ends with you
Binary Domain
Max Payne
Shiren the Wanderer
Tactics Ogre
Hitman Games
Sniper Warrior
Castlevania SOTN
Lords of the Fallen
Romancing Saga
Chrono Trigger
Metal Max 2
Metal Max: Returns
Dark Law
Rudra no Hihou
Treasure Hunter G
Uncharted Warriors
Bounty Blade
Soul Nomad
Steambot Chronicles
God hand
The warriors
Phantom Brave
Ape Escape
Ace Combat games
Fayal Frame
Zone of the Enders
Dragon Quest
Prince of Persia
Crimson Tears
Way of the Samurai
Killer 7
Beyond Good and Evil
Odin Sphere
Wonderful 101
Yomawari: Night Alone
Valkyrie Chronicles
arc fantasia
Advanced Wars
One Shot
No more Heroes
Samurai Western
Shadow Tactics

Finish Mass Effect. It starts slow but it builds up speed up until the very end

I just stick them in a big list and pick them at random to prevent it turning into a chore.

finish HLD you mong

You haven't finished Doom or Quake? Those games are like 3 hours long.

>Adam Wan

Post your anime backlog. Now!

I've never been a big shooter fan but everyone raves about them so I decided to put them in and see if it eventually happens. Considering they're so short maybe I'll play'em after I beat FF3

I intend to get around to watching Jojo and Fist of the North Star one of these days because my friend swears by them but other than that I really don't give a shit.

Video Games

If I beat the main campaign I can move on to a different game right ? I don't have to beat it on hard mode get all the achievements and play the expansion campaign ? I mean I will come back for it one day but I wanna play more games :(

Digitigrade clawed feet is the below shit-tier furry artstyle choice, and you immortalized it on yourself.

I can't bring myself to finish Solatorobo[/soiler] the combat is so shit. Otherwise a bunch of old FF games.

Just play the game up to the point you like, who cares about 100% completion unless you love the game? for example I liked Nioh a lot but couldn't stomach trying to get the plat or doing NG+ after beating it in a week, I'll come back to eventually if it gets my interest again. If you "forget" to play it again did you really enjoy it?

Finish LOTGH
Finish other seasons of Aria

No, you have to play the game until you can't unlock anything anymore. And if there's an achievement that you can no longer unlock, then you'll be forever cursed to play that game (and the games that are not on your backlog).

Get the achievements fuckboy.

Unless you don't want to.

STALKER (call of pripyat if you have it)
Half Life

Monster Hunter
Dark Souls 3
Zelda games
Zone of the Enders

you should play shadowrun: dragonfall. The game is about 24 hrs long and has a good pace, has just enough side and main material where you can enjoy it to get immersed in the world without feel like you are being bogged down in an encyclopedia or overly complicated game.

As far as tactical RPGs it is really up there for me.

kill yourself

>and you immortalized it on yourself.
Look at the filename, dipshit.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll keep it in mind when I'm taking a break between FF games

Metro last night
I recently finished deadbolt, was pretty good game
I haven't been able to finish ds3 or XCOM 2 because it's too difficult
What's funny is that XCOM EU and ds2 were pretty good difficulty and I was able to beat em

Yeah, I'll have to wait for hopefully only about half a year to be able to play those.
What about other Return and Hong Kong?

DS3 is good
metro is good but I wasn't that big on it and preferred STALKER

haven't played them. working on my backlog before i buy more games.

Why don't we have a furry board? That seems pretty weird right? We have literally every other board but that one.

>Dirt Showdown
>Princess Remedy
>Else Heart.Break()

Because they're not cancerous enough to warrant a mlp-style containment board and not enough of a demographic t warrant a regular one.

i need to finish reading neuromancer

We do it's called /trash/

Whitcher 3
Metal gear solid
Resident evil remake
Thief gold
System shock 2
Ace Attorney investigations 1 and 2

play remake first than metal gear

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
>Lords of the Fallen
>The Witcher 3
>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>SMT: Nocturne
>Digital Devil Saga
>Digital Devil Saga 2
>Final Fantasy XV
>Fallout 4
>Ace Attorney 6
>Zero Time Dilemma
>Dishonored 2
>Metro 2033
>Metro Last Light
>Anarchy Reigns
>Binary Domain
>Dragon's Dogma
>Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
>Yakuza 4
>Yakuza 5
>Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines

Please help or I'll just end up playing more fucking Rocket League.

Play metro 2033

Persona 3-4 or Metro 2033 would be great choices, also VTMB if you can stand the buggyness

Neverending living flesh

>comic where everyone goes to school half naked and dad gets cucked

is it getting a sequel anytime soon?

Demon's Souls is only like 7 hours long.
VTMB/Dragon's Dogma are really easy, consequence-free games to just pick up and play.
Anarchy Reign's MP is dead and the SP is whatever.

Yakuza is kinda terrible.

Play Wacraft after Starcraft, Starcraft is pretty multiplayer focused and the campaign is weak, Warcraft was still mostly single player, and has a campaign the quality of AoE2, great story telling, characters and gameplay.

>his backlog is under 400 titles

>getting a furry tat too
>getting a CP furry tattoo

That looks like someone traced Adam Wan

No shit fampai