Let's give the Dynasty Warriors games some love! Favourite one?

Let's give the Dynasty Warriors games some love! Favourite one?

Other urls found in this thread:


Dynasty: DW5
Samurai: SWC1

Haven't played a Warriors Orochi, and i want to play Hokuto Musou 1.

reinstalled 8 empires recently, been playing that. favorite is sw2e.

WO4 when?

My first game will always be my favorite, Dynasty Warriors 4!

8XL or SW4-II?

pirate both. 8xl is alright but ambition mode is grindy

Honeslty I like to focus more on one Musou at time, I like grinding my char to the max.
Last time I remember playing 8XL the game was sluggish as hell, and it wasn't my computer being shit (is a toaster, but it can run modern games at good speed)

Warrior orochi 3 is quite literally the best quality in the genre.

i can't think of lazier made or ported games than dw. koei literally doesn't care. shouldn't run like shit though unless the comp is old as hell. i'd still pirate. they don't deserve money. they can't even bother changing on screen keys from keyboard to a controller and use ps3 assets in most cases.


Shu-free is the Wei to be.

I started playing 3 again after not touching these games in nearly twelve years and holy shit for a series that's bashed on for being mindless button mashing it's really kicking my teeth in at times.

Dynasty Warriors 6 was the bee's knees!


The fifth one on PS2's my fav.

Can't help but giggle whenever I hear "CAW-O CAW-O".

Nobody can deny this.

>Xu Chu
>Cao Ren
>Not as good

Dian Wei in 7 was the goddamn best


Hokuto Mosou 1 is a legit good game unlike every DW game.



I've just realized I've only ever played 2.

Am I missing out? I really did enjoy it but I was also a wee kidlette.

You did. 3-5 were improvements, 6 was questionable, 7 got the series back on track and 8 was more or less the same, which is why 9 is shaking things up a little. You also missed Samurai Warriors, the sister series.

>Favourite one?

Dynasty Warriors - 4
Samurai Warriors - Haven't played
Spinoffs - Tie between FOTNS Ken's Rage 1 and One Piece Pirate Warriors 3.


try sw2e, its like dw5e but more refined. its the best empires games on ps2.


Here is all 5 in one image, if you want.

It really isn't though. It's a very bland bear em up that people give a free pass solely because there are hardly any Fist of the Northstar games that aren't complete dogshit.

>Hating on Zhong Hui
Him and Deng Ai were more interesting than the Sima kids.

Warriors Orochi 2 has a special place in my heart. I enjoyed 3 but I felt like I had finished with it super quickly. Himiko was the shit in WO2, I never did unlock Orochi X. Only so much you can grind Wu-4
DW 4 or 8 would my favourite main line one.

DW8 or DW7Empires, I dunno.

Probably pic related.
I'm more into the fast-paced Warriors games. Any others besides HW?

I thought 6 was supposed to be bad?

Samurai Warriors 4-II is pretty fast paced to me.

To everyone else, it is. I still enjoyed what it brought. I didn't really care what it dropped. I'm a super glass half-full kind of guy.

Nothing has come close to DW5: Xtreme Legends for me, i really hope with all my heart they make a more fleshed out Destiny mode in the next game.