You see him playing legos and he is building a lego castle and he has his teddy bear as a king of the lego castle

>you see him playing legos and he is building a lego castle and he has his teddy bear as a king of the lego castle
>he sees you and beckons you to come over and play

What would you do?

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Where did this meme come from?


Praise the sun!!

Some emotes of him fucking around with his flail and hitting himself or just dragging it in the dirt like a retard.

Some of his emotes make him seem a tad autistic.
Specifically the ones where he trails the flail around like he's walking a dog as he stares at it.

He's a good boy that just wants a friend to play with thats all

He's just slow minded and innocent

Emotes have the Conquorer with the mentality of Lenny, hurting himself with his flail, playing jumprope with it and trailing it into the dirt. Genuine autistic manchild.

Is this guy legit autistic?

Humor the guy and help build his castle.

It's a pet puppy

How did he get chosen to join the order of knight? Conqueror on top of that. Does Lawbringer bully him?

Lawbringer probably joins in the autistic games.

Canonically Conquerors are criminals and convicts impressed into service with the Knights

It's meant to portray an accurate representation of the average Knight player

>t. online certified blackbelt in ninjutsu and 4 time bypass recipient


When will a drawfag make a cute and innocent portrayal of the conqueror?

>ITT: butthurt assassin trannies who got conquered