Go to replay an old favorite

>Go to replay an old favorite
>It aged like milk
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Pic DEFINITELY related.

Games Ive already played never age like milk to me since I already know what to expect and know how to play them.

And yet you fuckers still call for more iframes and dodging with virtually no stamina cost.

dude what

Sorry, I misread you, I thought you were criticizing the games because you know what to expect when you play them.

All good

Dark Souls hasn't aged that poorly in my experience. Replayed it less than 6 months ago.

Don't have many old favorites. I always played games, but never realized I loved games until I played Dark Souls. I guess Fallout 2 would be a good example though. Tried replaying it last year and I couldn't bring myself to do it. It has just aged so fucking poorly.

>Dark Souls
Kneck yourself. Please

>Aged like milk
Nigga, I played that shit a month ago in my first playthrough and it was great.

>Aged poorly
This phrase doesn't mean anything o don't think. OP is a frothing at the most faggot, and just ignore him, but the game hasn't really changed, you have. It's probably the 90s references that annoy you right?

All the garbage """comedy""" doesn't help. The biggest issue was how clunky it was. Compared to CRPGs today it's almost unplayable.

I played fallout 1 a few months back and it was pretty fun

How is it clunky? How are crpgs today any different?

I feel the same OP. I recently made a new character in DaS1 because I usually do a playthrough once in a while. Yet after having played DaS3 with its better graphics, 60fps, and better mechanics, It's hard to go back. Shit even Bloodborne with it's locked 30fps and occasional dips to 15 is better looking and more fluid than DaS1.

I mean I know if I play long enough I'll get used to it but man is it jarring.

6 years is a long time.

>Go to replay an old favorite
>It aged pretty well
Pic related. Warmed up a bit and suddenly it was feeling good to be back in Dark Souls.

Not that long. Come back in four years.

Can I just change the game to one that's 10 years old? Pick your poison man. What came out in 2007 that you love? I bet it feels like yesterday, because time has been frozen since then.

not him, but inventory management for one

I don't know, warhawk. That's probably a bad example, wasn't that good but still enjoyed it
I was thinking the same thing but it's always been a minor annoyance for me.

If you're a child. 6 years is nothing anymore

That's not a good thing. It should be long.

>tfw you're pretty sure Dark Souls ruined your life

Any of the halo games, even the newer ones.


>become immortal
>time no longer means anything to you
>watch everything and everyone around you die
>play Dark Souls after centuries
>farming for the Balder side sword is still taking forever

>Battlefield 3 was 12 years ago

>tfw the last two years flew by as if they were months

You just HAD to remind me. I'm fucking coming on 26 and I still sometimes (accidentally) tell people I'm 23 or something when they ask.

Replaying it now and it doesnt feel all that bad.
All thats really noticeable compared to dsII and bloodborne is how slow running is, even at ninja roll weight.

Yeah I just finished my first playthrough a couple months ago myself and it is now one of my GOAT games. OP is a faggot.

my main complaint is the combat but thats just after playing DS3 and BB.

>still actually tons of fun to play