What's a game that lets me beat all the odds?

What's a game that lets me beat all the odds?

Remember, mods will delete threads if you report them.

fuck drumpf and fuck white people




Your online autism test?

accept defeat with grace


Except in the federal court.

By saying that, you're reaffirming yourself as a bigoted, hateful white male. #fuckwhitepeople

Supreme court will not only allow the ban, but allow the future ban of all Muslim/muslim countries, like sweden and germany.

enjoy pence


What games allow me to rig an election?
What games allow me to fake a terrorist attack on Sweden?

>tfw the bad guys won


>obama did the same thing trump did
>but they'll reject trump for reasons
hillary simulator

What games allow me to be a wife's son?

Remember to report these threads


Probably the same game that lets you lie, constantly, consistently, while dodging questions from actual journalists because you're a coward and fear the truth


He never talked about a terrorist attack, he was mentioning a pedo ring burst

>actual journalists

that court gets overturned 80% of the time lol

What are some games where you can be a Russian puppet?


8 more glorious years. I can taste the salt already. :)

What games allow you to be stupid enough to fall for blatant globalist propaganda?


I had my doubts about dis nigga but he putin in da work.


As long as people are upset that's all that matters.

hello my fellow redditor

>only 8 years
We Empire now, niggers.

What's even better, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, the God Emperor can achieve immortality and rule in prosperous perpetuity.

>thinking he could defeat Finland alone
>thinking it wouldn't be a stalemate until he died
Stop being scared of fairy tales, europoor.

he'll get impeached you'll see

>actual journalists

I like how you said actual there like there's some sort of comparison point, but you're the only who brought up journalists. It's like you have to pre-emptively defend them because you know they're phonies

Rogue Legacy

Any half decent game is you fighting against the odds. There is no point playing Victoria II with the British unless its multiplayer.

aaww trump looks so cute in that comic

When will cucks admit they lost and support their own fucking president? Because he is whether you like or not.

Neo-Marxists and stupid cat-ladies aren't people.

I enjoy him ruining video games with his tariffs.

He has only passed one piece of legislation and still is actually still reaping the success of obama. Once that is over and the bubble pops. We will see. ALSO VIDEOGAMES.

Who here is still #withher? Drumpf is so bigoted and hateful that its hard to remember people who were so progressive.

I thought it was a sonygger wojack for a moment.


There are more important things than your children's toys. Like the restoration of the glory of the West.

You can only boast about elections for so long
Eventually you'll have to do shit

they may as well be the same looking at neogaf

>tfw finally platinumed the game and beating the remix bosses

The 15 lives limit trophy wasn't even the hard part for me either. Fuck that game man, never again.

Yeah, take that bigoted white people


Dark Souls, it's piss easy and only losers on Sup Forums disagree

>expecting people to not shitpost on Sup Forums - Shitposting

What games allow me to constantly post on the wrong board because I lack the appropriate brain cells to tell the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

what's a game that helps me submit a plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days? Please help. Already late. Bad people are VERY happy! Sad.

Mmm, liberal tears. They're so delicious. :)

8 years, btw. ;)

Oh fuck that shit, I want to play video games.

Sup Forums runs this site, cuck. We just allow you to post video related things here.

You go, my black soul-sista! YASS QUEEN SLAY!! #blacklivesmatter #fuckwhitepeople #withher

What happens after 8 years?

Got banned for off topic last week because the op image was a tweaked Trump tweet complaining about SFV doing nothing for its anniversary. Discussion was happening in that thread. You are the worst kind of faggot.

I can't wait for him to fuck over my ability to enjoy video games by fucking over my waves and the price of vidya.

You'll be boasting about liberal tears for the whole 4 years?

Trump encompasses every aspect of the world. So he's allowed on every board.


Shitposting is fine when it's self-contained

This is cancer leaking from the most cancerous board on Sup Forums

> people still haven't accepted our president for the next 8 years
sad! i bet you all think bernie can still win.

There won't be an "after". Trump will continue to rule for 1000 years.

Dark Souls with the Calamity Ring

It honestly invigorates me to know that your life is actually terrible and mine isn't.

Incest Simulator 2017

lol you're worse than weebs

Yep. The bad guys won.

It's scary top think how many gross people browse Sup Forums! Alt-left ftw!!! #progressiveandproud

How can we criticise that which is perfection? How can you?

>dat one guy that cant shutup after he done ONE impossible achievement

We have an election that illegal immigrants can't vote in.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I think Gary Johnson can win, and he won't screw over video games.

Fuck off and lurk moar newfag

that's implying they'll still be allowed in the country.

>35'000 likes

I know people have been saying 'sekrit club' here since the dawn of time but Jesus fuck every time I see normies engaging with this site it makes me want to vomit.


I almost feel sorry for you. Your queen lost, and the Democrats are in shambles. You have nothing to look forward to these next 8 years, but then I remember that you brought this upon yourselves. :)

What would be an alt-left be like?

Trump will be in power for 8 years. Deal with it, you salty liberal C.UCKS!

> perfection


He is going to hike up the prices of video games.


it's more the angry people in mediocre jobs. I did exactly as you said and I didn't get my 50k a year starting. Its mostly that and people in the rust belt that have hope in a new york conman is going to bring back their unskilled labor jobs back.

I dunno, OP.
Is there a game that lets me shitpost outside the containment board Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is full of normalfaggots and redditors who like le epic meme frog

It's the modern day Sup Forums only much fucking worse

Good. I don't want poor people playing the same games as me.

Holy fuck this board has probably the highest concentration of libcucks. Why is that?
