I hate these fuckers

I hate these fuckers

I hate you fuckers

Rom is still worse.

Not Bed of Fucking Chaos bad but yaknow.

why? I just fought them for the first time and although I almost died once because I under-estimated the snake arm guy's range I managed to play keep away and keep using my Hunter's axe L2 attack.

These guys are chumps compared to the Yahar'gul Chapel gank squad.


L2? what?

When you're using the hunter's axe in its tricked form. If you hit L2 on the controller it does an extended range 2h swing. Gives it damned near the range of a polearm or spear with its broad swing.

How come the bosses everyone had trouble with are easy for me to go through? The only time I struggled was with Ludwig but other than that, I was able to kill off most of them in one try.

Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Yahar'gul during the blood moon tonight.

Parry the dude who keeps swinging like a mad man


This guy made me rage more than the amygadala boss In the defiled chalice, and it took me forever to beat amygadala

>How do you like your camera angle?

Did anyone else get stuck on blood starved beast as a newbie?

Me, but he's trivial on the second playthrough. Really shows how much you've learned.
If you beat Defiled Amygdalla, you can beat this guy.

y tho. cursed amygdala was the worst experience I've had with any boss. everything that came after took to more than 2 tries, although I cheesed the fuck out of abhorrent with poison because I wasn't about to kill him legit a second time.

I did because I kept selling all my antidotes. There were like no enemies leading up to that boss that actually poisoned me. Had to go and farm souls and hope some antidotes dropped.

I also made the mistake of summoning that NPC guy who died half way through the fight so I had to fight the boss with added difficulty.

Seriously why are the NPC fight's so ungodly fucking hard in BB? I adore this game and can play it over and over again, but the NPC fights are outright bullshit and probably one of the few aspects of that game I'd say is objectively terrible.

Crow of Cainhurst is and always will be the champ.

>one shot O&S back in the day
>flamefucker ez
>beat fume ez
>nameless king 2 shot

but i still think this fucking SHITHEAD is the hardest. this fucker took me 30+ tries, i beat orphan easily, maria on my first try, but this fucker right here man

>That fucking hunter NPC with the rifle spear and blunderbuss
>Dodge, shoot, stab, repeat. Never actually get close enough

and also
>That fucking hunter NPC with the stake driver

I know that you can just cheap shot him by spamming a firearm until he falls off the roof but holy shit. Is bloodborne PvP that hectic?

>wildly swipe at him
>all hits miss because of his fucked hitbox and attacks

Probably because i was already pissed off for taking so long to beat amygadala, i also cheesed the abhorrent beast too lol.

>Take cover behind a pillar and proceed to hit and run

Woah so hard

no mention of the hunter with the repeating pistol?

weapons that have a 2 handed mode have an L2 heavy attack instead of a parry.

Not at all, at least in my experience. I used to run around the Nightmare Frontier for PvP purposes, and none of the fights I got in were that fucking bad. The NPC's are just damage sponges that have unlimited ammo and it's awful. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking when they implemented that shit.

This and Abhorrent Beast pissed me off tons.

Paarl gave me a lot of trouble too. I could never get down the timing for dodging his attacks.

Shaman's Bone Blade :)

>this art
Maria was an adult when she joined Gerhman.

Either I haven't fought said hunter yet, or I didn't have a problem with them. The repeater pistol isn't that big deal to me. I think it's just because of the bullshit with how the rifle spear AND the blunderbuss both have spread. It's impossible to not at least be clipped (thus interrupting you). Rifle spear guy isn't deadly, just FUCKING ANNOYING.

Stake driver guy is just a bitch because of the close confines of the roof and he refuses to follow you down the ladder to more open ground.

>Try to hang back and watch Paarl to learn his moveset.
>Promptly eat shit.
>Say "fuck it" and just blindly rush down his ass.
>Spends most of the time trying to get away from me in vain instead of actually attacking.

All the NPC Hunters have capped stats, don't they?

The Bloody Crow? Hardest enemy besides Ludwig imo

This guy?

He's supposed to be the gateway test into PvP.

Because in PvP everyone has blink and infinite repeating pistol shots.

Still the best, 2015

>fucks this guy, he ain't shit
>uhhhhh he's just standing there, maybe ill hit him first
cue visceral attack sound

dat nigga
dem blades of mercy after tho

Try and whittle them all down at once.

It's better to have them all at low health so you can finish them off at the same time. Unless you're shit and in that case you need to git gud.

I found it way easier to just target one at a time. When 2 are down, the last one like starts slamming the ground and summoning snakes but that just makes him an easier target because his summon has like a 2 second wind up. I get an easy 3 hits in then roll around unlocked while his snakes miss.

yeah I feel that way when I see people complain about Rom. I almost one shot him, but got greedy and swarmed by all the little spiders on his third phase. Killed him on my second try by being patient and killing all the little spiders first on each phase.

The two bosses that give me the most trouble are ebrietas and logarius. Haven't played the dlc yet.

Just beat this fucker on my BL4 run after something like 7 hours of learning his moveset.

Finished the fight with no blood vials remaining.

Fuck that phase 2 instant parasite attack.

is logarious that hard? havent fought that dude yet

He's one of the few bosses I summoned help for first time around. I soloed him in NG+ though to make up for it.

What just kite the two melees then kill fireball guy

Got them 4th try

those don't go on sale until after rom is killed though, right?

You're level 80 though

That was the great thing about BB's AI for beast bosses. If you were aggressive, they were wary and would attack less. But if you were too defensive, they'd walk all over you.

huh? I was level 51 when I fought them.

Yeah he's ok on the first phase, but then he goes a bit bonkers on phase 2 and it's hard to tell when he can be parried. like sometimes you can parry him, and sometimes he's immune to it. also, he has this lame as attack that summons a bunch of swords and you have to un target him and hit his sword or it'll keep shooting shit at you, kind of annoying. just an overall unfun battle.

No Only two of them do the one in byrgenwerth and Crowsteel

If you visceral him during his charge up to phase two he will be vulnerable to parries otherwise he is immune in phase 2

>don't lock on
>focus on his legs
>use fire paper

If you know how to parry he is EZPZ just get in a backstab while he is charging up to phase two or he will be immune to stagger. Only problem I've had with him was when his sword bugged out and fell through the floor so I couldn't kill it

how the fuck do you one shot O&S its literally two bosses

One shot in DS lingo means first try

Not immune. The bullets arc away because of his aura or some shit.

I didn't know about canceling the charge-up with a visceral, but I figured out that the bullets can't arc away if you're close enough when you shoot.

If you interrupt him during charge up he doesn't have his aura


Right, but I didn't know that when I first fought him. I worked around it by having my face up in his crotch when I tried shooting him for a visceral. Too close for the bullets to arc away.

>Love snow levels
>Love castle levels
>Reach Cainhurst
>Just waste two days getting summoned in there constantly.

Literally the ONLY boss in the whole fucking series I've beat on my first try.

>could never beat these guys solo
>but beat ebrietas and Logarius solo

Killing Eileen when you first meet her is less trouble than killing the Crow of Cainhurst.

>get summoned there
>host banishes me at the boss fight

I beat them on my first try, maybe you're just not good enough broski

>dying on Phalanx and Witch of Hemwick

One of the easiest bosses of the game, the fuck are you on about?

thank you for the polite reply

Y-you too

It happens user.
Sometimes there are bosses that make you go full retard.
I kept losing to the ayy lmao boss in Old Hunters and Ancient Dragon in DS2.

>Beastcutter with 3 top tier blunt gems
>steamroll everything
>end boss fights before the guy who summoned me can even get a combo off


Not him, but I kept getting stunlocked by the witches.

Ah, those too. Although I fucked up witches because paralysis caught me off guard and there were sickle guys nearby.

Rom was the only boss I looked up. Not cuz I thought he'd be tough but cuz I fuckin hate spiders.

I also looked up the spider room in nightmare, to see if there was any way to just avoid them. Probably the most horrifying experience of my gaming life.


wtf is that? is that a dlc area?

Chalice dungeon.

chalices were a mistake

Nothing but trash.

Guess I'm never doing a chalice dungeon then

I know what you mean, walking into that first room in the nightmare to see a dangling giant spider made me shiver.

One of the few times in a souls game where I just ran past, didn't look back, just kept running.

>lower loran chalice
>swimming in blood echoes
>stop in what I think is a safe area to get some lunch
>hear two bell maidens in the distance but don't think about it
>get back and go into the next room
>mfw I get swarmed by thirty fucking spiders
>mfw the lever was in that room

Is online still active? Kinda wanna do another playthrough after playing Nioh

>ran past

don't they follow you and then fuck you up from behind as you fight the hunter?

Just keep on running

They really were.

I've been playing and have met with a few people but it usually takes some time for people to show up.

got ps+ a few weeks ago, so I'm new to online mode
was helping out a friend of mine with OP's pic, when someone invaded us at the forbidden woods lantern and baited me into that trap at the rocks
man, I love this game, put hundreds of hours into it and still get easily tricked like this

Ancient Dragon is the only boss of the whole series that I was never able to beat. Ever

So do the events of the Hunters Nightmare and Nightmare of Mensis even really occur? What part of Bloodborne is OBJECTIVELY real past the intro?
What the FUCK is night of the hunt? Is it an actual literal night in Yarnham, or is it just a fucked up dream imposed on hunters by Kos or some say Kosm

He's so easy though. Stack as much fire defense as possible, two hand a great shield with good fire res, and off hand a catalyst/crossbow. Takes a little while but you are in no danger at all ever. Nothing stopping you from respeccing for the fight and then respeccing back to whatever you were afterwards.

Everything's real, the dreams/nightmares are just pocket dimensions.

So I haven't gotten old hunters yet. I only have one save file, on my first new game plus, ng+ bosses are surprisingly a lot tougher than what I was expecting. How do you think I would fair against ng+ old hunters boss on my first go of the DLC? Should I just start a new character and fight TOH bosses on the regular game difficulty?

aced them on my first try, they were so fucking easy

most of the bosses in the game were so easy to beat once i became more than proficient in the hunter's axe spin attack with high strength. seriously, no enemy or boss could touch me once i started my plan of spin to win. mergo's milksack, gherman the first cunter, moon dipshit, i fucking ended them easily

So if you accept Gehrmans offer at the end, and you just wake up with the sun rising, is that also real? If so, why would that not be the best ending?