What exactly is their endgame?
Also, Elder Scrolls thread
What exactly is their endgame?
to continue the cycle
Ranging from bringing back their golden age where they were the dominate race in Tamriel to wiping off the existence of Mankind so that they get regain their perceived godhood.
Suffering to all mankind!
to enslave all other races
Destroying the universe in the most literal sense
they simply want what's best for all other races
the thalmor are the heroes tamriel doesn't deserve
To Dwemer themselves and everyone else out of existence because they can.
Destroy reality so that they can become god again
Since reality is all just a dream of said god it means they are actually right to destroy reality
Why doesn't the Empire just genocide all Altmer.
They may as well get the Argonians and Orcs while they're at it.
Destroying all of the pillars that hold up reality so that they can go back to being the immortal beings they think they'll turn into afterwards.
Unironically destroy the world
argonians dindu nuffin wrong dey was good boys
the elves used to be spirits before there was a mortal world, with the creation of the mortal world they were bound to mortal forms
the thalmor believe that if they completely unravel the mortal world in its entirety they will go back to being powerful immortal spirits (but all humans and non-elves will die and it'll suck for everyone except them)
of course, there's no real evidence of this so it's just as likely to end the universe and kill everyone.
the talos worship thing is part of this plan, he's a mortal god that helds solidify the mortal plane, with no talos worship he'll weaken until he no longer exists making their job easier
Because Pelinal isn't around anymore to set things right
Wasn't there a mod that added him and all he did was scream angrily at everything?
He also kills Elves while screaming angrily.
Hoping the empire can uncuck themselves.
Argonians and orcs are actually useful to the empire though
I thought they wanted to go back to Aetherius which is still part of the dream, right? It's such a pain to learn any of this shit since the wiki just plays dumb if you search for common lore concepts on there. I suppose it's because half of it isn't even really canon.
>It's such a pain to learn any of this shit since
TES is one of those series with complex lore that has damn near nothing to do with the actual game, that's why it's hard to learn about this stuff.
To settle for mediocrity and still sell billions of copies.
Witcher 3 is better.
This is now a Morrowind thread, N'wahs
[Spoiler]BY AZURA, BY AZURA, BY AZURA[Spoiler]
shit I fucked up
Why are elves such fucking cunts?
Their true endgame is to undo the creation of Nirn so they will become aedric spirits again.
I don't think this is that much of a bad thing for the Men as they will probably be forced to be part of the process as they are Ehlnofey too.
Talos as a god is a huge reaffirmation of Nirn so he is an obstacle to that end.
Would honestly be a better deal for everyone involved except for an offshot of Dunmers and the Argonians/Hists.
Crashing this reality with no survivors
I want there to be a crazy Elder Scrolls game where an antagonist literally has the power of the ingame Console
"Hmmm are you hungry? Have something to eat"
>he begins chanting
"tilda player dot additem 7 zero zero one A F G four three ENTER"
>out of thin air seven watermelons appear
"That isn't even scratching the surface of my powers.."
Yeah. The games excluding Morrowind and the expansions are just your average fantasy RPG, while the lore's a clusterfuck made from every mythologies ever conceived
Vivec can do that. He just programmed our reality for us to think hes just another game's npc
Can someone redpill me on each race?
I know a bit about Mer because of these threads but not enough of others.
Well Mens are Elhnofeys too so I don't even think this is possible for the Thalmor to not include them
Everyone sucks in their unique ways.
Be careful, Argonians could fucking take on rest of the Empire
Nirn was made from a fragment of several god-planets and both Men and Mer are the descendants of the Elnhofeys, one of the aedric alien races from these worlds.
Those who wandered outside the fragment of their world on Nirn became the Men while those remaining on it became the Mer.
Khajits and Orcs are actually Mer.
The Argonians were created as warriors and messengers by the only other known alien species : The Hists. (Also to slowly collect their souls after death so they will reach the Amaranth by breaking themselves in extremely fragments and fall beyond the fabric of reality but they need a lot of energy to do it)
The Red Guards are Men but are from an another timeline. (The kalpas eaten by Alduin, not the greater cycles with Padomay and then Lorkhan and Nirn)
Most Dwemers thought they would become a God with the Numidium but actually Lord Kagrenac had an understanding of the Amaranth and the Numidium was supposed to absorb all their souls and then break them in very small fragments so they would reach it.
But the second phase of the Numidium was supposed to be activated by the last Dwemer who was chosen because he is an idiot savant.
But he was contamined by the Pest and completly forgot about it.
Vivec was the only other dude to have an understanding of the Amaranth and got the CHIM after the end of the Dwemer-Dunmer conflict.
He failed to reach the Amaranth but he engineered the Dunmers so they would eventually integrate the concept of Amaranth as their ultimate cultural archetype in the deepest layer of their cultute and way of life.
The Thalmor wants to undo Nirn so they will become Elhnofeys in the Aetherium again.
>Think they're perfect. Perform eugenics, and kill babies that don't meet standards. Have been doing this for thousands of years.
>Tree hugging hippies. Cannibals. Start shapeshifting wildly when they get pissed off, turning into constantly shifting monsters
>Worship Daedra, and hardship makes them stronger.
>Elves that worship a god who was eaten and shit out. Kill their predecessors. Chieftains breed all the bitches.
>Like Bosmer, but instead of their god settling them into an elvish form, Azura bound them to the moons and turned them into cats. Spend all day high, and believe they can see all of existence while high. They're right. Hedonists.
>Tree lizards turned into lizard people by sentient trees, whom they take care of.
>NOTRomans. Descended from Nords, but are actually civilized.
>Nordic slave and Elvish rape babies. Country is actually many small kingdoms vying for power, constantly stabbing each other in the dick.
>Humans from another Kalpa, their God taught them how to make it into this Kalpa. Can manifest swords out of their own souls, and split atoms with them, blowing up continents. Vivec CHIMed that power away after getting BTFO out by it, though.
Talking about Argonians, why the fuck do they have tits?
The lore reason is bullshit invented by Todd.
They be lizards, but they be lizard PEOPLE, and people have tits, no matter what kind of people they be.
where else are you going to suckle sweet lizard milk, dumbass?
See pic related and
What's the reason?
>implying vivec didn't walk the giant brother flesh mounds from which a top both were volcanoes that spewed the knowledge of man, but vivec knew this was false and that flat land is always better for plowing, the ending of the words is lizard tits or something
Argonian tits are eggs sacks.
Hist sap sacks
the Hist demands it
Let me summarize the best TES character
Pelinal Whitestrake
>he was always screaming while in battle
>would constantly shout the name Reman Cyrodill, a man who didn't even exist yet
>captured a slave boy and made him a knight, when the elves killed his slaveboy whom he loved he started ripping elves in half with his bare hands
>he had a hand of light and a chest of machinery powered by a red diamond
>he was also shezzarine
>his name is an elven word for "Star-Made Knight"
He was a gay time travelling alien terminator robot who had the soul of a dead god and only lived to scream and commit elf genocide
>captured a slave boy and made him a knight, when the elves killed his slaveboy whom he loved he started ripping elves in half with his bare hands
Didn't he also rampage all the way to where the arrow that shot the boy was made? Also, didn't the are from where he started to where he ended vanish from maps
Yeah. He completely wiped countries from history because they killed his piece of twink ass
What a romantic.
I know Pelinal was gay, but I always thought of his relationship to the slave as fatherly.
Cuckbride confirmed that Pelinal was gay for the slave when he still worked for bethesda
Michael Kirkbride
The crazy crackhead who wrote lore for TES until after Morrowind. He was the lead designer for Morrowind even. Healso wrote a bunch of shit for knights of the nine and still writes in game books for TES games. He got fired because he was a dickass who hated everything that wasn't drugs or something he could do drugs off of. He also has this comic thing online called C0DA which is a bunch of bullshit TES lore that can't really be considered canon but people do consider it canon anyways
Wow that actually sounds interesting for a game's lore, I should really read in game books instead of treating it as a sandbox etc
There's some really cool shit like
>Talos is an oversoul of 3 people, 1 of which is confirmed shezzarine, the other 2 may or may not be shezzarine
>Vivec ripped of Molag Bal's penis, combined it with his own, and named it muatra, meaning milk drinker. He uses it as a spear and killed his own demon children with it
>Imperials have spacestations called battlespires, use moths as spaceships, and have moon colonies
>khajiit once got so high that they climbed on top of eachother to the moons and now they have moon colonies
>talos fucked a hill to rewrite cyrodill's history and recreate it as lush farmland instead of it being jungle
>which is a bunch of bullshit TES lore that can't really be considered canon but people do consider it canon anyways
Which always bugs me because the work itself was meant to show that not everything needs to be canon.
No hill fucking was Reman.
Also the Spaceship thing isn't in a Flying spaceship upwards more like open a portal to the either which just so happens to also be in the direction known as up.
Everything Kirkbride wrote was certainly a lot more fucking interesting than what Beth came up with. I mean I LIKE what they came up with in regards to TES but he's on another level.
Drugs create the best stories.
I killed them all in my every Skyrim playthrough
Generations of thalmor eugenics made them the very image of auriel himself, lesser races are too weak to become gods.
Didn't know about it.
>Vivec ripped of Molag Bal's penis, combined it with his own, and named it muatra, meaning milk drinker. He uses it as a spear and killed his own demon children with it
WHAT THE FUCK, where you got that info?
This is why I fucking love the Elder Scrolls series, Bethdesa almost tries their damned hardest to make the universe seem as dull as possible, but with the right mods, lightly roleplaying, living your own life, and just plain hanging out in this universe is comfy and fun as fuck, weather it's Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind these games are very salvageable, I just hope VI is too.
Vivec's sermons. Vivec later used Muatra to throatfuck Azura so hard, she couldn't physically speak for a few hundred years.
>all fanwork of the elder scrolls is about "LE ARROW KNEE" "FLOATING MAMMOTHS" "HAHA DUMB COMPANIONS"
>there will never be a piece of fanwork that pokes fun at the ridiculous but interesting religions, politics, and cultures of tamriel and it's people
It's such bullshit, there's so much potential to flesh out this world through animations/fan films/literature in unique and funny ways but this horrid fanbase just can't get enough of the melon glitches or how lydia blocks doorways sometimes.
wow that's pretty epic if i do say so myself
holy shit that sounds awesome.
>>he had a hand of light and a chest of machinery powered by a red diamond
so... he was a cyborg?
They're assholes. Luckily, they're stupid assholes.
They're either massive elitist cunts or worthless sissys that can't even survive a gust of wind why can't we get some different elves for once why not Jew elves or something
How do I make vanilla Oblivion enjoyable? I've heard there some bad shit with the leveling and scaling.
You forgot how the main God himself was worried enough about his mental health to constantly watch him, and that Pelinal would respond by stopping and staring directly into the spot the God's view was being cast from and just shouted at it. Also, the Gods decided to abandon the world forever after his rampage after the slave died and just barely changed their minds and stayed.
Don't forget possibly being from the future.
mod it until it crashes then re-install from scratch and repeat until it stops crashing.
or if you're not a mod person then just use power gaming exploits like beating the game at level 2 by never sleeping or by making all your major skills things you don't actually use and abuse spellmaking + alchemy
Don't waste your time with Oblivion. Blandest fucking game in the entire franchise.
Anyone playing ESO?
>Questing feels meh
>PVP looks like dogshit
>Painted gear
I want to like it.....
Don't forget the cat burglars
Post some rad Kirkbride art
Here is Yokuda getting sword-nukes
So from what I can tell, this is like an avatar or reincarnation of a god, right? What makes Shezzarine unique? Are the player characters Shezzarine? That'd be a neat in-game explanation for their influence and potential.
that filename
*nuked, my bad
Yep, they're basically avatars or Lorkhan, the "main" God who created Tamriel.
I know it's a meme buzzword around here but it's also the best place to get some stuff from MK
Is it possible that Lorkhan or the Shezzarine are the avatar of the actual Godhead in his own dream? I guess from it's perspective it would be like brief moments of lucidity in a fever dream.
I mean I dont want to be "that guy"
But just change the filename.. you know how these kids are around here
The Godhead starting to lucid dream sounds fucking terrifying. I can't fathom the conscious thoughts of something that dreams a world like Nirn, in all its detailed glory.
So what exactly are the Hist? I know they're sentient trees, but they're not ehlnofey so where do they come from?
Alien tree hiveminds
Nobody knows. They're multiple kalpas old and a failed Amaranth.
memes aside, are there any decent youtube channels or podcasts dedicated to discussing TES lore?
Only one, but it's for the top percentile. Look up memospore channel. Everything else is Skyrim player pandering trash and wrong.
Nobody knows.
Maybe they're fucking Daedric trees.
Maybe they're weird Aedra.
One thing i know is that they turned Argonians into some scary motherfuckers.