Dare I say is he /ourguy/?
Dare I say is he /ourguy/?
Other urls found in this thread:
In the since that he's only knowledgeable about video games and probably has never read a book
Is he married?
>Siege & For Honor
Definitely our guy
Good guy, but this thread is about to become pure shit in ten minutes or less.
He plays a frightening amount of Ubisoft games.
He's gone down in quality recently and puts out fewer reviews. Also this
No. He didn't express positive opinions towards Trump and Brexit, which retroactively discredits anything he's ever said.
He's at his best when he's cautiously optimistic, he tends to go full retard when he's super stoked or cynical about something.
My boy Joe Anderson is /ourguy/
Nihilist Redditor that loves the opportunity to tip his fedora
He mentioned todd posting in his most recent video so he probably browses here too.
Makes hour + reviews
he is clearly a ubisoft montreal shill and he tries to sound like mgs3 snake
He even put "Bloodborne PC release: NEVER EVER" in one of his video
>two games in two years
Definitely not /ourguy/ then
List of /ourguys/, feel free to add:
James Rolfe
>Still talks about "Clinton was robbed"
Oh yes, 100%. Pretentious and obnoxious, talks about things he doesn't understand. He is just like Sup Forums.
Irate Gamer
well she did win the popular vote
not even remotely, but i am glad he shilled siege so hard. i finally picked it up because of him and really like it. a lot of his videos are fucking boring though, like i don't know how anybody made it through that oculus trial video, it's way too dense.
i'll still watch his stuff, but he'll always be just a mid-tier vidya youtuber, nowhere near joseph anderson, matthewmatosis, running shine, and based mechagamezilla
>being over the age of 18
>thinking your vote has ever actually mattered
He's not perfect by any means but I really enjoy his content.
this /ourguy/ meme is kind of retarded because it not only assumes that everyone on Sup Forums or even the majority hold the same opinions on games or even has the same perspective with relation to how we experience and enjoy the medium, but it also assumes that to BE /ourguy/ is to match this false consensus 100%. This is of course, impossible.
Now the reasons I like his content is because he always generally takes the time to explain sufficiently WHY he feels a certain way about a game, as opposed to just saying that he feels that way and using that as praise or criticism. Occasionally I think he has a tendency to miss the point (such as when he criticized Owlboy HEAVILY on the idea that "it didn't do anything new" when that wasn't the point of the game at all) and his extreme love for dense and mechanically complex games sometimes seems at odds with his defense in the past of shallow, mechanically braindead walking sims.
minor gripes though, with the exception of a few videos his content is my favorite video game related content online.
Mechagamezilla is in a tier all his own. Nothing else comes close.
is matthewmatosis' content being anything other than the poorly edited autistic ramblings of a fetal alcohol syndrome afflicted potato ape some kind of meme?
I've never been so bored by the pointless repetition of the same shallow points over and over than I have been watching his videos.
no he is not shit
>(such as when he criticized Owlboy HEAVILY on the idea that "it didn't do anything new" when that wasn't the point of the game at all)
The point of it was to be a bad game?
>watch dogs 1
>watch dogs 2
>far cry 4
>for honor
>the crew
>valiant hearts
>ac unity
that's a lot of ubi for a small channel
Everyone in Highschool called me Kovu because apperantly I looked like and sounded like a lion.
But Mechagamezilla hates Sup Forums. Not /ourguy/.
He is also a little over dramatic.
his recent stuff is shit, but his early vids (like portal 2, catherine, etc) are really good
No, he's gay as hell and it is illegal for gays to marry.
Why didn't they call you Simba then? Were you an outcast too?
What the hell was he ranting about?
Are you black?
he's not american so i'm 100% ok ignoring his political views since they aren't relevant to me
Drumpf will genocide us all, bla bla
Didn't he shit on all of those games apart from Siege?
I had black big bushy black hair and green eyes.
They were theater people in a magnet school so they were kinda divulged in obscure tastes.
He liked For Honor a lot and Watch Dogs 2 a bit.
So you were black.
No. My father was cuban and my mother is Italian American.
The internet has really warped alot of peoples view on what reality is. I really hope for the day for twitter to declare bankruptcy to come sooner.
Already unsub.
>Irate Gamer
no he's a ghost hunter now
>shitting on valiant hearts
il cut u
He has two degrees in journalism.
And is putting them to use by making Youtube videos?
So no actual practical knowledge?
I thought he was doing Minecraft puppet videos now?
not the same user but you guys seem to be trying to complain instead of having actual criticisms.
>he hasn't read a book
>actually he has an education
>and he's wasting it on vidya unlike me? HA!
whats with you guys anyway?
One drop, buddy. You black.
I've been found out.
I keep forgetting to put /ourguy/ in my filter. Thanks, OP.
It's kind of sad how he's better at journalistic looks at video game topics than every actual video game journalist working for a video game news site.
he's even done reviews on books for his channel
matthewmatosis copycat
/ourguy/ meme is silly since whenever you say it some dude's going to come in telling you how much of a faggot he is.
That being said, George did nothing wrong, and makes fairly good quality content for the most part.
>unironically likes Gone Home
>Shits on Donald Trump
>Thinks Witcher 3 has great combat
Please don't do this.
>has opinions that differ from mine
>gives reasons for believing things
I fucking hate this
Well your dad's either black or Spanish genetically, and italians are only honorary whites as long as their clothes are on. One thing for sure is you have brown nipples and no matter how light you are, you're definitely not white.
>I differ from a lot of his opinions
>somehow he's still /myguy/
So he's not /myguy/ then you fucking retard
>>unironically likes Gone Home
Why's is such a meme to hate this game? I though it was a cool, short, atmospheric experience.
>it's a meme to hate a literal non game
Ross Scott
>lives with a hot gf
>Loves retro games
>Eats nothing but beans in a can
>Has early 2000's internet street cred with Freeman's Mind
>and he when he has a software problem he just sees it as an excuse to upgrade his rig with more ssd's to fix it like we would.
Joe uploads more than 2 videos a year
I forget what video but he opened it mad as fuck that Trump and Brexit happened, really didn't expect that from him.
it was a yearly retrospective, what did you expect
Politics have nothing to do with videogames. Twitter is a good trashbin for snarky political opinions.
and the 2015 video starts with 40 seconds of him setting up a chair. people only care that things are "irrelevant" when they get personally triggered by them
There is a reason why people think of "the uncle who talks about politics" as a negative stereotype. I don't come to Sup Forums to hear peoples unsolicited political opinion and neither do I in any videogame related videos. Go to a rally if you want to be part of a political circlejerk.