Stop breaking seals

Stop breaking seals

Why are there so many best girls among Overlords?

Your guess is as good as mine.

>Laharl (Girl)

I want them all to collectively step on me.

When you fuck up your summoning ritual to summon Lord Zenon but then realize your fuck up was not fucking up your summoning ritual to summon Lord Zenon

I see,

To be honest, it turns me on whenever someone tries to perv on Laharl (girl) and she just gets freaked the fuck out. Also, everything she says is strangely erotic.

>Have her lift something
>Complains about her balance in a sexy-sounding voice


It didn't occur to me until I started the second playthrough and rewatched the opening cutscene of them summoning Zenon.

NIS, you fucking bastards.

Reminder that Taro and Hanako have shortened lifespans because their mom used some of it to summon Rozalin.

Did Adell and Rozalin fuck yet?

Not yet.

Didnt they end up being demen anyway? what's a hundred years less to a deman? they can probably extend it with some bullshit or come back as pringuins and have another go.

No. They're too pure. Most Overlords are pure.

Demons don't have extended lifespans by default. That's a trait that you receive by living in a Netherworld. Adell and Rozalin are both only sixteen and look it because Veldime was never a proper Netherworld. Meanwhile, Laharl's mom lived for several hundred years with Krichevskoy.


Man she's so hot like that

>greatest summoner in the land attempts to summon Overlord Zenon for you to fight
>Summons blonde QT3.14 demon
>You team up to beat fake Zenon
>She becomes your girlfriend/fiance(?), oh yeah, she is actually Overlord Zenon
Thanks mom! You're the best

>That's a trait that you receive by living in a Netherworld.

It's not like there's much on the way of stopping them from going to the netherworld, i remember in the good end Hanako follows Etna back into the netherworld, or a netherworld

Good times.

Will Laharl grow up to be like her?

>Playing Disgaea PC
>Get Kurtis
>He's level 50
>Everyone else in my group is level 70 or higher

I don't even care anymore.


Laharl breaking the seal and getting his shit kicked in was great. Pretty much the best example of "Now you fucked up" in vidya

I remember some folks on Gamefaqs throwing a bitchfit about it though, even though Zenon is the most broken thing ever. How Laharl "wouldn't lose to a girl."

The sexual frustration she must experience with Adell must've turned her into a turbo bitch by now, if she doesnt relieve it with Taro on the side.

I'm sure she finds..other way of reliving herself yes.

You can level him past that with like one visit to Jotunheim.

Nah, that takes an annoyingly long time too. Plus I'd have to take someone who can actually lift shit up along with him.

I don't know man I mean what the fuck is Zenon, even? So destructive and dangerous you can't even classify her/him/it as a fucking DEMON anymore, but something... beyond description You really wanna risk getting THAT pregnant?

Oh please. She's still below Baal and Zetta. Valvoga is likely above her too.

>beyond description You really wanna risk getting THAT pregnant?

I managed to beat that in my first try, i'm pretty sure if it gives me shit a little domestic violence will solve the problem.


This user - this guy GETS IT!


666% pure evil

Why most generics were so boring and uninspired?

That's the main character, though.

>You really wanna risk getting THAT pregnant?

Is this one of those rhetorical questions?

Reminder that the canon ending of Soul Nomad is some poor schmuck in the future unsealing the sword with Revya and Danette's souls in it.

>Not wanting to impregnate that

That doesn't sound too bad. Who doesn't want to be around a dumb, lovable cow and a girl that loves to have fun?


Do you have more?

Reminder that Flonne is probably gonna be the next Seraph.

...That Love Maniac is gonna become the leader of all Angels.

Demon-angel orgy soon, fellow netherworlders.

where can i find this?

i cant figure out who the artist is

What about us humans?

It's a phone card.

Choose ten.

thats pretty cool

you know the artist though? doesnt really look like toi8's artstyle

Last Disgaea I played was 4. How good are the newest ones?

It's like having "Good Angel, Evil Angel" on your shoulders except the Good Angel is a literal retarded cow and the Evil Angel is so goddamn evil even Lucifer would be like "Nah homie you don't gotta go that far."

How do you do, fellow demons?

Sounds like fun to me.

I like how everyone knew all along, but just let him be.

>Laharl (Girl), Etna, Flonne, Rozalin, Raspberyl, Stella, Desco, Usalia, Prier, Marona, Pleinair

D5 on sale when?

Never. Not when the Switch version's coming out.

What's the point of spoilers even when you spoil the thing right in the next sentence